{% set rfcid = “RFC-0084” %} {% include “docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md” %}

{{ rfc.name }} - {{ rfc.title }}


The ZX_INFO_TASK_RUNTIME topic provides a way to retrieve the total amount of time a task has spent running on a CPU or queued to run. In order to diagnose scheduling bottlenecks, we propose adding additional fine-grained runtime information, specifically the amount of time spent waiting for a page fault and the amount of time spent waiting on a kernel mutex.


Real-time tasks have deadlines. Sometimes, deadlines are missed because tasks spend an unexpectedly long time blocked in the kernel. To debug these cases, it is helpful to understand why the task was blocked. For example, if a task has a 10ms deadline, but spends 11ms waiting on a page fault, we can conclude that the deadline was missed because the page fault was too slow.

Concretely, we want to improve diagnostics produced by media subsystems such as audio_core. In audio_core, each mixer task must complete within 10ms. If a task takes longer than 10ms, the user will hear glitchy audio. Recently, we have seen missed deadlines due to slow page faults (where audio_core executable pages needed to be paged back in) and contention on the kernel's heap mutex. These problems cannot be diagnosed by snapshots -- instead we must record a trace, which is a tedious process that is sometimes hampered by difficulty of reproducing the problem locally (as the bug might trigger only with a specific app in a specific environment). These are high-priority problems that have severely negative impacts on media performance.

Our goal is to export enough diagnostic information from the kernel so that we can diagnose these problems from a snapshot, without requiring a deep-dive into an execution trace. This document proposes adding new statistics to zx_info_task_runtime_t to more completely answer the question “why was this task not runnable?”.

Background on Zircon thread deadlines

Zircon deadline profiles have three components: period, capacity, and deadline. When a thread is assigned a deadline profile, Zircon guarantees that each period, the thread is allocated up to capacity CPU within deadline of the start of each period. Consider an example:

  • Period = 10ms
  • Capacity = 2ms
  • Deadline = 5ms

Every 10ms, the thread is allocated 2ms of CPU within the next 5ms. There are two ways a deadline can be missed:

  1. The task is scheduled late. For example, if the next period starts at time T, but the task is not scheduled until time T+4ms, it's impossible for the task to make its deadline (it should have been scheduled no later than T+3ms). The kernel can detect this kind of missed deadline, but in practice, this should never happen unless the scheduler is buggy or oversubscribed.

  2. The task takes longer than 2ms to complete. The kernel cannot know when this happens because it doesn't understand task boundaries. For example, if the task is scheduled at T+1ms and runs for a total of 1ms, then blocks for 9ms, the kernel cannot know if the task missed its deadline (because it was blocked on something) or if the task asked for 2ms but needed just 1ms to complete (then slept for 9ms to wait for the next period).

Our goal is to help diagnose the second kind of missed deadline. Currently, if a task runs for too long, it can query ZX_INFO_TASK_RUNTIME to learn how much time was spent running on a CPU in user space. If that cpu_time is larger than the task's expected runtime, the task knows it simply ran for too long. However, if the cpu_time is a small fraction of the total task time, then the task spent most of its time in the kernel, likely blocked and not runnable. The goal of this RFC is to help understand where that time was spent.

Design space

Our goal is to answer the question “why was this task not runnable?”. We must make a few decisions:

  1. How complete should our answer be? Specifically, should we enumerate all reasons a task was blocked, or just a few reasons that seem important?

  2. At what granularity should we answer this question? For example, should we report only simple events that are understandable at the user level, such as “blocked on zx_channel_read”, or should we include lower-level events that are specific to Zircon's current implementation?

  3. If we report N statistics, should we require that those N statistics not overlap, or should we allow them to overlap, perhaps in an arbitrary way?

The simplest, most direct approach is to enumerate a few events we care about and produce statistics for those events. Given that media subsystems have seen problems with page faults and kernel lock contention, we might produce statistics for “time spent in page faults” and “time spent blocked on kernel locks”.

There may be other issues lurking that will not be captured by these two statistics. Hence, a complete solution is attractive. One idea is to enumerate all the ways that a thread can enter the kernel. This includes N hardware interrupts (timers and device interrupts) and K software interrupts (system calls and faults). We then produce N+K statistics, one for each kind of interrupt. A timer would start when the thread enters the kernel and stop when control is returned to the user-space thread. However, user-level can already compute “time spent in syscall X”, so having the kernel compute this information is redundant.

Another idea is to produce statistics “time spent running on the CPU while in kernel mode” and “time spent blocked on X”, where X is a set of kernel primitives, such as “kernel lock” or “channel”. This idea runs the risk of bloat and churn as the set of kernel primitives changes over time.

Stepping back, what we really want is to fetch traces from devices in the wild. Ideally we'd continuously record a trace into a circular buffer and upload that buffer after hitting a TRACE_ALERT.


Although a fully complete solution is desirable, it may take a long time to design and build. We have an immediate need to diagnose performance regressions in the wild. Hence, I propose that we add two targeted metrics to address our immediate problems: the amount of time spent waiting for page faults, and the amount of time spent waiting for kernel locks.

Regarding the design space questions above:

  1. We will not aim for completeness.

  2. The granularity is arbitrary (we'll record whatever we think we need)

  3. Statistics may overlap in arbitrary ways

Kernel changes

// This struct contains a partial breakdown of time spent by this task since
// creation. The breakdown is not complete and individual fields may overlap:
// there is no expectation that these fields should sum to an equivalent
// "wall time".
typedef struct zx_info_task_runtime {
  // Existing fields
  zx_duration_t cpu_time;
  zx_duration_t queue_time;

  // New fields below here

  // The total amount of time this task and its children spent handling page faults.
  zx_duration_t page_fault_time;

  // The total amount of time this task and its children spent waiting on contended
  // kernel locks.
  zx_duration_t lock_contention_time;

} zx_info_task_runtime_t;

Both of these fields will be computed per-thread, then summed across processes and jobs as is currently done for cpu_time and queue_time. Note that per-process and per-job aggregation is not needed by the media subsystems, but it's included here for consistency with the existing fields in zx_info_task_runtime_t.

There are multiple kinds of page faults and multiple kernel locks. page_fault_time represents the total time spent handling all kinds of page faults. By covering all page faults, we avoid needing to explain which subset of page faults are covered, which could be difficult as the kernel may add or remove certain kinds of page faults as the implementation changes over time and as new architectures are supported.

lock_contention_time covers all contended locks. However, the term “contended” is left intentionally underspecified so the kernel may evolve its implementation over time to balance the cost of measuring contention against the benefit of reporting contended time. See Implementation (below) for additional discussion.

How user space can diagnose missed deadlines

Given these new fields, user space can use code like the following to diagnose missed deadlines:

for (;;) {
  zx_object_get_info(current_thread, ZX_TASK_RUNTIME_INFO, &start_info, ...)
  if (current_time() > deadline) {
    zx_object_get_info(current_thread, ZX_TASK_RUNTIME_INFO, &end_info, ...)
    // ...
    // report stats from (end_info - start_info)
    // ...


page_fault_time will compute the total time taken by all page fault handlers. In the current implementation, this includes vmm_page_fault_handler and vmm_accessed_fault_handler.

lock_contention_time will compute the total time taken by Mutex::AcquireContendedMutex and BrwLock::Block. This method already has access to the current Thread and the current_ticks(). The implementation will not cover spin locks. Although spin locks can be contended, we ignore spin locks for now because measuring contention on spin locks may be prohibitively expensive.

To minimize overhead, we will record these durations as tick counts and translate to a zx_duration_t during the zx_object_get_info system call. Other details of the implementation will follow the existing pattern used by cpu_time and queue_time. A prototype implementation is available at fxrev.dev/469818.


We will run Zircon mutex benchmarks to verify there are no regressions. We will run these benchmarks on raw hardware (x86 and ARM). Additionally, to verify there are no regressions in virtualized environments, we will run these benchmarks on QEMU (x86 and ARM).

Backwards compatibility

The zx_info_task_runtime_t struct will be versioned, similar to what has been done for other zx_info_* structs (for an example, see fxrev.dev/406754).

Security considerations

ZX_INFO_TASK_RUNTIME is a side channel that can leak information about the inspected task. For example, page_fault_time might be used to measure a task‘s memory access patterns. As a mitigation for this kind of leakage, the ZX_INFO_TASK_RUNTIME topic already requires ZX_RIGHT_INSPECT. Any user with that right can be assumed to have access to a task’s private data.

ZX_INFO_TASK_RUNTIME can also leak indirect information about other tasks. For example, if a task knows its own page_fault_time, it may be able to infer the memory access patterns of other tasks. Similarly, if a task knows how much time it spent waiting on contested kernel locks, it may be able to infer how other tasks are using shared kernel resources. In the future, we may build zx_info_task_runtime_t using low resolution timers. This does not necessarily prevent timing attacks but it can limit their effectiveness.

Another defense is to limit zx_info_task_runtime_t access to special developer builds. However, this would significantly limit the usefulness of this feature: often we have trouble reproducing performance bugs in developement environments. We require a solution that can be enabled in production builds.

To avoid this side channel entirely, we'd need to separate metric reporting and metric inspection into separate capabilities. For example, if we continuously record a trace into a circular buffer and upload that buffer to a special channel or port after hitting a TRACE_ALERT, then the task which triggered the TRACE_ALERT would not need to be given access to the trace, which eliminates the side channel. As mentioned earlier, such a solution will take a long time to design and build, while we have an immediate need to address today.

Privacy considerations



The Zircon syscall documentation will need to be updated to include the new zx_info_task_runtime_t fields.

Prior art and references

In Linux, the most closely related prior art is getrusage, which reports user and system CPU time and counts of page faults, I/O ops, and context switches. Windows has GetThreadTimes, which reports user and system CPU time. Hardware performance counters, such as RDPMC on x86, provide similar information and have similar security concerns.


We will manually test by logging new runtime information through audio_core (and we've already done this for the my prototype implementation: see fxrev.dev/469819).

We will update existing tests for cpu_time and queue_time to test the old version of zx_info_task_runtime_t, which will be named zx_info_task_runtime_v1_t. Additionally, Zircon's abi_type_validator.h will be updated to validate the old and new ABIs. This will ensure that ABI backwards compatibility is preserved.

It‘s not easy to add integration tests for this feature because, e.g., there’s no API to force the kernel to suffer lock contention or trigger a page fault (other than a process-killing segmentation fault).