blob: 6da3ff66a984e71323f3bff838014e6b232fcc52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package testrunner
import (
botanistconstants ""
ffxutilconstants ""
sshutilconstants ""
const (
// TODO( Fix this path.
// The output data directory for component v2 tests.
dataOutputDirV2 = "/tmp/test_manager:0/data/debug"
// The output data directory for early boot coverage.
dataOutputDirEarlyBoot = "/tmp/test_manager:0/data/kernel_debug/debugdata"
// Various tools for running tests.
runtestsName = "runtests"
runTestSuiteName = "run-test-suite"
// Returned by run-test-suite to indicate the test timed out.
timeoutExitCode = 21
// Printed to the serial console when ready to accept user input.
serialConsoleCursor = "\n$"
// Number of times to try running a test command over serial before giving
// up. This value was somewhat arbitrarily chosen and can be adjusted higher
// or lower if deemed appropriate.
startSerialCommandMaxAttempts = 3
llvmProfileEnvKey = "LLVM_PROFILE_FILE"
llvmProfileExtension = ".profraw"
llvmProfileSinkType = "llvm-profile"
// This needs to be long enough to allow for significant serial RTT during
// startup shortly after booting. We've seen a serial RTT ~8s, so maybe 15s
// will be enough margin above ~8s.
testStartedTimeout = 15 * time.Second
// The name of the test to associate early boot data sinks with.
earlyBootSinksTestName = "early_boot_sinks"
// The max number of times to try reconnecting to the target.
maxReconnectAttempts = 3
// Tester describes the interface for all different types of testers.
type Tester interface {
Test(context.Context, testsharder.Test, io.Writer, io.Writer, string) (*TestResult, error)
ProcessResult(context.Context, testsharder.Test, string, *TestResult, error) (*TestResult, error)
Close() error
EnsureSinks(context.Context, []runtests.DataSinkReference, *TestOutputs) error
RunSnapshot(context.Context, string) error
Reconnect(context.Context) error
// For testability
type cmdRunner interface {
Run(ctx context.Context, command []string, options subprocess.RunOptions) error
// For testability
var newRunner = func(dir string, env []string) cmdRunner {
return &subprocess.Runner{Dir: dir, Env: env}
// For testability.
var newTempDir = func(dir, pattern string) (string, error) {
return os.MkdirTemp(dir, pattern)
// For testability
type sshClient interface {
DisconnectionListener() <-chan struct{}
ReconnectWithBackoff(ctx context.Context, backoff retry.Backoff) error
Run(ctx context.Context, command []string, stdout, stderr io.Writer) error
// For testability
type dataSinkCopier interface {
GetAllDataSinks(remoteDir string) ([]runtests.DataSink, error)
GetReferences(remoteDir string) (map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference, error)
Copy(sinks []runtests.DataSinkReference, localDir string) (runtests.DataSinkMap, error)
RemoveAll(remoteDir string) error
Reconnect() error
Close() error
// For testability
type serialClient interface {
runDiagnostics(ctx context.Context) error
// BaseTestResultFromTest returns a TestResult for a Tester.Test() to modify
// and return with some pre-filled values and a starting failure result which
// should be changed as needed within the tester's Test() method.
func BaseTestResultFromTest(test testsharder.Test) *TestResult {
return &TestResult{
Name: test.Name,
GNLabel: test.Label,
Result: runtests.TestFailure,
DataSinks: runtests.DataSinkReference{},
Tags: test.Tags,
// SubprocessTester executes tests in local subprocesses.
type SubprocessTester struct {
env []string
dir string
localOutputDir string
sProps *sandboxingProps
testRuns map[string]string
type sandboxingProps struct {
nsjailPath string
nsjailRoot string
mountQEMU bool
mountUserHome bool
cwd string
// NewSubprocessTester returns a SubprocessTester that can execute tests
// locally with a given working directory and environment.
func NewSubprocessTester(dir string, env []string, localOutputDir, nsjailPath, nsjailRoot string) (Tester, error) {
s := &SubprocessTester{
dir: dir,
env: env,
localOutputDir: localOutputDir,
testRuns: make(map[string]string),
// If the caller provided a path to NsJail, then intialize sandboxing properties.
if nsjailPath != "" {
s.sProps = &sandboxingProps{
nsjailPath: nsjailPath,
nsjailRoot: nsjailRoot,
// TODO(rudymathu): Remove this once ssh/ssh-keygen usage is removed.
mountUserHome: true,
if _, err := os.Stat("/sys/class/net/qemu/"); err == nil {
s.sProps.mountQEMU = true
} else if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return &SubprocessTester{}, nil
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return &SubprocessTester{}, err
s.sProps.cwd = cwd
return s, nil
func (t *SubprocessTester) setTestRun(test testsharder.Test, profileRelDir string) {
t.testRuns[test.Path] = profileRelDir
func (t *SubprocessTester) getTestRun(test testsharder.Test) string {
profileRelDir, ok := t.testRuns[test.Path]
if !ok {
return ""
return profileRelDir
func (t *SubprocessTester) Test(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, stdout io.Writer, stderr io.Writer, outDir string) (*TestResult, error) {
testResult := BaseTestResultFromTest(test)
if test.Path == "" {
testResult.FailReason = fmt.Sprintf("test %q has no `path` set", test.Name)
return testResult, nil
// Some tests read TestOutDirEnvKey so ensure they get their own output dir.
if err := os.MkdirAll(outDir, 0o770); err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
// Might as well emit any profiles directly to the output directory.
// We'll set
// LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=<output dir>/<test-specific namsepace>/%m.profraw
// and then record any .profraw file written to that directory as an
// emitted profile.
profileRelDir := filepath.Join(llvmProfileSinkType, test.Path)
profileAbsDir := filepath.Join(t.localOutputDir, profileRelDir)
os.MkdirAll(profileAbsDir, os.ModePerm)
r := newRunner(t.dir, append(
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", constants.TestOutDirEnvKey, outDir),
// When host-side tests are instrumented for profiling, executing
// them will write a profile to the location under this environment variable.
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", llvmProfileEnvKey, filepath.Join(profileAbsDir, "%m"+llvmProfileExtension)),
if test.Timeout > 0 {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, test.Timeout)
defer cancel()
// './' is a package-level construct in os/exec whose use is recommended
// when the provided invocation executes things relative to the local
// working directory. In particular, unless it is in $PATH, executables in
// the immediate working directory require this to be referenced
// relatively as of Go v1.19.
testCmd := []string{"./" + test.Path}
if t.sProps != nil {
testCmdBuilder := &NsJailCmdBuilder{
Bin: t.sProps.nsjailPath,
// TODO(rudymathu): Eventually, this should be a more fine grained
// property that disables network isolation only on tests that explicitly
// request it.
IsolateNetwork: false,
MountPoints: []*MountPt{
Src: t.localOutputDir,
Writable: true,
Src: outDir,
Writable: true,
// The fx_script_tests utilize this file.
Src: "/usr/share/misc/magic.mgc",
Symlinks: map[string]string{
"/proc/self/fd": "/dev/fd",
if isolateDir, ok := os.LookupEnv(ffxutil.FFXIsolateDirEnvKey); ok {
testCmdBuilder.MountPoints = append(
Src: isolateDir,
Writable: true,
// Mount the QEMU tun_flags if the qemu interface exists. This is used
// by VDL to ascertain that the interface exists.
if t.sProps.mountQEMU {
testCmdBuilder.MountPoints = append(
Src: "/sys/class/net/qemu/",
// Some tests invoke the `ssh` command line tool, which always creates
// a .ssh file in the home directory. Unfortunately, it prefers to read
// the home directory from the /etc/passwd file, and only reads $HOME
// if this doesn't work. Because we need to mount /etc/passwd for
// ssh-keygen, we need to create the same home directory in
// /etc/passwd. This is really quite a big hack, and we should remove
// it ASAP.
if t.sProps.mountUserHome {
currentUser, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
pwdFile, err := os.Open("/etc/passwd")
if err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
defer pwdFile.Close()
pwdScanner := bufio.NewScanner(pwdFile)
for pwdScanner.Scan() {
elems := strings.Split(pwdScanner.Text(), ":")
if elems[0] == currentUser.Username {
testCmdBuilder.MountPoints = append(
Dst: elems[5],
UseTmpfs: true,
if pwdScanner.Err() != nil {
testResult.FailReason = pwdScanner.Err().Error()
return testResult, nil
// Mount /tmp. Ideally, we would use a tmpfs mount, but we write quite a
// lot of data to it, so we instead create a temp dir and mount it
// instead.
tmpDir, err := newTempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
testCmdBuilder.MountPoints = append(
Src: tmpDir,
Dst: "/tmp",
Writable: true,
// Construct the sandbox's environment by forwarding the current env
// but overriding the TempDirEnvVars with /tmp.
// Also override FUCHSIA_TEST_OUTDIR with the outdir specific to this
// test.
envOverrides := map[string]string{
"TMPDIR": "/tmp",
constants.TestOutDirEnvKey: outDir,
llvmProfileEnvKey: filepath.Join(profileAbsDir, "%m"+llvmProfileExtension),
for _, key := range environment.TempDirEnvVars() {
envOverrides[key] = "/tmp"
// Set the root of the NsJail and the working directory.
// The working directory is expected to be a subdirectory of the root.
if t.sProps.nsjailRoot != "" {
absRoot, err := filepath.Abs(t.sProps.nsjailRoot)
if err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
testCmdBuilder.MountPoints = append(
&MountPt{Src: absRoot, Writable: true},
testCmdBuilder.Cwd = t.sProps.cwd
// Mount the testbed config and any serial sockets.
testbedConfigPath := os.Getenv(botanistconstants.TestbedConfigEnvKey)
if testbedConfigPath != "" {
// Mount the actual config.
testCmdBuilder.MountPoints = append(testCmdBuilder.MountPoints, &MountPt{Src: testbedConfigPath})
// Mount the SSH keys and serial sockets for each target in the testbed.
type targetInfo struct {
SerialSocket string `json:"serial_socket"`
SSHKey string `json:"ssh_key"`
b, err := os.ReadFile(testbedConfigPath)
if err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
var testbedConfig []targetInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &testbedConfig); err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
serialSockets := make(map[string]struct{})
sshKeys := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, config := range testbedConfig {
if config.SSHKey != "" {
sshKeys[config.SSHKey] = struct{}{}
if config.SerialSocket != "" {
serialSockets[config.SerialSocket] = struct{}{}
for socket := range serialSockets {
absSocketPath, err := filepath.Abs(socket)
if err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
testCmdBuilder.MountPoints = append(testCmdBuilder.MountPoints, &MountPt{
Src: absSocketPath,
Writable: true,
for key := range sshKeys {
absKeyPath, err := filepath.Abs(key)
if err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
testCmdBuilder.MountPoints = append(testCmdBuilder.MountPoints, &MountPt{
Src: absKeyPath,
testCmd, err = testCmdBuilder.Build(testCmd)
if err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
err := r.Run(ctx, testCmd, subprocess.RunOptions{Stdout: stdout, Stderr: stderr})
t.setTestRun(test, profileRelDir)
if err == nil {
testResult.Result = runtests.TestSuccess
} else if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
testResult.Result = runtests.TestAborted
} else {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
func (t *SubprocessTester) ProcessResult(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, outDir string, testResult *TestResult, err error) (*TestResult, error) {
profileRelDir := t.getTestRun(test)
if profileRelDir == "" {
return testResult, err
profileAbsDir := filepath.Join(t.localOutputDir, profileRelDir)
var sinks []runtests.DataSink
profileErr := filepath.WalkDir(profileAbsDir, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !d.IsDir() {
profileRel, err := filepath.Rel(profileAbsDir, path)
if err != nil {
return err
sinks = append(sinks, runtests.DataSink{
Name: filepath.Base(path),
File: filepath.Join(profileRelDir, profileRel),
return nil
if profileErr != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "unable to determine whether profiles were emitted: %s", profileErr)
if len(sinks) > 0 {
testResult.DataSinks.Sinks = runtests.DataSinkMap{
llvmProfileSinkType: sinks,
return testResult, err
func (t *SubprocessTester) EnsureSinks(ctx context.Context, sinkRefs []runtests.DataSinkReference, _ *TestOutputs) error {
// Nothing to actually copy; if any profiles were emitted, they would have
// been written directly to the output directory. We verify here that all
// recorded data sinks are actually present.
numSinks := 0
for _, ref := range sinkRefs {
for _, sinks := range ref.Sinks {
for _, sink := range sinks {
abs := filepath.Join(t.localOutputDir, sink.File)
exists, err := osmisc.FileExists(abs)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to determine if local data sink %q exists: %w", sink.File, err)
} else if !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("expected a local data sink %q, but no such file exists", sink.File)
if numSinks > 0 {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "local data sinks present: %d", numSinks)
return nil
func (t *SubprocessTester) RunSnapshot(_ context.Context, _ string) error {
return nil
func (t *SubprocessTester) Reconnect(_ context.Context) error {
return nil
func (t *SubprocessTester) Close() error {
return nil
type serialSocket struct {
socketPath string
func (s *serialSocket) runDiagnostics(ctx context.Context) error {
if s.socketPath == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("serialSocketPath not set")
socket, err := serial.NewSocket(ctx, s.socketPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("newSerialSocket failed: %w", err)
defer socket.Close()
return serial.RunDiagnostics(ctx, socket)
// for testability
type FFXInstance interface {
Run(ctx context.Context, args ...string) error
RunWithTarget(ctx context.Context, args ...string) error
RunWithTargetAndTimeout(ctx context.Context, timeout time.Duration, args ...string) error
SetTarget(target string)
Stdout() io.Writer
Stderr() io.Writer
SetStdoutStderr(stdout, stderr io.Writer)
Test(ctx context.Context, tests build.TestList, outDir string, args ...string) (*ffxutil.TestRunResult, error)
Snapshot(ctx context.Context, outDir string, snapshotFilename string) error
Stop() error
// FFXTester uses ffx to run tests and other enabled features.
type FFXTester struct {
ffx FFXInstance
experiments botanist.Experiments
// It will temporarily use an sshTester for functions where ffx has not been
// enabled to run yet.
// TODO(ihuh): Remove once all v1 tests are migrated to v2 and data sinks are
// available as an output artifact of `ffx test`.
sshTester Tester
localOutputDir string
// The test output dirs from all the calls to Test().
testOutDirs []string
// A map of the test PackageURL to data needed for processing the test results.
testRuns map[string]ffxTestRun
llvmProfdata string
llvmVersion string
sinksPerTest map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference
debuginfodServers []string
debuginfodCache string
// The following waitgroup and errs track the goroutines for merging profiles.
wg sync.WaitGroup
errs []error
errsMu sync.Mutex
type ffxTestRun struct {
result *ffxutil.TestRunResult
output string
totalDuration time.Duration
// NewFFXTester returns an FFXTester.
func NewFFXTester(ctx context.Context, ffx FFXInstance, sshTester Tester, localOutputDir string, experiments botanist.Experiments, llvmProfdata string) (*FFXTester, error) {
err := retry.Retry(ctx, retry.WithMaxAttempts(retry.NewConstantBackoff(time.Second), maxReconnectAttempts), func() error {
return ffx.RunWithTarget(ctx, "target", "wait", "-t", "10")
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
debuginfodServers := []string{}
debuginfodCache := ""
llvmVersion := ""
if llvmProfdata != "" {
llvmVersion, llvmProfdata = covargs.SplitVersion(llvmProfdata)
llvmProfdata, err = filepath.Abs(llvmProfdata)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
debuginfodServers = strings.Split(os.Getenv("DEBUGINFOD_URLS"), " ")
debuginfodCache = filepath.Join(localOutputDir, "debuginfod-cache")
return &FFXTester{
ffx: ffx,
sshTester: sshTester,
localOutputDir: localOutputDir,
experiments: experiments,
testRuns: make(map[string]ffxTestRun),
llvmProfdata: llvmProfdata,
llvmVersion: llvmVersion,
sinksPerTest: make(map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference),
debuginfodServers: debuginfodServers,
debuginfodCache: debuginfodCache,
wg: sync.WaitGroup{},
errs: []error{},
errsMu: sync.Mutex{},
}, nil
func (t *FFXTester) EnabledForTesting() bool {
return t.experiments.Contains(botanist.UseFFXTest)
func (t *FFXTester) Test(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, stdout, stderr io.Writer, outDir string) (*TestResult, error) {
if t.EnabledForTesting() {
return BaseTestResultFromTest(test), t.testWithFile(ctx, test, stdout, stderr, outDir)
return t.sshTester.Test(ctx, test, stdout, stderr, outDir)
func (t *FFXTester) Reconnect(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.EnabledForTesting() {
return retry.Retry(ctx, retry.WithMaxDuration(retry.NewConstantBackoff(time.Second), 30*time.Second), func() error {
return t.ffx.RunWithTarget(ctx, "target", "wait", "-t", "10")
}, nil)
return t.sshTester.Reconnect(ctx)
// testWithFile runs `ffx test` with -test-file and returns the test result.
func (t *FFXTester) testWithFile(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, stdout, stderr io.Writer, outDir string) error {
testDef := []build.TestListEntry{{
Name: test.PackageURL,
Labels: []string{test.Label},
Execution: build.ExecutionDef{
Type: "fuchsia_component",
ComponentURL: test.PackageURL,
TimeoutSeconds: int(test.Timeout.Seconds()),
Parallel: test.Parallel,
MaxSeverityLogs: test.LogSettings.MaxSeverity,
MinSeverityLogs: test.LogSettings.MinSeverity,
Realm: test.Realm,
CreateNoExceptionChannel: test.CreateNoExceptionChannel,
Tags: test.Tags,
origStdout := t.ffx.Stdout()
origStderr := t.ffx.Stderr()
var buf bytes.Buffer
stdout = io.MultiWriter(stdout, &buf)
stderr = io.MultiWriter(stderr, &buf)
t.ffx.SetStdoutStderr(stdout, stderr)
defer t.ffx.SetStdoutStderr(origStdout, origStderr)
extraArgs := []string{"--filter-ansi"}
if t.experiments.Contains(botanist.UseFFXTestParallel) {
extraArgs = append(extraArgs, "--experimental-parallel-execution", "8")
startTime := clock.Now(ctx)
runResult, err := t.ffx.Test(ctx, build.TestList{Data: testDef, SchemaID: build.TestListSchemaIDExperimental}, outDir, extraArgs...)
if runResult == nil && err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("no test result was found")
t.testRuns[test.PackageURL] = ffxTestRun{runResult, buf.String(), clock.Now(ctx).Sub(startTime)}
return err
func containsError(output string, errMsgs []string) (bool, string) {
for _, msg := range errMsgs {
if strings.Contains(output, msg) {
return true, msg
return false, ""
func (t *FFXTester) ProcessResult(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, outDir string, testResult *TestResult, err error) (*TestResult, error) {
if !t.EnabledForTesting() {
return t.sshTester.ProcessResult(ctx, test, outDir, testResult, err)
finalTestResult := testResult
testRun := t.testRuns[test.PackageURL]
if testRun.result != nil {
testOutDir := testRun.result.GetTestOutputDir()
t.testOutDirs = append(t.testOutDirs, testOutDir)
testResult, err = processTestResult(testRun.result, test, testRun.totalDuration, false)
go func() {
defer t.wg.Done()
// Merge profiles in the background. Use a separate context so that it doesn't get
// canceled when the test's context gets canceled.
l := logger.LoggerFromContext(ctx)
mergeCtx := logger.WithLogger(context.Background(), l)
mergeCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(mergeCtx)
defer cancel()
if err := t.getSinks(mergeCtx, testOutDir, t.sinksPerTest, true); err != nil {
t.errs = append(t.errs, err)
if err != nil {
finalTestResult.FailReason = err.Error()
} else if testResult == nil {
finalTestResult.FailReason = "expected 1 test result, got none"
} else {
finalTestResult = testResult
ffxTag := build.TestTag{Key: "use_ffx", Value: "true"}
finalTestResult.Tags = append(finalTestResult.Tags, ffxTag)
for i, testCase := range finalTestResult.Cases {
finalTestResult.Cases[i].Tags = append(testCase.Tags, ffxTag)
if finalTestResult.Result != runtests.TestSuccess {
if ok, errMsg := containsError(testRun.output, []string{
sshutilconstants.ProcessTerminatedMsg, ffxutilconstants.TimeoutReachingTargetMsg, ffxutilconstants.UnableToResolveAddressMsg}); ok {
if err == nil {
err = errors.New(errMsg)
return finalTestResult, connectionError{err}
return finalTestResult, nil
func processTestResult(runResult *ffxutil.TestRunResult, test testsharder.Test, totalDuration time.Duration, removeProfiles bool) (*TestResult, error) {
testOutDir := runResult.GetTestOutputDir()
suiteResults, err := runResult.GetSuiteResults()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(suiteResults) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected 1 test result, got %d", len(suiteResults))
suiteResult := suiteResults[0]
testResult := BaseTestResultFromTest(test)
switch suiteResult.Outcome {
case ffxutil.TestPassed:
testResult.Result = runtests.TestSuccess
case ffxutil.TestTimedOut:
testResult.Result = runtests.TestAborted
case ffxutil.TestNotStarted:
testResult.Result = runtests.TestSkipped
testResult.Result = runtests.TestFailure
testResult.Tags = append(testResult.Tags, build.TestTag{Key: "test_outcome", Value: suiteResult.Outcome})
var suiteArtifacts []string
var stdioPath string
suiteArtifactDir := filepath.Join(testOutDir, suiteResult.ArtifactDir)
for artifact, metadata := range suiteResult.Artifacts {
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(suiteArtifactDir, artifact)); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Don't record artifacts that don't exist.
if metadata.ArtifactType == ffxutil.ReportType {
// Copy the report log into the filename expected by infra.
// TODO( Remove dependencies on this filename.
absPath := filepath.Join(suiteArtifactDir, artifact)
stdioPath = filepath.Join(suiteArtifactDir, runtests.TestOutputFilename)
if err := os.Rename(absPath, stdioPath); err != nil {
return testResult, err
suiteArtifacts = append(suiteArtifacts, runtests.TestOutputFilename)
} else {
suiteArtifacts = append(suiteArtifacts, artifact)
testResult.OutputFiles = suiteArtifacts
testResult.OutputDir = suiteArtifactDir
var cases []runtests.TestCaseResult
for _, testCase := range suiteResult.Cases {
var status runtests.TestResult
switch testCase.Outcome {
case ffxutil.TestPassed:
status = runtests.TestSuccess
case ffxutil.TestSkipped:
status = runtests.TestSkipped
status = runtests.TestFailure
var artifacts []string
var failReason string
testCaseArtifactDir := filepath.Join(testOutDir, testCase.ArtifactDir)
for artifact, metadata := range testCase.Artifacts {
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(testCaseArtifactDir, artifact)); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Don't record artifacts that don't exist.
// Get the failReason from the stderr log.
// TODO(ihuh): The stderr log may contain unsymbolized logs.
// Consider symbolizing them within ffx or testrunner.
if metadata.ArtifactType == ffxutil.StderrType {
stderrBytes, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(testCaseArtifactDir, artifact))
if err != nil {
failReason = fmt.Sprintf("failed to read stderr for test case %s: %s", testCase.Name, err)
} else {
failReason = string(stderrBytes)
artifacts = append(artifacts, artifact)
cases = append(cases, runtests.TestCaseResult{
DisplayName: testCase.Name,
CaseName: testCase.Name,
Status: status,
FailReason: failReason,
Format: "FTF",
OutputFiles: artifacts,
OutputDir: testCaseArtifactDir,
Tags: []build.TestTag{{Key: "test_outcome", Value: testCase.Outcome}},
testResult.Cases = cases
testResult.StartTime = time.UnixMilli(suiteResult.StartTime)
testResult.EndTime = time.UnixMilli(suiteResult.StartTime + suiteResult.DurationMilliseconds)
// Calculate overhead from running ffx test and add it to the recorded
// test duration to more accurately capture the total duration of the test.
overhead := totalDuration - testResult.Duration()
testResult.EndTime = testResult.EndTime.Add(overhead)
// The runResult's artifacts should contain a directory with the profiles from
// component v2 tests along with a summary.json that lists the data sinks per test.
// It should also contain a second directory with early boot data sinks.
// TODO( Merge profiles on host when using ffx test. When using
// run-test-suite, we can just remove the entire artifact directory because we'll
// scp the profiles off the target at the end of the task instead.
if removeProfiles {
runArtifactDir := filepath.Join(testOutDir, runResult.ArtifactDir)
if err := os.RemoveAll(runArtifactDir); err != nil {
return testResult, err
return testResult, nil
// UpdateOutputDir updates the output dir with the oldDir substring with the newDir.
// This should be called if the outputs are moved.
func (t *FFXTester) UpdateOutputDir(oldDir, newDir string) {
for i, outDir := range t.testOutDirs {
if strings.Contains(outDir, oldDir) {
t.testOutDirs[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(outDir, oldDir, newDir)
// RemoveAllEmptyOutputDirs cleans up the output dirs by removing all empty
// directories. This leaves the run_summary and suite_summaries for debugging.
func (t *FFXTester) RemoveAllEmptyOutputDirs() error {
var errs []string
for _, outDir := range t.testOutDirs {
err := filepath.WalkDir(outDir, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if d.IsDir() {
files, err := os.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(files) == 0 {
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to remove %s: %s", path, err)
return filepath.SkipDir
return nil
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
return fmt.Errorf(strings.Join(errs, "; "))
func (t *FFXTester) Close() error {
return t.sshTester.Close()
func (t *FFXTester) EnsureSinks(ctx context.Context, sinks []runtests.DataSinkReference, outputs *TestOutputs) error {
if !t.EnabledForTesting() {
if sshTester, ok := t.sshTester.(*FuchsiaSSHTester); ok {
if err := t.sshTester.EnsureSinks(ctx, sinks, outputs); err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err := os.RemoveAll(t.debuginfodCache); err != nil {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to remove debuginfod cache: %s", err)
// Wait for all goroutines that are merging profiles.
if len(t.errs) > 0 {
var finalErr error
for _, err := range t.errs {
finalErr = fmt.Errorf("%w; %w", finalErr, err)
return finalErr
sinksPerTest := t.sinksPerTest
if err := t.getEarlyBootProfiles(ctx, sinksPerTest); err != nil {
// OTA tests cause this command to fail, but aren't used for collecting
// coverage anyway. If this fails, just log the error and continue
// processing the rest of the data sinks.
logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to determine early boot data sinks: %s", err)
// If there were early boot sinks, record the "early_boot_sinks" test in the outputs
// so that the test result can be updated with the early boot sinks.
if _, ok := sinksPerTest[earlyBootSinksTestName]; ok {
earlyBootSinksTest := &TestResult{
Name: earlyBootSinksTestName,
Result: runtests.TestSuccess,
outputs.Record(ctx, *earlyBootSinksTest)
if len(sinksPerTest) > 0 {
outputs.updateDataSinks(sinksPerTest, "v2")
// Copy v1 sinks using the sshTester if ffx was used for testing.
if sshTester, ok := t.sshTester.(*FuchsiaSSHTester); ok && t.EnabledForTesting() {
return sshTester.copySinks(ctx, sinks, t.localOutputDir)
return nil
func (t *FFXTester) getEarlyBootProfiles(ctx context.Context, sinksPerTest map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference) error {
testOutDir := filepath.Join(t.localOutputDir, "early-boot-profiles")
if err := os.MkdirAll(testOutDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.ffx.RunWithTargetAndTimeout(ctx, 0, "test", "early-boot-profile", "--output-directory", testOutDir); err != nil {
return err
return t.getSinks(ctx, testOutDir, sinksPerTest, false)
func (t *FFXTester) getSinks(ctx context.Context, testOutDir string, sinksPerTest map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference, ignoreEarlyBoot bool) error {
runResult, err := ffxutil.GetRunResult(testOutDir)
if err != nil {
return err
runArtifactDir := filepath.Join(testOutDir, runResult.ArtifactDir)
seen := make(map[string]struct{})
startTime := clock.Now(ctx)
// The runResult's artifacts should contain a directory with the profiles from
// component v2 tests along with a summary.json that lists the data sinks per test.
// It should also contain a second directory with early boot data sinks.
for artifact := range runResult.Artifacts {
artifactPath := filepath.Join(runArtifactDir, artifact)
if err := t.getSinksFromArtifactDir(ctx, artifactPath, sinksPerTest, seen, ignoreEarlyBoot); err != nil {
return err
copyDuration := clock.Now(ctx).Sub(startTime)
if len(seen) > 0 {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "copied %d data sinks in %s", len(seen), copyDuration)
return nil
func (t *FFXTester) getSinksFromArtifactDir(ctx context.Context, artifactDir string, sinksPerTest map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference, seen map[string]struct{}, ignoreEarlyBoot bool) error {
// If the artifact dir contains a summary.json, parse it and copy all profiles to the
// localOutputDir. Otherwise, copy all contents to the localOutputDir and record them
// as early boot sinks.
summaryPath := filepath.Join(artifactDir, runtests.TestSummaryFilename)
f, err := os.Open(summaryPath)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if ignoreEarlyBoot {
return nil
return t.getEarlyBootSinks(ctx, artifactDir, sinksPerTest, seen)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
var summary runtests.TestSummary
if err = json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&summary); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read test summary from %q: %w", summaryPath, err)
return t.getSinksPerTest(ctx, artifactDir, summary, sinksPerTest, seen)
// getSinksPerTest moves sinks from sinkDir to the localOutputDir and records
// the sinks in sinksPerTest.
func (t *FFXTester) getSinksPerTest(ctx context.Context, sinkDir string, summary runtests.TestSummary, sinksPerTest map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference, seen map[string]struct{}) error {
for _, details := range summary.Tests {
for _, sinks := range details.DataSinks {
for _, sink := range sinks {
if _, ok := seen[sink.File]; !ok {
if err := t.moveProfileToOutputDir(ctx, sinkDir, sink.File); err != nil {
return err
seen[sink.File] = struct{}{}
sinksPerTest[details.Name] = runtests.DataSinkReference{Sinks: details.DataSinks}
return nil
// getEarlyBootSinks moves the early boot sinks to the localOutputDir and records it with
// an "early_boot_sinks" test in sinksPerTest.
func (t *FFXTester) getEarlyBootSinks(ctx context.Context, sinkDir string, sinksPerTest map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference, seen map[string]struct{}) error {
return filepath.WalkDir(sinkDir, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO( Remove hardcoded check for logs once they
// are moved to a separate location.
if d.IsDir() || filepath.Ext(path) == ".log" {
return nil
// Record the file as an early boot profile.
sinkFile, err := filepath.Rel(sinkDir, path)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, ok := seen[path]; !ok {
if err := t.moveProfileToOutputDir(ctx, sinkDir, sinkFile); err != nil {
return err
seen[path] = struct{}{}
earlyBootSinks, ok := sinksPerTest[earlyBootSinksTestName]
if !ok {
earlyBootSinks = runtests.DataSinkReference{Sinks: runtests.DataSinkMap{}}
// The directory under sinkDir is named after the type of sinks it contains.
sinkType := strings.Split(filepath.ToSlash(sinkFile), "/")[0]
if _, ok := earlyBootSinks.Sinks[sinkType]; !ok {
earlyBootSinks.Sinks[sinkType] = []runtests.DataSink{}
earlyBootSinks.Sinks[sinkType] = append(earlyBootSinks.Sinks[sinkType], runtests.DataSink{Name: sinkFile, File: sinkFile})
sinksPerTest[earlyBootSinksTestName] = earlyBootSinks
return nil
// moveProfileToOutputDir moves the profile from the sinkDir to the local output directory.
// If a profile of the same name already exists, then the two are merged.
func (t *FFXTester) moveProfileToOutputDir(ctx context.Context, sinkDir, sinkFile string) error {
profile := filepath.Join(sinkDir, sinkFile)
destProfile := filepath.Join(t.localOutputDir, "v2", sinkFile)
if _, err := os.Stat(destProfile); err == nil && t.llvmProfdata != "" {
// Merge profiles.
logger.Debugf(ctx, "merging profile %s to %s", profile, destProfile)
if err := covargs.MergeSameVersionProfiles(ctx, sinkDir, []string{destProfile, profile}, destProfile, t.llvmProfdata, t.llvmVersion, 0, t.debuginfodServers, t.debuginfodCache); err != nil {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to merge profiles: %s", err)
// TODO( Return err once missing build id issue is resolved.
return nil
// Remove old profile.
if err := os.Remove(profile); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(destProfile), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Rename(profile, destProfile); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *FFXTester) RunSnapshot(ctx context.Context, snapshotFile string) error {
if snapshotFile == "" {
return nil
startTime := clock.Now(ctx)
err := retry.Retry(ctx, retry.WithMaxAttempts(retry.NewConstantBackoff(time.Second), maxReconnectAttempts), func() error {
return t.ffx.Snapshot(ctx, t.localOutputDir, snapshotFile)
}, nil)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "%s: %s", constants.FailedToRunSnapshotMsg, err)
// TODO( For debugging. Remove when issue is fixed.
target := os.Getenv(botanistconstants.NodenameEnvKey)
if err := t.ffx.Run(ctx, "target", "list", target); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed to run `ffx target list`: %s", err)
// Try capturing snapshot using target nodename.
if err := t.ffx.Snapshot(ctx, t.localOutputDir, snapshotFile); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "%s: %s", constants.FailedToRunSnapshotMsg, err)
logger.Debugf(ctx, "ran snapshot in %s", clock.Now(ctx).Sub(startTime))
return err
func sshToTarget(ctx context.Context, addr net.IPAddr, sshKeyFile, connName string) (*sshutil.Client, error) {
key, err := os.ReadFile(sshKeyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read SSH key file: %w", err)
config, err := sshutil.DefaultSSHConfig(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create an SSH client config: %w", err)
return sshutil.NewNamedClient(
Addr: &net.TCPAddr{
IP: addr.IP,
Port: sshutil.SSHPort,
Zone: addr.Zone,
// FuchsiaSSHTester executes fuchsia tests over an SSH connection.
type FuchsiaSSHTester struct {
client sshClient
copier dataSinkCopier
localOutputDir string
serialSocket serialClient
ignoreEarlyBoot bool
testRuns map[string]sshTestRun
// NewFuchsiaSSHTester returns a FuchsiaSSHTester associated to a fuchsia
// instance of the given nodename and the private key paired with an authorized
// one.
func NewFuchsiaSSHTester(ctx context.Context, addr net.IPAddr, sshKeyFile, localOutputDir, serialSocketPath string) (Tester, error) {
client, err := sshToTarget(ctx, addr, sshKeyFile, "test")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to establish an SSH connection: %w", err)
copier, err := runtests.NewDataSinkCopier(client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &FuchsiaSSHTester{
client: client,
copier: copier,
localOutputDir: localOutputDir,
serialSocket: &serialSocket{serialSocketPath},
testRuns: make(map[string]sshTestRun),
}, nil
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) reconnect(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := t.client.ReconnectWithBackoff(ctx, retry.WithMaxDuration(retry.NewConstantBackoff(time.Second), 10*time.Second)); err != nil {
if err := t.serialSocket.runDiagnostics(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Warningf(ctx, "failed to run serial diagnostics: %s", err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to reestablish SSH connection: %w", err)
if err := t.copier.Reconnect(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to reconnect data sink copier: %w", err)
return nil
// sshExitError is an interface that ssh.ExitError conforms to. We use this for
// testability instead of unwrapping an error as an ssh.ExitError, because it's
// not possible to construct an ssh.ExitError in-memory in a test due to private
// field constraints.
type sshExitError interface {
ExitStatus() int
// Statically assert that ssh.ExitError implements the sshExitError interface.
var _ sshExitError = &ssh.ExitError{}
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) isTimeoutError(test testsharder.Test, err error) bool {
if test.Timeout <= 0 {
return false
var exitErr sshExitError
if errors.As(err, &exitErr) {
return exitErr.ExitStatus() == timeoutExitCode
return false
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) runSSHCommand(ctx context.Context, command []string, stdout, stderr io.Writer) error {
select {
case <-t.client.DisconnectionListener():
if err := t.Reconnect(ctx); err != nil {
return connectionError{err}
// The client is still connected, so continue to run the command.
cmdErr := t.client.Run(ctx, command, stdout, stderr)
if sshutil.IsConnectionError(cmdErr) {
return connectionError{cmdErr}
return cmdErr
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) Reconnect(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := t.reconnect(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", constants.FailedToReconnectMsg, err)
return nil
type sshTestRun struct {
targetOutDir string
totalDuration time.Duration
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) setTestRun(test testsharder.Test, targetOutDir string, duration time.Duration) {
t.testRuns[test.PackageURL] = sshTestRun{targetOutDir, duration}
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) getTestRun(test testsharder.Test) (string, time.Duration) {
run, ok := t.testRuns[test.PackageURL]
if !ok {
return "", 0
return run.targetOutDir, run.totalDuration
// Test runs a test over SSH.
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) Test(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, stdout io.Writer, stderr io.Writer, outDir string) (*TestResult, error) {
testResult := BaseTestResultFromTest(test)
command, err := commandForTest(&test, false, test.Timeout)
if err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
// Set the output directory to retrieve test outputs.
targetOutDir := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/%s", strings.ReplaceAll(test.Name, "/", "_"))
// Setting an output directory adds latency to test execution for coverage builds
// which produce a lot of output files. Since we will collect the profiles at
// the end anyway, don't use --deprecated-output-directory for coverage builders.
setOutputDir := !strings.Contains(os.Getenv("BUILDER_NAME"), "coverage")
if setOutputDir {
command = append(command, "--deprecated-output-directory", targetOutDir)
startTime := clock.Now(ctx)
testErr := t.runSSHCommand(ctx, command, stdout, stderr)
if setOutputDir {
t.setTestRun(test, targetOutDir, clock.Now(ctx).Sub(startTime))
if t.isTimeoutError(test, testErr) {
testResult.Result = runtests.TestAborted
} else if testErr != nil {
testResult.FailReason = testErr.Error()
} else {
testResult.Result = runtests.TestSuccess
return testResult, testErr
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) ProcessResult(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, outDir string, testResult *TestResult, testErr error) (*TestResult, error) {
targetOutDir, totalDuration := t.getTestRun(test)
// Collect test outputs. This is a best effort. If any of the following steps
// to process the outputs fail, just log the failure but don't fail the test.
if targetOutDir != "" {
outputs, err := t.copier.GetAllDataSinks(targetOutDir)
if err != nil {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to get test outputs: %s", err)
if len(outputs) > 0 && outDir != "" {
// If there were test outputs, copy them to the outDir to be recorded as OutputFiles.
// As this code will be deprecated once we migrate to ffx, we reuse the existing
// sink structure as a temporary hack even though these are just arbitrary
// output files, so the sink type does not matter.
sinkMap := runtests.DataSinkMap{"outputfile": []runtests.DataSink{}}
for _, output := range outputs {
sinkMap["outputfile"] = append(sinkMap["outputfile"], output)
sinkRef := runtests.DataSinkReference{Sinks: sinkMap, RemoteDir: targetOutDir}
if err := t.copySinks(ctx, []runtests.DataSinkReference{sinkRef}, outDir); err != nil {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to copy test outputs to host: %s", err)
if err := t.copier.RemoveAll(targetOutDir); err != nil {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to remove test outputs: %s", err)
// Using --deprecated-output-directory should produce outputs following the same
// schema as `ffx test` outputs, so we can process them like ffx test outputs.
runResult, err := ffxutil.GetRunResult(outDir)
if err != nil {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to get run result: %s", err)
} else if runResult != nil {
if result, err := processTestResult(runResult, test, totalDuration, true); err != nil {
// Log the error and continue to construct the test result
// without the run_summary.json in the outputs.
logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to process run result: %s", err)
} else {
// If there was no processing error, return the test result
// constructed from the run_summary.json in the outputs.
testResult = result
if isConnectionError(testErr) {
return testResult, testErr
return testResult, nil
// IgnoreEarlyBoot should be called from the FFXTester if it uses
// the FuchsiaSSHTester to run tests but wants to collect early
// boot profiles separately using ffx instead of getting it using
// the FuchsiaSSHTester's EnsureSinks() method.
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) IgnoreEarlyBoot() {
t.ignoreEarlyBoot = true
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) EnsureSinks(ctx context.Context, sinkRefs []runtests.DataSinkReference, outputs *TestOutputs) error {
// Collect v2 references.
var v2Sinks map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference
var err error
if err := t.runCopierWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
v2Sinks, err = t.copier.GetReferences(dataOutputDirV2)
return err
}); err != nil {
// If we fail to get v2 sinks, just log the error but continue to copy v1 sinks.
logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to determine data sinks for v2 tests: %s", err)
var v2SinkRefs []runtests.DataSinkReference
for _, ref := range v2Sinks {
v2SinkRefs = append(v2SinkRefs, ref)
if len(v2SinkRefs) > 0 {
if err := t.copySinks(ctx, v2SinkRefs, filepath.Join(t.localOutputDir, "v2")); err != nil {
return err
outputs.updateDataSinks(v2Sinks, "v2")
if t.ignoreEarlyBoot {
return t.copySinks(ctx, sinkRefs, t.localOutputDir)
// Collect early boot coverage.
var earlyBootSinks []runtests.DataSink
if err := t.runCopierWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
earlyBootSinks, err = t.copier.GetAllDataSinks(dataOutputDirEarlyBoot)
return err
}); err != nil {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "failed to determine early boot data sinks: %s", err)
if len(earlyBootSinks) > 0 {
// If there were early boot sinks, record the "early_boot_sinks" test in the outputs
// so that the test result can be updated with the early boot sinks.
earlyBootSinksTest := &TestResult{
Name: earlyBootSinksTestName,
Result: runtests.TestSuccess,
outputs.Record(ctx, *earlyBootSinksTest)
// The directory under dataOutputDirEarlyBoot is named after the type of sinks it contains.
sinkMap := runtests.DataSinkMap{}
for _, sink := range earlyBootSinks {
sinkType := strings.Split(filepath.ToSlash(sink.File), "/")[0]
if _, ok := sinkMap[sinkType]; !ok {
sinkMap[sinkType] = []runtests.DataSink{}
sinkMap[sinkType] = append(sinkMap[sinkType], sink)
earlyBootSinkRef := runtests.DataSinkReference{Sinks: sinkMap, RemoteDir: dataOutputDirEarlyBoot}
if err := t.copySinks(ctx, []runtests.DataSinkReference{earlyBootSinkRef}, filepath.Join(t.localOutputDir, "early-boot")); err != nil {
return err
outputs.updateDataSinks(map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference{earlyBootSinksTestName: earlyBootSinkRef}, "early-boot")
return t.copySinks(ctx, sinkRefs, t.localOutputDir)
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) runCopierWithRetry(ctx context.Context, copierFunc func() error) error {
return retryOnConnectionFailure(ctx, t, func() error {
err := copierFunc()
if errors.Is(err, sftp.ErrSSHFxConnectionLost) {
logger.Warningf(ctx, "connection lost while getting data sinks: %s", err)
return connectionError{err}
return err
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) copySinks(ctx context.Context, sinkRefs []runtests.DataSinkReference, localOutputDir string) error {
if err := t.runCopierWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
startTime := clock.Now(ctx)
// Copy() is assumed to be idempotent and thus safe to retry, which is
// the case for the SFTP-based data sink copier.
sinkMap, err := t.copier.Copy(sinkRefs, localOutputDir)
if err != nil {
return err
copyDuration := clock.Now(ctx).Sub(startTime)
sinkRef := runtests.DataSinkReference{Sinks: sinkMap}
numSinks := sinkRef.Size()
if numSinks > 0 {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "copied %d data sinks in %s", numSinks, copyDuration)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy data sinks off target: %w", err)
return nil
// RunSnapshot runs `snapshot` on the device.
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) RunSnapshot(ctx context.Context, snapshotFile string) error {
if snapshotFile == "" {
return nil
startTime := clock.Now(ctx)
snapshotOutFile, err := osmisc.CreateFile(filepath.Join(t.localOutputDir, snapshotFile))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create snapshot output file: %w", err)
defer snapshotOutFile.Close()
if err := retryOnConnectionFailure(ctx, t, func() error {
return t.runSSHCommand(ctx, []string{"/bin/snapshot"}, snapshotOutFile, os.Stderr)
}); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "%s: %s", constants.FailedToRunSnapshotMsg, err)
return err
logger.Debugf(ctx, "ran snapshot in %s", clock.Now(ctx).Sub(startTime))
return nil
// Close terminates the underlying SSH connection. The object is no longer
// usable after calling this method.
func (t *FuchsiaSSHTester) Close() error {
defer t.client.Close()
return t.copier.Close()
// for testability
type socketConn interface {
SetIOTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
// FuchsiaSerialTester executes fuchsia tests over serial.
type FuchsiaSerialTester struct {
socket socketConn
// NewFuchsiaSerialTester creates a tester that runs tests over serial.
func NewFuchsiaSerialTester(ctx context.Context, serialSocketPath string) (Tester, error) {
socket, err := serial.NewSocket(ctx, serialSocketPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &FuchsiaSerialTester{socket: socket}, nil
// Exposed for testability.
var newTestStartedContext = func(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
return context.WithTimeout(ctx, testStartedTimeout)
// lastWriteSaver is an io.Writer that saves the bytes written in the last Write().
type lastWriteSaver struct {
buf []byte
func (w *lastWriteSaver) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
w.buf = make([]byte, len(p))
copy(w.buf, p)
return len(p), nil
// parseOutKernelReader is an io.Reader that reads from the underlying reader
// everything not pertaining to a kernel log. A kernel log is distinguished by
// a line that starts with the timestamp represented as a float inside brackets.
type parseOutKernelReader struct {
ctx context.Context
reader io.Reader
// unprocessed stores the last characters read from a Read() but not returned
// by it. This could happen if we read more than necessary to try to complete
// a possible kernel log and cannot return all of the bytes. This will be
// read in the next call to Read().
unprocessed []byte
// kernelLineStart stores the last characters read from a Read() block if it
// ended with a truncated line and possibly contains a kernel log. This will
// be prepended to the next Read() block.
kernelLineStart []byte
reachedEOF bool
func (r *parseOutKernelReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
// If the underlying reader already reached EOF, that means kernelLineStart is
// not the start of a kernel log, so append it to unprocessed to be read normally.
if r.reachedEOF {
r.unprocessed = append(r.unprocessed, r.kernelLineStart...)
r.kernelLineStart = []byte{}
// If there are any unprocessed bytes, read them first instead of calling the
// underlying reader's Read() again.
if len(r.unprocessed) > 0 {
bytesToRead := int(math.Min(float64(len(buf)), float64(len(r.unprocessed))))
copy(buf, r.unprocessed[:bytesToRead])
r.unprocessed = r.unprocessed[bytesToRead:]
return bytesToRead, nil
} else if r.reachedEOF {
// r.unprocessed was empty so we can just return EOF.
return 0, io.EOF
if r.ctx.Err() != nil {
return 0, r.ctx.Err()
b := make([]byte, len(buf))
type readResult struct {
n int
err error
ch := make(chan readResult, 1)
// Call the underlying reader's Read() in a goroutine so that we can
// break out if the context is canceled.
go func() {
readN, readErr := r.reader.Read(b)
ch <- readResult{readN, readErr}
var n int
var err error
select {
case res := <-ch:
n = res.n
err = res.err
case <-r.ctx.Done():
err = r.ctx.Err()
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return n, err
// readBlock contains everything stored in kernelLineStart (bytes last read
// from the underlying reader in the previous Read() call that possibly contain
// a truncated kernel log that has not been processed by this reader yet) along
// with the new bytes just read. Because readBlock contains unprocessed bytes,
// its length will likely be greater than len(buf).
// However, it is necessary to read more bytes in the case that the unprocessed
// bytes contain a long truncated kernel log and we need to keep reading more
// bytes until we get to the end of the line so we can discard it.
readBlock := append(r.kernelLineStart, b[:n]...)
r.kernelLineStart = []byte{}
lines := bytes.Split(readBlock, []byte("\n"))
var bytesRead, bytesLeftToRead int
for i, line := range lines {
bytesLeftToRead = len(buf) - bytesRead
isTruncated := i == len(lines)-1
line = r.lineWithoutKernelLog(line, isTruncated)
if bytesLeftToRead == 0 {
// If there are no more bytes left to read, store the rest of the lines
// into r.unprocessed to be read at the next call to Read().
r.unprocessed = append(r.unprocessed, line...)
if len(line) > bytesLeftToRead {
// If the line is longer than bytesLeftToRead, read as much as possible
// and store the rest in r.unprocessed.
copy(buf[bytesRead:], line[:bytesLeftToRead])
r.unprocessed = line[bytesLeftToRead:]
bytesRead += bytesLeftToRead
} else {
copy(buf[bytesRead:bytesRead+len(line)], line)
bytesRead += len(line)
if err == io.EOF {
r.reachedEOF = true
if len(r.unprocessed)+len(r.kernelLineStart) > 0 {
err = nil
return bytesRead, err
func (r *parseOutKernelReader) lineWithoutKernelLog(line []byte, isTruncated bool) []byte {
containsKernelLog := false
re := regexp.MustCompile(`\[[0-9]+\.?[0-9]+\]`)
match := re.FindIndex(line)
if match != nil {
if isTruncated {
r.kernelLineStart = line[match[0]:]
// The new line to add to bytes read contains everything in the line up to
// the bracket indicating the kernel log.
line = line[:match[0]]
containsKernelLog = true
} else if isTruncated {
// Match the beginning of a possible kernel log timestamp.
// i.e. `[`, `[123` `[123.4`
re = regexp.MustCompile(`\[[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$`)
match = re.FindIndex(line)
if match != nil {
r.kernelLineStart = line[match[0]:]
line = line[:match[0]]
if !containsKernelLog && !isTruncated {
line = append(line, '\n')
return line
func (t *FuchsiaSerialTester) Test(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, stdout, _ io.Writer, _ string) (*TestResult, error) {
testResult := BaseTestResultFromTest(test)
command, err := commandForTest(&test, true, test.Timeout)
if err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
logger.Debugf(ctx, "starting: %s", command)
// TODO( Currently, serial output is coming out jumbled,
// so the started string sometimes comes after the completed string, resulting
// in a timeout because we fail to read the completed string after the
// started string. Uncomment below to use the lastWriteSaver once the bug is
// fixed.
var lastWrite bytes.Buffer
// If a single read from the socket includes both the bytes that indicate the test started and the bytes
// that indicate the test completed, then the startedReader will consume the bytes needed for detecting
// completion. Thus we save the last read from the socket and replay it when searching for completion.
// lastWrite := &lastWriteSaver{}
reader := io.TeeReader(t.socket, &lastWrite)
commandStarted := false
startedStr := runtests.StartedSignature + test.Name
if test.PackageURL != "" {
// Packaged tests run with the "run-test-suite" tool which has different logs.
startedStr = "Running test '" + test.PackageURL + "'"
var readErr error
for i := 0; i < startSerialCommandMaxAttempts; i++ {
if err := serial.RunCommands(ctx, t.socket, []serial.Command{{Cmd: command}}); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to write to serial socket: %w", err)
startedCtx, cancel := newTestStartedContext(ctx)
_, readErr = iomisc.ReadUntilMatchString(startedCtx, reader, startedStr)
if readErr == nil {
commandStarted = true
} else if errors.Is(readErr, startedCtx.Err()) {
logger.Warningf(ctx, "test not started after timeout")
} else {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "unexpected error checking for test start signature: %s", readErr)
if !commandStarted {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s within %d attempts: %w",
constants.FailedToStartSerialTestMsg, startSerialCommandMaxAttempts, readErr)
// In practice, repeated failure to run a test means that the device has
// become unresponsive and we won't have any luck running later tests.
return nil, err
t.socket.SetIOTimeout(test.Timeout + 30*time.Second)
testOutputReader := io.TeeReader(
// See comment above lastWrite declaration.
&parseOutKernelReader{ctx: ctx, reader: io.MultiReader(&lastWrite, t.socket)},
// Writes to stdout as it reads from the above reader.
if test.PackageURL != "" {
// The test was ran with the "run-test-suite" tool, parse the result.
res_success := test.PackageURL + " completed with result: PASSED"
res_failed := test.PackageURL + " completed with result: FAILED"
res_inconclusive := test.PackageURL + " completed with result: INCONCLUSIVE"
res_timed_out := test.PackageURL + " completed with result: TIMED_OUT"
res_errored := test.PackageURL + " completed with result: ERROR"
res_skipped := test.PackageURL + " completed with result: SKIPPED"
res_canceled := test.PackageURL + " completed with result: CANCELLED"
res_dnf := test.PackageURL + " completed with result: DID_NOT_FINISH"
match, err := iomisc.ReadUntilMatchString(ctx, testOutputReader, res_success, res_failed, res_inconclusive, res_timed_out, res_errored, res_skipped, res_canceled, res_dnf)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unable to derive test result from run-test-suite output: %w", err)
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
if match == res_success {
testResult.Result = runtests.TestSuccess
return testResult, nil
if match == res_timed_out || match == res_canceled {
testResult.FailReason = "test timed out or canceled"
testResult.Result = runtests.TestAborted
return testResult, nil
if match == res_skipped {
testResult.FailReason = "test skipped"
testResult.Result = runtests.TestSkipped
return testResult, nil
logger.Errorf(ctx, "%s", match)
testResult.FailReason = "test failed"
testResult.Result = runtests.TestFailure
return testResult, nil
if success, err := runtests.TestPassed(ctx, testOutputReader, test.Name); err != nil {
testResult.FailReason = err.Error()
return testResult, nil
} else if !success {
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
// EOF indicates that serial has become disconnected. That is
// unlikely to be caused by this test and we're unlikely to be able
// to keep running tests.
return nil, err
testResult.FailReason = "test failed"
return testResult, nil
testResult.Result = runtests.TestSuccess
return testResult, nil
func (t *FuchsiaSerialTester) ProcessResult(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, outDir string, testResult *TestResult, err error) (*TestResult, error) {
return testResult, err
func (t *FuchsiaSerialTester) EnsureSinks(_ context.Context, _ []runtests.DataSinkReference, _ *TestOutputs) error {
return nil
func (t *FuchsiaSerialTester) RunSnapshot(_ context.Context, _ string) error {
return nil
func (t *FuchsiaSerialTester) Reconnect(_ context.Context) error {
return nil
// Close terminates the underlying Serial socket connection. The object is no
// longer usable after calling this method.
func (t *FuchsiaSerialTester) Close() error {
return t.socket.Close()
func commandForTest(test *testsharder.Test, useSerial bool, timeout time.Duration) ([]string, error) {
command := []string{}
if useSerial && test.PackageURL == "" {
// `runtests` is used to run tests over serial when there is no PackageURL.
command = []string{runtestsName}
if timeout > 0 {
command = append(command, "-i", fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(timeout.Seconds())))
if test.Path != "" {
command = append(command, test.Path)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Path is not set for %q", test.Name)
} else if test.PackageURL != "" {
if test.IsComponentV2() {
command = []string{runTestSuiteName, "--filter-ansi"}
if test.Realm != "" {
command = append(command, "--realm", fmt.Sprintf("%s", test.Realm))
if test.LogSettings.MaxSeverity != "" {
command = append(command, "--max-severity-logs", fmt.Sprintf("%s", test.LogSettings.MaxSeverity))
if test.LogSettings.MinSeverity != "" {
command = append(command, "--min-severity-logs", fmt.Sprintf("%s", test.LogSettings.MinSeverity))
if test.Parallel != 0 {
command = append(command, "--parallel", fmt.Sprintf("%d", test.Parallel))
// TODO( Once fixed, combine timeout flag setting for v1 and v2.
if timeout > 0 {
command = append(command, "--timeout", fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(timeout.Seconds())))
if test.CreateNoExceptionChannel {
command = append(command, "--no-exception-channel")
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("CFv1 tests are no longer supported: %q", test.PackageURL)
command = append(command, test.PackageURL)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("PackageURL is not set and useSerial is false for %q", test.Name)
return command, nil