blob: b3002f321df1a6a75c4e362909ce70c9e78062e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testrunner
import (
const (
testFunc = "Test"
copySinksFunc = "EnsureSinks"
runSnapshotFunc = "RunSnapshot"
closeFunc = "Close"
type fakeTester struct {
runTest func(context.Context, testsharder.Test, io.Writer, io.Writer, string) (*TestResult, error)
reconnect func(context.Context, testsharder.Test) error
funcCalls []string
outDirs map[string]bool
lastTestRun testsharder.Test
func testResult(test testsharder.Test, result runtests.TestResult) *TestResult {
return &TestResult{
Name: test.Name,
GNLabel: test.Label,
Result: result,
func (t *fakeTester) Test(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, stdout, stderr io.Writer, outDir string) (*TestResult, error) {
t.funcCalls = append(t.funcCalls, testFunc)
if t.outDirs == nil {
t.outDirs = make(map[string]bool)
t.outDirs[outDir] = true
result := runtests.TestSuccess
t.lastTestRun = test
if t.runTest != nil {
return t.runTest(ctx, test, stdout, stderr, outDir)
return testResult(test, result), nil
func (t *fakeTester) ProcessResult(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, outDir string, testResult *TestResult, err error) (*TestResult, error) {
return testResult, err
func (t *fakeTester) Close() error {
t.funcCalls = append(t.funcCalls, closeFunc)
return nil
func (t *fakeTester) EnsureSinks(_ context.Context, _ []runtests.DataSinkReference, _ *TestOutputs) error {
t.funcCalls = append(t.funcCalls, copySinksFunc)
return nil
func (t *fakeTester) RunSnapshot(_ context.Context, _ string) error {
t.funcCalls = append(t.funcCalls, runSnapshotFunc)
return nil
func (t *fakeTester) Reconnect(ctx context.Context) error {
if t.reconnect != nil {
return t.reconnect(ctx, t.lastTestRun)
return nil
func TestValidateTest(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
test testsharder.Test
expectErr bool
name: "missing name",
test: testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{
OS: "linux",
Path: "/foo/bar",
Runs: 1,
expectErr: true,
name: "missing OS",
test: testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "test1",
Path: "/foo/bar",
Runs: 1,
expectErr: true,
name: "spurious package URL",
test: testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "test1",
OS: "linux",
PackageURL: "fuchsia-pkg://test1",
Runs: 1,
expectErr: true,
name: "missing required path",
test: testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "test1",
OS: "linux",
Runs: 1,
expectErr: true,
name: "missing required package_url or path",
test: testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "test1",
OS: "fuchsia",
Runs: 1,
expectErr: true,
name: "missing runs",
test: testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "test1",
OS: "linux",
Path: "/foo/bar",
expectErr: true,
name: "missing run algorithm",
test: testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "test1",
OS: "linux",
Path: "/foo/bar",
Runs: 2,
expectErr: true,
name: "valid test with path",
test: testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "test1",
OS: "linux",
Path: "/foo/bar",
Runs: 1,
expectErr: false,
name: "valid test with packageurl",
test: testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "test1",
OS: "fuchsia",
PackageURL: "fuchsia-pkg://test1",
Runs: 5,
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.KeepGoing,
expectErr: false,
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
err := validateTest(c.test)
if c.expectErr != (err != nil) {
t.Errorf("got error: %q, expectErr: %t", err, c.expectErr)
func stdioPath(testName string, runIndex int) string {
return filepath.Join(testOutDir(testName, runIndex), runtests.TestOutputFilename)
func testOutDir(testName string, runIndex int) string {
return filepath.Join(testName, strconv.Itoa(runIndex))
func testDetails(name string, runIndex int, duration time.Duration, result runtests.TestResult) runtests.TestDetails {
return runtests.TestDetails{
Name: name,
Result: result,
DurationMillis: duration.Milliseconds(),
OutputFiles: []string{stdioPath(name, runIndex)},
func succeededTest(name string, runIndex int, duration time.Duration) runtests.TestDetails {
return testDetails(name, runIndex, duration, runtests.TestSuccess)
func failedTest(name string, runIndex int, duration time.Duration) runtests.TestDetails {
return testDetails(name, runIndex, duration, runtests.TestFailure)
func timedOutTest(name string, runIndex int, duration time.Duration) runtests.TestDetails {
return testDetails(name, runIndex, duration, runtests.TestAborted)
func TestRunAndOutputTests(t *testing.T) {
defaultDuration := time.Second
perTestTimeout := 3 * time.Minute
// A duration that slightly exceeds the total allowed runtime for each test.
tooLong := perTestTimeout + testTimeoutGracePeriod + time.Second
// Defines how the fake tester's Test() method should behave when running a
// specified test.
type testBehavior struct {
// Whether running the test should return a (non-fatal) error.
fail bool
// Whether the test should hang indefinitely. Takes precedent over `fail`.
hang bool
// Whether the test should emit a fatal error.
fatal bool
// Whether the test should return a connection error.
connErr bool
// Whether the tester should fail to reconnect.
failReconnect bool
// The duration that the test will take to run.
duration time.Duration
// Data that the test should emit to stdout and stderr.
stdout, stderr string
// A file to write to the test out dir.
outputfile string
testCases := []struct {
name string
// The input tests for testrunner to run.
tests []testsharder.Test
// How the fake tester should behave when running each test, where keys
// are of the form "test_name/run_index". Default is for the test to
// pass with a duration of `defaultDuration`.
behavior map[string]testBehavior
// Don't impose a per-test timeout when running these tests.
noTimeout bool
// The test results that should be output.
expectedResults []runtests.TestDetails
// Mapping from relative filepath within the results dir to expected contents.
expectedOutputs map[string]string
// The error value that the function should return, as determined by errors.Is().
wantErr bool
name: "no tests",
name: "passed test",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
succeededTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
name: "failed test",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {fail: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
failedTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
name: "timed out test",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {duration: tooLong},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
timedOutTest("foo", 0, tooLong),
name: "many tests",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
Test: build.Test{Name: "bar"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
Test: build.Test{Name: "baz"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
Test: build.Test{Name: "quux"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
succeededTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("bar", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("baz", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("quux", 0, defaultDuration),
name: "no timeout set",
noTimeout: true,
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
Timeout: -1,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {duration: tooLong},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
// As long as they complete successfully within a finite
// duration, tests should never be considered failures if
// there's no timeout set.
succeededTest("foo", 0, tooLong),
name: "stop on success",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
// The test should stop as soon as it passes, even if it has
// not yet reached `runs`.
Runs: 10,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {fail: true},
"foo/1": {fail: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
failedTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
failedTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 2, defaultDuration),
name: "stop on failure",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
// The test should stop as soon as it fails, even if is has
// not yet reached `runs`.
Runs: 10,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/5": {fail: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
succeededTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 2, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 3, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 4, defaultDuration),
failedTest("foo", 5, defaultDuration),
name: "stop on success, runs exceeded",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 5,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {fail: true},
"foo/1": {fail: true},
// Throw in a timeout too just to be sure it's handled the same
// as non-timeout failures.
"foo/2": {duration: tooLong},
"foo/3": {fail: true},
"foo/4": {fail: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
failedTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
failedTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
timedOutTest("foo", 2, tooLong),
failedTest("foo", 3, defaultDuration),
failedTest("foo", 4, defaultDuration),
name: "stop on failure, runs exceeded",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 5,
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
succeededTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 2, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 3, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 4, defaultDuration),
name: "keep going with mixed passes and fails",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.KeepGoing,
Runs: 5,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {fail: true},
"foo/3": {fail: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
failedTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 2, defaultDuration),
failedTest("foo", 3, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 4, defaultDuration),
name: "multiple tests fail",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 1,
Test: build.Test{Name: "bar"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 1,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {fail: true},
"bar/0": {fail: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
failedTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
failedTest("bar", 0, defaultDuration),
name: "multiple tests with one failing until the last attempt",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 10,
Test: build.Test{Name: "bar"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 10,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {fail: true},
"foo/1": {fail: true},
"foo/2": {fail: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
failedTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("bar", 0, defaultDuration),
failedTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
failedTest("foo", 2, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 3, defaultDuration),
name: "multiple tests with one timing out then passing",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 2,
Test: build.Test{Name: "bar"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 2,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {duration: tooLong},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
timedOutTest("foo", 0, tooLong),
succeededTest("bar", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
name: "multiple tests fail with retries",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 5,
Test: build.Test{Name: "bar"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 5,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {fail: true},
"foo/1": {fail: true},
"bar/0": {fail: true},
"bar/1": {fail: true},
"bar/2": {fail: true},
"bar/3": {fail: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
failedTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
failedTest("bar", 0, defaultDuration),
failedTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
failedTest("bar", 1, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 2, defaultDuration),
failedTest("bar", 2, defaultDuration),
failedTest("bar", 3, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("bar", 4, defaultDuration),
name: "stop repeating after secs",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
StopRepeatingAfterSecs: int((5 * defaultDuration).Seconds()),
Runs: 1000,
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
succeededTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 2, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 3, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 4, defaultDuration),
name: "stop repeating early on failure",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
StopRepeatingAfterSecs: int((5 * defaultDuration).Seconds()),
Runs: 1000,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/1": {fail: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
succeededTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
failedTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
name: "test hangs on first attempt",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 5,
Test: build.Test{Name: "bar"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 5,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {hang: true, duration: tooLong},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
timedOutTest("foo", 0, tooLong),
succeededTest("bar", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
name: "retries on connection error",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {connErr: true},
"foo/1": {connErr: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
succeededTest("foo", 2, defaultDuration),
name: "reconnect fails",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {connErr: true, failReconnect: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{},
wantErr: true,
name: "reconnect succeeds, then fails",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {connErr: true},
"foo/1": {connErr: true, failReconnect: true},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{},
wantErr: true,
name: "fatal error running test",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 5,
Test: build.Test{Name: "bar"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 5,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {fail: true},
"bar/1": {fatal: true},
// A fatal error should not be reported as a test failure since
// fatal errors are generally not the fault of any one specific
// test, but all previous results should still be reported.
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
failedTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("bar", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("foo", 1, defaultDuration),
wantErr: true,
name: "collects stdio",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 5,
Test: build.Test{Name: "bar"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 5,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {fail: true, stdout: "stdout0\n", stderr: "stderr0\n"},
"foo/1": {duration: tooLong, stdout: "stdout1\n", stderr: "stderr1\n"},
"foo/2": {stdout: "stdout2\n", stderr: "stderr2\n"},
"bar/0": {stdout: "bar-stdout0\n", stderr: "bar-stderr0\n"},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
failedTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration),
succeededTest("bar", 0, defaultDuration),
timedOutTest("foo", 1, tooLong),
succeededTest("foo", 2, defaultDuration),
expectedOutputs: map[string]string{
// The fake tester writes to stdout before stderr, so stdout
// always comes first.
stdioPath("foo", 0): "stdout0\nstderr0\n",
stdioPath("foo", 1): "stdout1\nstderr1\n",
stdioPath("foo", 2): "stdout2\nstderr2\n",
stdioPath("bar", 0): "bar-stdout0\nbar-stderr0\n",
name: "collects outputfiles",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 5,
Test: build.Test{Name: "bar"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 5,
behavior: map[string]testBehavior{
"foo/0": {stdout: "stdout0\n", stderr: "stderr0\n", outputfile: "outputfile"},
"bar/0": {stdout: "bar-stdout0\n", stderr: "bar-stderr0\n"},
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
func() runtests.TestDetails {
d := succeededTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration)
// The output files found in the test out dir will
// appear first in the list.
d.OutputFiles = append([]string{filepath.Join(testOutDir("foo", 0), "outputfile")}, d.OutputFiles...)
return d
succeededTest("bar", 0, defaultDuration),
expectedOutputs: map[string]string{
stdioPath("foo", 0): "stdout0\nstderr0\n",
stdioPath("bar", 0): "bar-stdout0\nbar-stderr0\n",
filepath.Join(testOutDir("foo", 0), "outputfile"): "outputs",
name: "affected test",
tests: []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "foo"},
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 1,
Affected: true,
expectedResults: []runtests.TestDetails{
func() runtests.TestDetails {
d := succeededTest("foo", 0, defaultDuration)
d.Affected = true
return d
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
fakeClock := clock.NewFakeClock()
ctx := clock.NewContext(context.Background(), fakeClock)
// Make sure the test data is realistic and could actually pass
// validation; there's not much point in testing bogus inputs since
// it would fail validation before testrunner even started running
// any tests.
for i, test := range tc.tests {
if test.Timeout == 0 {
test.Timeout = perTestTimeout
// These fields aren't important for the purpose of this
// function so we don't require that they be set by each test
// case.
test.OS = "linux"
test.Path = filepath.Join("path", "to", test.Name)
if err := validateTest(test); err != nil {
tc.tests[i] = test
timeout := perTestTimeout
if tc.noTimeout {
timeout = 0
runCounts := make(map[string]int)
testerForTest := func(testsharder.Test) (Tester, *[]runtests.DataSinkReference, error) {
return &fakeTester{runTest: func(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test, stdout, stderr io.Writer, outdir string) (*TestResult, error) {
runIndex := runCounts[test.Name]
behavior := tc.behavior[fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", test.Name, runIndex)]
result := testResult(test, runtests.TestSuccess)
if behavior.outputfile != "" {
os.MkdirAll(outdir, os.ModePerm)
os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(outdir, behavior.outputfile), []byte("outputs"), os.ModePerm)
result.OutputDir = outdir
result.OutputFiles = []string{behavior.outputfile}
if behavior.duration == 0 {
behavior.duration = defaultDuration
if behavior.hang {
// Block forever (well, technically just until the test
// ends and the Cleanup callback executes, since we
// don't want to leak goroutines).
c := make(chan struct{})
t.Cleanup(func() { close(c) })
result.Result = runtests.TestAborted
return result, nil
} else if behavior.fatal {
result.Result = ""
return result, fmt.Errorf("fatal error")
} else if {
result.Result = runtests.TestFailure
return result, nil
} else if behavior.connErr {
result.Result = runtests.TestFailure
return result, connectionError{fmt.Errorf("conn err")}
if timeout > 0 && behavior.duration >= timeout {
// If the test is expected to time out, make sure to
// wait until the context gets canceled before exiting
// so we know that we've already hit the timeout
// handler. Otherwise there's a race condition between
// this function exiting and the timeout handler
// triggering.
return result, nil
}, reconnect: func(ctx context.Context, test testsharder.Test) error {
runIndex := runCounts[test.Name] - 1
behavior := tc.behavior[fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", test.Name, runIndex)]
if behavior.failReconnect {
return fmt.Errorf("reconnect failed")
return nil
}}, &[]runtests.DataSinkReference{}, nil
resultsDir := mkdtemp(t, "results")
outputs, err := CreateTestOutputs(tap.NewProducer(io.Discard), resultsDir)
if err != nil {
origRetryBackoff := connectionErrorRetryBackoff
defer func() {
connectionErrorRetryBackoff = origRetryBackoff
connectionErrorRetryBackoff = &retry.ZeroBackoff{}
err = runAndOutputTests(ctx, tc.tests, testerForTest, outputs, resultsDir, nil)
if tc.wantErr != (err != nil) {
t.Errorf("want err: %t, got %s", tc.wantErr, err)
opts := cmp.Options{
cmpopts.IgnoreFields(runtests.TestDetails{}, "StartTime"),
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.expectedResults, outputs.Summary.Tests, opts...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("test results diff (-want +got): %s", diff)
for path, want := range tc.expectedOutputs {
got, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(resultsDir, path))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error reading expected output file %q: %s", path, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, string(got)); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("File contents diff (-want +got): %s", diff)
// mkdtemp creates a new temporary directory within t.TempDir.
func mkdtemp(t *testing.T, pattern string) string {
dir, err := os.MkdirTemp(t.TempDir(), pattern)
if err != nil {
return dir
func TestExecute(t *testing.T) {
tests := []testsharder.Test{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "bar",
OS: "fuchsia",
PackageURL: "fuchsia-pkg://foo/",
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnFailure,
Runs: 2,
}, {
Test: build.Test{
Name: "baz",
Path: "/foo/baz",
OS: "fuchsia",
PackageURL: "fuchsia-pkg://foo/",
RunAlgorithm: testsharder.StopOnSuccess,
Runs: 2,
cases := []struct {
name string
sshKeyFile string
serialSocketPath string
wantErr bool
useFFX bool
name: "ssh tester",
sshKeyFile: "sshkey",
name: "serial tester",
serialSocketPath: "socketpath",
name: "nil ssh tester",
sshKeyFile: "sshkey",
wantErr: true,
name: "nil serial tester",
serialSocketPath: "socketpath",
wantErr: true,
name: "missing socket path",
wantErr: true,
name: "use ffx",
sshKeyFile: "sshkey",
useFFX: true,
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// Revert fakes.
oldSSHTester := sshTester
oldSerialTester := serialTester
oldFFXInstance := ffxInstance
defer func() {
sshTester = oldSSHTester
serialTester = oldSerialTester
ffxInstance = oldFFXInstance
fuchsiaTester := &fakeTester{}
sshTester = func(_ context.Context, _ net.IPAddr, _, _, _ string) (Tester, error) {
if c.wantErr {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get tester")
return fuchsiaTester, nil
serialTester = func(_ context.Context, _ string) (Tester, error) {
if c.wantErr {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get tester")
return fuchsiaTester, nil
ffx := &ffxutil.MockFFXInstance{}
ffxInstance = func(_ context.Context, _ *ffxutil.FFXInstance, _ botanist.Experiments) (FFXInstance, error) {
if c.useFFX {
return ffx, nil
return nil, nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
producer := tap.NewProducer(&buf)
o, err := CreateTestOutputs(producer, mkdtemp(t, "outputs"))
if err != nil {
defer o.Close()
testrunnerOpts := Options{SnapshotFile: ""}
if c.useFFX {
// No need to set the FFX option since we will use the mock instance instead.
testrunnerOpts.Experiments = botanist.Experiments{string(botanist.UseFFXTest): struct{}{}}
if _, err := ffx.WriteRunResult(build.TestList{}, filepath.Join(o.OutDir, "early-boot-profiles")); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to write early-boot profiles: %s", err)
err = execute(context.Background(), tests, o, net.IPAddr{}, c.sshKeyFile, c.serialSocketPath, t.TempDir(), testrunnerOpts)
if c.wantErr {
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("got nil error, want an error for failing to initialize a tester")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("got error: %v", err)
funcCalls := strings.Join(fuchsiaTester.funcCalls, ",")
testCount := strings.Count(funcCalls, testFunc)
expectedTestCount := 3
if c.useFFX {
testCount = strings.Count(strings.Join(ffx.CmdsCalled, ","), "test")
copySinksCount := strings.Count(funcCalls, copySinksFunc)
snapshotCount := strings.Count(funcCalls, runSnapshotFunc)
expectedCopySinksCount := 1
if c.useFFX {
snapshotCount = strings.Count(strings.Join(ffx.CmdsCalled, ","), "snapshot")
expectedCopySinksCount = 0
closeCount := strings.Count(funcCalls, closeFunc)
if testCount != expectedTestCount {
t.Errorf("ran %d tests, want: %d", testCount, expectedTestCount)
if copySinksCount != expectedCopySinksCount {
t.Errorf("ran CopySinks %d times, want: %d", copySinksCount, expectedCopySinksCount)
if snapshotCount != 1 {
t.Errorf("ran RunSnapshot %d times, want: 1", snapshotCount)
if closeCount != 1 {
t.Errorf("ran Close %d times, want: 1", closeCount)
// Ensure CopySinks, RunSnapshot, and Close are run after all calls to Test.
numLastCalls := 3
if c.useFFX {
numLastCalls = 1
lastCalls := fuchsiaTester.funcCalls[len(fuchsiaTester.funcCalls)-numLastCalls:]
expectedLastCalls := []string{runSnapshotFunc, copySinksFunc, closeFunc}
if c.useFFX {
expectedLastCalls = expectedLastCalls[2:]
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedLastCalls, lastCalls); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Unexpected command run (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestScaleTestTimeout(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []struct {
name string
scaleFactor string
timeout time.Duration
expectedTimeout time.Duration
name: "no scale factor",
timeout: time.Minute,
expectedTimeout: time.Minute,
}, {
name: "scale by 10",
scaleFactor: "10",
timeout: time.Minute,
expectedTimeout: 10 * time.Minute,
}, {
name: "invalid scale factor just returns orig timeout",
scaleFactor: "not a number",
timeout: time.Minute,
expectedTimeout: time.Minute,
for _, tc := range testcases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
origScaleFactor := os.Getenv(constants.TestTimeoutScaleFactor)
defer func() {
if err := os.Setenv(constants.TestTimeoutScaleFactor, origScaleFactor); err != nil {
t.Logf("failed to reset %s to %s", constants.TestTimeoutScaleFactor, origScaleFactor)
os.Setenv(constants.TestTimeoutScaleFactor, tc.scaleFactor)
got := ScaleTestTimeout(tc.timeout)
if got != tc.expectedTimeout {
t.Errorf("got: %v, want: %v", got, tc.expectedTimeout)