blob: a7a9d314754ed3db6cf1e9819dc65c7f3c18446a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use bind::parser::common::Include;
use crate::generate::BindingGenerator;
pub struct CppGenerator {}
impl BindingGenerator for CppGenerator {
fn generate_using_declaration(self: &Self, using_decl: &Include) -> String {
let include_stem =".", "/");
format!("#include <bind/{}/cpp/bind.h>\n", include_stem)
fn generate_identifier_declaration(self: &Self, path: &str, identifier_name: &str) -> String {
let mut var_name = identifier_name.to_uppercase();
// Remove the BIND_ prefix for the variable name if the identifier is from the fuchsia
// base library. This is to prevent conflicts with the macros defined in binding_priv.h.
if path == "fuchsia" {
var_name = var_name.strip_prefix("BIND_").unwrap_or(&var_name).to_string();
format!("static const std::string {} = \"{}.{}\";\n", var_name, path, identifier_name)
fn generate_numerical_value_declaration(self: &Self, name: &str, val: &u64) -> String {
format!("static constexpr uint32_t {} = {};\n", name, val)
fn generate_string_value_declaration(self: &Self, name: &str, val: &str) -> String {
format!("static const std::string {} = \"{}\";\n", name, val)
fn generate_bool_value_declaration(self: &Self, name: &str, val: &bool) -> String {
format!("static constexpr bool {} = {};\n", name, val)
fn generate_enum_value_declaration(
self: &Self,
name: &str,
path: &str,
identifier_name: &str,
val: &str,
) -> String {
format!("static const std::string {} = \"{}.{}.{}\";\n", name, path, identifier_name, val)
fn generate_result(
self: &Self,
bind_name: &str,
using_declarations: &str,
constant_declarations: &str,
) -> String {
let namespace = format!("bind_{}", bind_name.replace(".", "_"));
let header_guard = format!("{}_BINDLIB_", namespace.to_uppercase());
namespace = namespace,
header_guard = header_guard,
dep_includes = using_declarations,
content = constant_declarations,