input_pipeline > Coding

Reviewed on: 2022-03-22

Shared-mutable data structures

Rust provides multiple options for how to manage ownership of shared data structures (e.g. Rc, Arc), and multiple options for how to ensure memory safety when mutating shared data structures (e.g. RefCell, std::sync::Mutex).

This section describes the recommended options for code within this library. If these options seem unsuitable for your use case, please ask a reviewer before writing code that uses some other option.

  1. InputHandlers should be wrapped in Rc instead of Arc. This is primarily for semantic consistency with the fact that InputHandlers are not guaranteed to be Send, but may have some performance benefits as well.

  2. Implementations of InputHandler should wrap mutable state in a RefCell, rather than a std::sync::Mutex, futures::lock::Mutex, or parking_lot::Mutex.

    • The primary benefit of RefCell over the mutexes is that, if a program tries to concurrently access the data in incompatible ways (borrow() + borrow_mut()), the program will panic instead of deadlocking.
    • A secondary benefit is that there's no confusion over which wrapper is being used. (Mutex is very confusing given that there are three commonly used implementations.)

Background tasks

In some cases, a pipeline stage wants to do work independently of newly arriving input events. For example, the autorepeater wants to periodically send new key events when a key has been pressed but not released.

Because the work is independent of newly arriving events, there's no natural way to integrate the autorepeat logic (wait for a timer, send an event) with InputHandler::handle_input_event().

For this reason, the autorepeat logic uses the Fuchsia Async library's Task facility.

This section describes the recommended way to use background tasks within this library. If this seems unsuitable for your use case, please ask a reviewer before writing code that uses some other option.

  1. Use fuchsia_async::Task::local(), rather than fuchsia_async::Task::spawn(). Given that the input pipeline code runs on a LocalExecutor, the two functions for creating a task will behave identically. However, Task::local() better documents the fact that the code was not written, reviewed, or tested with multithreaded use in mind.

  2. Store the Task within a data structure (e.g. the struct that created the Task), rather than detach()-ing the Task. Having the Task within the data structure is a convenient and low-effort way of documenting that the struct is active, rather than inert. Said differently: the Task field in the struct makes it obvious that the struct may act spontaneously, rather than, e.g. only responding to function calls.

Note: some existing code does not follow these recommendations. Such code will be migrated over time.


Some InputHandlers need to maintain state which depends on the order in which events are received. If handle_input_event() could be invoked re-entrantly, a handler would probably need to buffer the re-entrant calls internally, to avoid corrupting mutable state.

Instead, the handle_input_event() API is documented as not being reentrant-safe, and the InputPipeline struct always waits for an InputHandler to complete processing an InputEvent, before invoking handle_input_event() again on the same handler.

Consequently, InputHandlers should assume that handle_input_event() is not invoked concurrently.

In addition to avoiding the need for internal buffering, this may also simplify reasoning about the correctness of the use of RefCell::borrow() and RefCell::borrow_mut().

For example, for some handlers, code in handle_input_event() and its callees may be able to assume that data read while holding a RefCell::borrow() or RefCell::borrow_mut() guard remains unchanged even after releasing the guard and yielding (via the await operator).

NOTE: Such an assumption is only appropriate if

  1. The handler does not create fuchsia_async::Tasks which can modify the mutable state behind the RefCell, OR
  2. It is semantically correct for the handle_input_event() Future to use the old value.

Otherwise, the other Tasks may execute while handle_input_event() is suspended, and the state cached in handle_input_event() Future will be (incorrectly) used instead of the value updated by the other Tasks.

Error handling (implementation code)

The input pipeline library runs in the same process (scene_manager) as the code that sets up Scenic. Hence, if an InputHandler calls panic!() (or methods such as unwrap() or expect() on None/Err variants), all graphical programs will terminate.

Hence, implementation code should avoid aborting the program, and should, instead, propagate errors to its caller (e.g. for callees of handle_input_event()), or log errors messages (for Tasks that run independently of handle_input_event()).

Note that keeping the program running allows the user has the opportunity to continue their work using other input modalities, which don't depend on the erroneous handler.

Some existing handlers use panic!(), unwrap(), and expect(). Such code will be migrated over time.

Error handling (test code)

When a test aborts, the test runner outputs a backtrace, which is helpful for debugging the test. When a test returns an Err, however, the test runner does not print a backtrace.

Hence, test code, should prefer to abort, rather than propagating errors.


Implementations of InputHandler::handle_input_event() should avoid blocking unnecessarily, as that prevents InputEvents from propagating to downstream handlers in a timely manner.

For example, consider MediaButtonsHandler, which handles ConsumerControlsEvents by sending events to fuchsia.ui.policy.MediaButtonsListener channels.

After is resolved, we will consider a ConsumerControlsEvent handled when the MediaButtonsHandler has invoked the OnEvent() method on all listeners, even if the listeners have not yet acknowledged the call.

By doing so, we will unblock handling of events intended for handlers downstream of MediaButtonsHandler. In particular, TouchInjectorHandler will be able to process TouchScreenEvents before the MediaButtonsListeners have acknowledged the media buttons event.

Handlers should still listen for acknowledgements, to prevent unread ACKs from accumulating in the associated Zircon channel. However, that work can be done off of the critical path of handle_input_event().

Unresponsive clients in general

Beyond the advice about blocking above, we don't have any advice about how to deal with unresponsive clients. For example, we do not yet have enough experience to recommend that handlers should, or should not, time out a client that fails to acknowledge a message after a set period of time.