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Additional VS Code extensions for Fuchsia

The following VS Code extensions may provide a productive development environment for Fuchsia:

Official Fuchsia-specific extensions

Fuchsia-specific extensions provide support for working with Fuchsia software and systems. These extensions are currently supported by the Fuchsia project.

Fuchsia extension for VS Code

The Fuchsia extension for VS Code{: .external} provides support for debugging Fuchsia devices, logging, and syntax highlighting. This extension is Fuchsia’s official extension and can be used with the source tree and the SDK. For more information see the Fuchsia developer extension page.

Community contributed extensions

These extensions are developed by Fuchsia contributors. Extensions listed are unsupported and could conflict with the official Fuchsia developer extension. It is recommended to use the Fuchsia developer extension.{: .external}

Fuchsia.git Helper

Fuchsia.git Helper{: .external} adds an “Open in...”, which allows you to open a file in OSS Code Search.

To use this extension:

  1. Right click a file in the file editor.
  2. Select Open in OSS Code Search.


FuchsiAware{: .external} assists with browsing Fuchsia artifacts, such as by linking from component URLs to component manifests.

Build system extensions


GN{: .external} adds syntax highlighting for GN files.


GNFormat{: .external} provides GN file formatting.

You may need to configure GNFormat with the file path to your GN binary and buildtools. Do the following:

  1. In VS Code, launch Quick Open by running CMD/CTRL + P.
  2. Type settings in the search field.
  3. Click Preferences: Open Settings (JSON).
  4. Add the following configuration and restart VS Code:
"gnformat.path.gn": "{{ '<var>' }}FILE_PATH{{ '</var>' }}",
"gnformat.path.buildtools": "{{ '<var>' }}BUILD_TOOLS_PATH{{ '</var>' }}"

General workflow extensions

General workflow extensions provide an overall productive workflow when working with Fuchsia.


GitLens{: .external} provides highly customizable insights of git history, which allows you to see code evolution.

Language specific extensions

FIDL language support

FIDL Language Support{: .external} provides syntax support and LSP-based language features in FIDL.

Note: You need to configure Fuchsia environment variables to run this extension. For more information, see Set up environment variables.


In some cases, you may work on Fuchsia components using a structured configuration written in JSON5. JSON5{: .external} adds syntax highlighting for JSON5 files.


Rust-analyzer{: .external} is a Language Server Protocol{: .external} (LSP) implementation for the Rust language.

Note: If your Fuchsia source is symlinked from another mountpoint, the rust-analyzer extension may not locate the files for analysis. Instead, open the actual file path to the Fuchsia source in VS Code.

To use rust-analyzer with VS Code, Fuchsia recommends:

Configure workflow

Using the fuchsia.code-workspace configuration file will set recommended defaults for using rust-analyzer on Fuchsia.

Beyond those defaults, here are some optional settings you may want to add to your settings.json:

// optional: only show summary docs for functions (keeps tooltips small) "rust-analyzer.signatureInfo.detail": "parameters", // optional: don't activate parameterHints automatically "editor.parameterHints.enabled": false,

Fuchsia SDK extensions


The Fuchsia SDK{:.external} uses the Bazel build system. The Bazel extension{:.external} can build and run components directly from VS Code.