{% set rfcid = “RFC-0213” %} {% include “docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md” %}

{{ rfc.name }}: {{ rfc.title }}

{# Fuchsia RFCs use templates to display various fields from _rfcs.yaml. View the #} {# fully rendered RFCs at https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/contribute/governance/rfcs #}


This proposal outlines a process for removing a devfs feature where multiple FIDL protocols are multiplexed over a single connection. It explains the reason why removing this feature will unblock new driver features, and standardize driver FIDL connections with the rest of Fuchsia.


The Driver Framework manages the connection between a hardware device and a client. Historically, this connection has served three FIDL protocols:

  • fuchsia.io/Node
  • fuchsia.device/Controller
  • the device's actual FIDL protocol

This multiplexing requires that the Driver Framework owns the channel, so that it can serve the Node and Controller protocols. This prevents the underlying driver from owning the channel. This design means that the Driver Framework must maintain a C FIDL boundary between the Driver and the Driver Host. This also means that drivers are unable to disambiguate between multiple connections or store per-connection state. This restriction has led to a number of “trampoline protocols”, or protocols where the driver and client exchange a new pair of channels simply to avoid the multiplexed channels.

This multiplexing goes against FIDL design principles for composition. FIDL design principles state that a protocol can be composed of multiple protocols at compile time. However, the Driver Framework is doing this composition at run time and is unaware of the FIDL protocol being spoken by the device. Multiplexing at runtime also runs into the possibility of conflicting ordinals in the protocols that are being multiplexed.

The multiplexing of the Controller protocol means it isn‘t possible to use capability routing to restrict access to fuchsia.device/Controller. For example, clients of /dev/class/input-report mostly want to access fuchsia.input.report/Device. However, fuchsia.device/Controller is served on the same channel, so are able to unbind, rebind, or set power states on these devices. It is not possible to solve this routing problem when the device’s FIDL and the Controller FIDL are multiplexed on the same channel.

The multiplexing of the Node protocol is used throughout the codebase to Clone a connection to the device. While the concept of cloning a device connection is fine, this is a capability that the underlying driver is not aware of. Additionally, the API for fuchsia.io/Node.Clone takes in a server end of a fuchsia.io/Node, so using this API to clone a device's channel is lying about the underlying type of the channel. There is a substantial amount of client code today that does this, either by calling the FIDL directly or by using file descriptors. Fuchsia has an established best practice of using typed channels, and we should be enforcing these best practices in this area.



  • abarth


  • abarth
  • cja
  • csuter
  • surajmalhotra
  • tamird
  • yifei



This RFC originated as a design document which went through a design review with the Driver Framework team.


The requirements are split into two categories: Migration and End State.


The migration plan must be a soft migration with an allowlist. Fuchsia contains a lot of code that interacts with driver clients, both in-tree and out-of-tree. It will not be possible to remove multiplexing from all of devfs at once. Having an allowlist with discrete tasks will allow us to make incremental progress and prevent the migration from backsliding.

The migration should be as mechanical as possible. Each client update should be simple enough that folks unfamiliar with drivers or the driver framework would be able to perform a migration. The more mechanical each update, the faster the migration will be.

End State

Connections to devices should be explicit. It should be clear if a client is requesting the device controller or the underlying device protocol. There will be no FIDL multiplexing, so clients will be able to use typed channels.

The Driver Framework will not serve fuchsia.io/Node on a connection to a device.

Drivers will be able to own their own connection to a client. After the FIDL multiplexing is removed, there will be another migration to move Drivers to a DDK API that will provide the driver with a channel whenever a client attempts to connect. This migration will allow drivers to have per-connection state and use the FIDL bindings that the rest of the Fuchsia codebase uses.


Connecting to fuchsia.device/Controller

In order to connect to fuchsia.device/Controller a client will have to open a specific node in the devfs filesystem. This node will be named device_controller and will be available in both devfs class paths and devfs topological paths.

If a client is getting the device protocol from /dev/class/input-report/abcd the controller will be available at /dev/class/input-report/abcd/device_controller.

If a client is getting the device protocol from /dev/sys/platform/pci/00:12 the controller will be available at /dev/sys/platform/pci/00:12/device_controller.

Removing multiplexing from /dev/class/

There will be two allowlists for devfs class paths: one for fuchsia.io/Node and one for fuchsia.device/Controller. These allowlists will contain the names of /dev/class/{protocol} that are still multiplexing the respective protocol.

Entries from this allowlist will be removed after clients have been updated to stop relying on the multiplexed behavior.

Removing multiplexing from topological paths

When an entry in the allowlist is removed for a class path, the corresponding entries in the topological paths will also have multiplexing removed from them.

For example, if /dev/class/input-report has fuchsia.io/Node removed, the topological paths corresponding to those input devices will also no longer be serving fuchsia.io/Node.


The allowlists will be implemented in the driver framework. Removing an entry from the allowlist will require updating clients that rely on this multiplexing.


There should be no significant performance impact for removing FIDL multiplexing. There may be a slight performance increase since a FIDL message to a device does not need to attempt to be dispatched to the Node or Controller API.


The Driver Framework may decide to add a helper library for connecting to the Controller API. This will depend on the first couple of migrations.

The Driver Framework will also be updated to log an error if a client is attempting to call an unknown FIDL protocol on a device. This means there will be ERROR logs if a client is incorrectly still relying on multiplexing. Unfortunately it is not simple to correctly attribute the error log to the specific client.

Backwards Compatibility

There is no way to remove the FIDL multiplexing and retain backwards compatibility.

Security considerations

There are no security considerations for this proposal. This work may slightly improve the security of devfs by making client behavior more explicit and understandable.

In the future, the Driver Framework will want to restrict access to fuchsia.device/Controller. For example, clients that get access to /dev/class/input-report have no need to access the controller protocol. Restricting this will improve security, and removing FIDL multiplexing gives the Driver Framework the ability to restrict this in the future. The actual plan for restricting this protocol is outside the scope of this RFC and can be taken as a followup project.

Privacy considerations

There are no privacy considerations for this proposal.


The Driver Framework features for the allowlist and the removal of multiplexing will be tested.

Each removal of the allowlist will unfortunately have to rely on existing test coverage in CQ. Because this multiplexing is happening outside of the FIDL type system, there are no good ways to statically determine which clients rely on the multiplexing behavior.


Documentation has been added in the form of an Open Project Page This page outlines the allowlist, motivation, and update steps. When the project is complete, no clients will depend on this behavior and so no documentation will be needed.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns

Using service capabilities in DFv2

The main alternative to doing this work now is to wait until the drivers as components (DFv2) effort is finished and then migrate clients directly to using Service Capabilities.

However, migrating clients to service capabilities cannot start until DFv2 is enabled on all possible boards. More clients that depend on multiplexing will be added in the meantime, including out of tree clients that will be more difficult to migrate. Additionally, the DFv1 compatibility shim will need to support FIDL multiplexing in order to preserve existing behavior, and DFv2 drivers that export themselves to devfs will also need to support multiplexing. Removing this tech debt from DFv1 will simplify the DFv2 design, instead of requiring that this tech debt be carried forward.

Moving clients to service capabilities will be more difficult if the client also needs to untangle FIDL multiplexing at the same time. These migrations will move faster if one issue is fixed at a time.

Prior art and references

FIDL has outlined the best practices for protocol composition.