blob: 23ef4ed11612976d5541a2983a7536af7c618384 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
testrunnerconstants ""
// target represents a generic fuchsia instance.
type target interface {
// AddPackageRepository adds a given package repository to the target.
AddPackageRepository(client *sshutil.Client, repoURL, blobURL string) error
// CaptureSerialLog starts capturing serial logs to the given file.
// This is only valid once the target has a serial multiplexer running.
CaptureSerialLog(filename string) error
// CaptureSyslog starts capturing the syslog to the given file.
// This is only valid when the target has SSH running.
CaptureSyslog(client *sshutil.Client, filename, repoURL, blobURL string) error
// IPv4 returns the IPv4 of the target; this is nil unless explicitly
// configured.
IPv4() (net.IP, error)
// IPv6 returns the IPv6 of the target.
IPv6() (*net.IPAddr, error)
// Nodename returns the name of the target node.
Nodename() string
// Serial returns the serial device associated with the target for serial i/o.
Serial() io.ReadWriteCloser
// SerialSocketPath returns the path to the target's serial socket.
SerialSocketPath() string
// SSHClient returns an SSH client to the device (if the device has SSH running).
SSHClient() (*sshutil.Client, error)
// SSHKey returns the private key corresponding an authorized SSH key of the target.
SSHKey() string
// Start starts the target.
Start(ctx context.Context, images []bootserver.Image, args []string) error
// StartSerialServer starts the serial server for the target iff one
// does not exist.
StartSerialServer() error
// Stop stops the target.
Stop() error
// Wait waits for the target to finish running.
Wait(context.Context) error
// SetFFX attaches an ffx instance and env to the target.
SetFFX(*targets.FFXInstance, []string)
// UseFFX returns whether to enable using ffx.
UseFFX() bool
// FFXConfigPath returns the path to the ffx config.
FFXConfigPath() string
// FFXEnv returns the env vars that the ffx instance should run with.
FFXEnv() []string
// SetImageOverrides sets the images to override the defaults in images.json.
// RunCommand is a Command implementation for booting a device and running a
// given command locally.
type RunCommand struct {
// ConfigFile is the path to the target configurations.
configFile string
// DownloadManifest is the path we should write the package server's
// download manifest to.
downloadManifest string
// ImageManifest is a path to an image manifest.
imageManifest string
// Netboot tells botanist to netboot (and not to pave).
netboot bool
// ZirconArgs are kernel command-line arguments to pass on boot.
zirconArgs flagmisc.StringsValue
// Timeout is the duration allowed for the command to finish execution.
timeout time.Duration
// SysloggerFile, if nonempty, is the file to where the system's logs will be written.
syslogFile string
// syslogDir, if nonempty, is the directory in which system syslogs will be written.
syslogDir string
// SshKey is the path to a private SSH user key.
sshKey string
// SerialLogFile, if nonempty, is the file where the system's serial logs will be written.
serialLogFile string
// serialLogDir, if nonempty, is the directory in which system serial logs will be written.
serialLogDir string
// RepoURL specifies the URL of a package repository.
repoURL string
// BlobURL optionally specifies the URL of where a package repository's blobs may be served from.
// Defaults to $repoURL/blobs.
blobURL string
// localRepo specifies the path to a local package repository. If set,
// botanist will spin up a package server to serve packages from this
// repository.
localRepo string
// The path to the ffx tool.
ffxPath string
// The level of experimental ffx features to enable.
ffxExperimentLevel int
// A json struct following the build.ImageOverrides schema that defines the
// images to override the defaults in images.json.
imageOverrides imageOverridesFlagValue
type imageOverridesFlagValue build.ImageOverrides
func (v *imageOverridesFlagValue) String() string {
data, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return ""
return string(data)
func (v *imageOverridesFlagValue) Set(s string) error {
return json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &v)
// targetInfo is the schema for a JSON object used to communicate target
// information (device properties, serial paths, SSH properties, etc.) to
// subprocesses.
type targetInfo struct {
// Nodename is the Fuchsia nodename of the target.
Nodename string `json:"nodename"`
// IPv4 is the IPv4 address of the target.
IPv4 string `json:"ipv4"`
// IPv6 is the IPv6 address of the target.
IPv6 string `json:"ipv6"`
// SerialSocket is the path to the serial socket, if one exists.
SerialSocket string `json:"serial_socket"`
// SSHKey is a path to a private key that can be used to access the target.
SSHKey string `json:"ssh_key"`
func (*RunCommand) Name() string {
return "run"
func (*RunCommand) Usage() string {
return `
botanist run [flags...] [command...]
func (*RunCommand) Synopsis() string {
return "boots a device and runs a local command"
func (r *RunCommand) SetFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&r.configFile, "config", "", "path to file of device config")
f.StringVar(&r.imageManifest, "images", "", "path to an image manifest")
f.BoolVar(&r.netboot, "netboot", false, "if set, botanist will not pave; but will netboot instead")
f.Var(&r.zirconArgs, "zircon-args", "kernel command-line arguments")
f.DurationVar(&r.timeout, "timeout", 10*time.Minute, "duration allowed for the command to finish execution.")
f.StringVar(&r.syslogFile, "syslog", "", "file to write the systems logs to")
f.StringVar(&r.syslogDir, "syslog-dir", "", "the directory to write all system logs to.")
f.StringVar(&r.sshKey, "ssh", "", "file containing a private SSH user key; if not provided, a private key will be generated.")
f.StringVar(&r.serialLogFile, "serial-log", "", "file to write the serial logs to.")
f.StringVar(&r.serialLogDir, "serial-log-dir", "", "the directory to write all serial logs to.")
f.StringVar(&r.repoURL, "repo", "", "URL at which to configure a package repository; if the placeholder of \"localhost\" will be resolved and scoped as appropriate")
f.StringVar(&r.blobURL, "blobs", "", "URL at which to serve a package repository's blobs; if the placeholder of \"localhost\" will be resolved and scoped as appropriate")
f.StringVar(&r.localRepo, "local-repo", "", "path to a local package repository; the repo and blobs flags are ignored when this is set")
f.StringVar(&r.ffxPath, "ffx", "", "Path to the ffx tool.")
f.StringVar(&r.downloadManifest, "download-manifest", "", "Path to a manifest containing all package server downloads")
f.IntVar(&r.ffxExperimentLevel, "ffx-experiment-level", 0, "The level of experimental features to enable. If -ffx is not set, this will have no effect.")
f.Var(&r.imageOverrides, "image-overrides", "A json struct following the ImageOverrides schema at //tools/build/tests.go with the names of the images to use from images.json.")
func (r *RunCommand) execute(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, r.timeout)
go func() {
// Log the timeout for tefmocheck to detect it.
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "%s (%s)", constants.CommandExceededTimeoutMsg, r.timeout)
defer cancel()
// Start up a local package server if one was requested.
if r.localRepo != "" {
var port int
pkgSrvPort := os.Getenv(constants.PkgSrvPortKey)
if pkgSrvPort == "" {
logger.Warningf(ctx, "%s is empty, using default port %d", constants.PkgSrvPortKey, botanist.DefaultPkgSrvPort)
port = botanist.DefaultPkgSrvPort
} else {
var err error
port, err = strconv.Atoi(pkgSrvPort)
if err != nil {
return err
pkgSrv, err := botanist.NewPackageServer(ctx, r.localRepo, r.repoURL, r.blobURL, r.downloadManifest, port)
if err != nil {
return err
defer pkgSrv.Close()
// TODO(rudymathu): Once gcsproxy and remote package serving are deprecated, remove
// the repoURL and blobURL from the command line flags.
r.repoURL = pkgSrv.RepoURL
r.blobURL = pkgSrv.BlobURL
// Disable usb mass storage to determine if it affects NUC stability.
// TODO(rudymathu): Remove this once stability is achieved.
r.zirconArgs = append(r.zirconArgs, "driver.usb_mass_storage.disable")
// TODO( Remove this once CDC-ether flakiness
// has been resolved.
r.zirconArgs = append(r.zirconArgs, "driver.usb_cdc.log=debug")
// Parse targets out from the target configuration file.
targetSlice, err := r.deriveTargetsFromFile(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// This is the primary target that a command will be run against and that
// logs will be streamed from.
t0 := targetSlice[0]
ffxOutputsDir := filepath.Join(os.Getenv(testrunnerconstants.TestOutDirEnvKey), "ffx_outputs")
removeFFXOutputsDir := false
ffx, err := ffxutil.NewFFXInstance(r.ffxPath, "", []string{}, t0.Nodename(), t0.SSHKey(), ffxOutputsDir)
if err != nil {
return err
if ffx != nil {
stdout, stderr, flush := botanist.NewStdioWriters(ctx)
defer flush()
ffx.SetStdoutStderr(stdout, stderr)
defer func() {
if removeFFXOutputsDir {
if err := ffx.SetLogLevel(ffxutil.Trace); err != nil {
return err
if err := ffx.SetConfigJsonPointer("/discovery/mdns/enabled", false); err != nil {
return err
for _, t := range targetSlice {
// Start serial servers for all targets. Will no-op for targets that
// already have serial servers.
if err := t.StartSerialServer(); err != nil {
return err
// Attach an ffx instance for all targets. All ffx instances will use the same
// config and daemon, but run commands against its own specified target.
if ffx != nil {
ffxForTarget := ffxutil.FFXInstanceWithConfig(r.ffxPath, "", ffx.Config.Env(), t.Nodename(), ffx.ConfigPath)
t.SetFFX(&targets.FFXInstance{ffxForTarget, r.ffxExperimentLevel}, ffx.Config.Env())
if r.imageOverrides != nil {
eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
if r.serialLogDir != "" {
if err := os.Mkdir(r.serialLogDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
for _, t := range targetSlice {
t := t
eg.Go(func() error {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "starting serial collection for target %s", t.Nodename())
// Create a new file to capture the serial log for this nodename.
serialLogName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_serial_log.txt", t.Nodename())
// TODO( Remove once there are no dependencies on this filename.
if len(targetSlice) == 1 {
serialLogName = "serial_log.txt"
serialLogPath := filepath.Join(r.serialLogDir, serialLogName)
if _, err := os.Create(serialLogPath); err != nil {
return err
// Start capturing the serial log for this target.
if err := t.CaptureSerialLog(serialLogPath); err != nil && ctx.Err() == nil {
return err
return nil
if r.serialLogFile != "" {
eg.Go(func() error {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "starting serial collection")
if err := t0.CaptureSerialLog(r.serialLogFile); err != nil && ctx.Err() == nil {
return err
return nil
for _, t := range targetSlice {
t := t
eg.Go(func() error {
if err := t.Wait(ctx); err != nil && err != targets.ErrUnimplemented && ctx.Err() == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("target %s failed: %w", t.Nodename(), err)
return nil
eg.Go(func() error {
// Signal other goroutines to exit.
defer cancel()
if err := r.startTargets(ctx, targetSlice); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", constants.FailedToStartTargetMsg, err)
logger.Debugf(ctx, "successfully started all targets")
// Create a testbed config file. We have to do this after starting the
// targets so that we can get their IP addresses.
testbedConfig, err := r.createTestbedConfig(targetSlice)
if err != nil {
return err
defer os.Remove(testbedConfig)
if !r.netboot {
for i, t := range targetSlice {
t := t
client, err := t.SSHClient()
if err != nil {
if err := r.dumpSyslogOverSerial(ctx, t.SerialSocketPath()); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, err.Error())
return err
if r.repoURL != "" {
if err := t.AddPackageRepository(client, r.repoURL, r.blobURL); err != nil {
return err
logger.Debugf(ctx, "added package repo to target %s", t.Nodename())
if i == 0 && r.syslogFile != "" {
go func() {
t0.CaptureSyslog(client, r.syslogFile, r.repoURL, r.blobURL)
if r.syslogDir != "" {
if _, err := os.Stat(r.syslogDir); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
if err := os.Mkdir(r.syslogDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
go func() {
syslogName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_syslog.txt", t.Nodename())
// TODO( Remove when there are no dependencies on this filename.
if len(targetSlice) == 1 {
syslogName = "syslog.txt"
syslogPath := filepath.Join(r.syslogDir, syslogName)
if _, err := os.Create(syslogPath); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed to create syslog file %s: %s", syslogPath, err)
t.CaptureSyslog(client, syslogPath, r.repoURL, r.blobURL)
defer func() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
r.stopTargets(ctx, targetSlice)
err = r.runAgainstTarget(ctx, t0, args, testbedConfig)
// Cancel ctx to notify other goroutines that this routine has completed.
// If another goroutine gets an error and the context is canceled, it
// should return nil so that we always prioritize the result from this
// goroutine.
return err
err = eg.Wait()
if err == nil {
// In the case of a successful run, remove the ffx_outputs dir which contains ffx logs.
// These logs can be very large, so we should only upload them in the case of a failure.
removeFFXOutputsDir = true
return err
// createTestbedConfig creates a configuration file that describes the targets
// attached and returns the path to the file.
func (r *RunCommand) createTestbedConfig(targetSlice []target) (string, error) {
var testbedConfig []targetInfo
for _, t := range targetSlice {
cfg := targetInfo{
Nodename: t.Nodename(),
SerialSocket: t.SerialSocketPath(),
if !r.netboot {
cfg.SSHKey = t.SSHKey()
if ipv4, err := t.IPv4(); err != nil {
return "", err
} else if ipv4 != nil {
cfg.IPv4 = ipv4.String()
if ipv6, err := t.IPv6(); err != nil {
return "", err
} else if ipv6 != nil {
cfg.IPv6 = ipv6.String()
testbedConfig = append(testbedConfig, cfg)
data, err := json.Marshal(testbedConfig)
if err != nil {
return "", err
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "testbed_config")
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer f.Close()
if _, err := f.Write(data); err != nil {
return "", err
return f.Name(), nil
func (r *RunCommand) startTargets(ctx context.Context, targetSlice []target) error {
bootMode := bootserver.ModePave
if r.netboot {
bootMode = bootserver.ModeNetboot
// We wait until targets have started before running the subcommand against the zeroth one.
eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, t := range targetSlice {
t := t
eg.Go(func() error {
// TODO( Move outside gofunc once we get rid of downloading or ensure that it only happens once.
imgs, closeFunc, err := bootserver.GetImages(ctx, r.imageManifest, bootMode)
if err != nil {
return err
defer closeFunc()
return t.Start(ctx, imgs, r.zirconArgs)
return eg.Wait()
func (r *RunCommand) stopTargets(ctx context.Context, targetSlice []target) {
// Stop the targets in parallel.
var eg errgroup.Group
for _, t := range targetSlice {
t := t
eg.Go(func() error {
return t.Stop()
_ = eg.Wait()
// dumpSyslogOverSerial runs log_listener over serial to collect logs that may
// help with debugging. This is intended to be used when SSH connection fails to
// get some information about the failure mode prior to exiting.
func (r *RunCommand) dumpSyslogOverSerial(ctx context.Context, socketPath string) error {
socket, err := serial.NewSocket(ctx, socketPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("newSerialSocket failed: %w", err)
defer socket.Close()
if err := serial.RunDiagnostics(ctx, socket); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to run serial diagnostics: %w", err)
// Dump the existing syslog buffer. This may not work if pkg-resolver is not
// up yet, in which case it will just print nothing.
cmds := []serial.Command{
{Cmd: []string{syslog.LogListener, "--dump_logs", "yes"}, SleepDuration: 5 * time.Second},
if err := serial.RunCommands(ctx, socket, cmds); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to dump syslog over serial: %w", err)
return nil
func (r *RunCommand) runAgainstTarget(ctx context.Context, t target, args []string, testbedConfig string) error {
subprocessEnv := map[string]string{
constants.NodenameEnvKey: t.Nodename(),
constants.SerialSocketEnvKey: t.SerialSocketPath(),
constants.TestbedConfigEnvKey: testbedConfig,
if t.UseFFX() {
subprocessEnv[constants.FFXPathEnvKey] = r.ffxPath
subprocessEnv[constants.FFXExperimentLevelEnvKey] = strconv.Itoa(r.ffxExperimentLevel)
subprocessEnv[constants.FFXConfigPathEnvKey] = t.FFXConfigPath()
// If |netboot| is true, then we assume that fuchsia is not provisioned
// with a netstack; in this case, do not try to establish a connection.
if !r.netboot {
var addr net.IPAddr
ipv6, err := t.IPv6()
if err != nil {
return err
if ipv6 != nil {
addr = *ipv6
ipv4, err := t.IPv4()
if err != nil {
return err
if ipv4 != nil {
addr.IP = ipv4
addr.Zone = ""
env := map[string]string{
constants.DeviceAddrEnvKey: addr.String(),
constants.IPv4AddrEnvKey: ipv4.String(),
constants.IPv6AddrEnvKey: ipv6.String(),
constants.SSHKeyEnvKey: t.SSHKey(),
for k, v := range env {
subprocessEnv[k] = v
// Run the provided command against t0, adding |subprocessEnv| into
// its environment.
environ := os.Environ()
for k, v := range subprocessEnv {
environ = append(environ, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
if t.UseFFX() {
environ = append(environ, t.FFXEnv()...)
runner := subprocess.Runner{
Env: environ,
stdout, stderr, flush := botanist.NewStdioWriters(ctx)
defer flush()
if err := runner.RunWithStdin(ctx, args, stdout, stderr, nil); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("command %s with timeout %s failed: %w", args, r.timeout, err)
return nil
func (r *RunCommand) Execute(ctx context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet, _ ...interface{}) subcommands.ExitStatus {
args := f.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
return subcommands.ExitUsageError
cleanUp, err := environment.Ensure()
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed to setup environment: %s", err)
return subcommands.ExitFailure
defer cleanUp()
var expandedArgs []string
for _, arg := range args {
expandedArgs = append(expandedArgs, os.ExpandEnv(arg))
r.blobURL = os.ExpandEnv(r.blobURL)
r.repoURL = os.ExpandEnv(r.repoURL)
if err := r.execute(ctx, expandedArgs); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "%s", err)
return subcommands.ExitFailure
return subcommands.ExitSuccess
func deriveTarget(ctx context.Context, obj []byte, opts targets.Options) (target, error) {
type typed struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
var x typed
if err := json.Unmarshal(obj, &x); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("object in list has no \"type\" field: %w", err)
switch x.Type {
case "aemu":
var cfg targets.QEMUConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(obj, &cfg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid QEMU config found: %w", err)
return targets.NewAEMUTarget(ctx, cfg, opts)
case "qemu":
var cfg targets.QEMUConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(obj, &cfg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid QEMU config found: %w", err)
return targets.NewQEMUTarget(ctx, cfg, opts)
case "device":
var cfg targets.DeviceConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(obj, &cfg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid device config found: %w", err)
t, err := targets.NewDeviceTarget(ctx, cfg, opts)
return t, err
case "gce":
var cfg targets.GCEConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(obj, &cfg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid GCE config found: %w", err)
return targets.NewGCETarget(ctx, cfg, opts)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown type found: %q", x.Type)
func (r *RunCommand) deriveTargetsFromFile(ctx context.Context) ([]target, error) {
opts := targets.Options{
Netboot: r.netboot,
SSHKey: r.sshKey,
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(r.configFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", constants.ReadConfigFileErrorMsg, err)
var objs []json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &objs); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal config file as a JSON list: %w", err)
var targetSlice []target
for _, obj := range objs {
t, err := deriveTarget(ctx, obj, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
targetSlice = append(targetSlice, t)
if len(targetSlice) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no targets found")
return targetSlice, nil