blob: 9bbfb2e673d2b4a30855580bfe959cbd33a42614 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Common workstation product configuration. This configuration is shared by the _eng,
# _userdebug, and _user build types.
core_realm_package_name = "core-workstation"
core_realm_shards += [
legacy_base_package_labels += [
# TODO( Complete CFv2 migration and remove.
legacy_base_package_labels -= [
# TODO( Complete CFv2 migration and remove.
core_realm_shards -= [ "//src/intl/intl_services:intl_services_small_shard" ]
# Add Linux runner
legacy_base_package_labels += [
core_realm_shards += [ "//src/ui/wayland/bin/bridge:core_shard" ]
# Add Bluetooth packages
core_realm_shards +=
[ "//src/connectivity/bluetooth/profiles/bt-a2dp:eager_core_shard" ]
# To use the eager shard, cache the packages so they are available before network.
legacy_cache_package_labels += [
# TODO( Demote to universe when sysui handles pairing+connecting
# Explicitly prefer wired networking on workstation
legacy_base_package_labels -=
[ "//src/connectivity/network/netcfg:config-default" ]
legacy_base_package_labels +=
[ "//src/connectivity/network/netcfg:config-prefer-wired" ]
# This package is only used for tests, so it must stay out of non-eng workstation products.
legacy_base_package_labels -=
[ "//src/connectivity/network:network-legacy-deprecated" ]
legacy_base_package_labels += [
# Starnix
product_bootfs_labels += [
# hide the virtual console on boot
# enable boot animation
# enable DPI based scale factors, 1.25x above 160 DPI, 2x above 240, etc.
# enable double buffered output
# Add bold and italic Virtcon fonts.
virtcon_bold_font_path =
virtcon_italic_font_path =
virtcon_bold_italic_font_path =
# Include Fxfs in the build so that it's available for enablement at runtime.
product_bootfs_labels += [
# USB peripheral drivers are not necessary for workstation.
product_bootfs_labels += [ "//bundles/drivers:usb-peripheral-stack" ]
product_bootfs_labels -= [ "//bundles/drivers:usb-peripheral-stack" ]
# Shards for media.
core_realm_shards += [
# Enable input injection for testing through `fuchsia.input.injection.InputDeviceRegistry`.
use_modern_input_injection = true
# Create an additional (initially empty) account partition in FVM to enable
# user data protection.
include_account_in_fvm = true
# Use Flatland as the default graphics protocol in Scenic.
use_flatland_by_default = true
# TODO( Switch to Fxfs.
data_filesystem_format = "minfs"