blob: ab4a69b13a55e18b5682f0a0b2d9721635f59fbb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
pest::iterators::{Pair, Pairs},
std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet, VecDeque},
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum ParseError {
#[fail(display = "The primary namespace was already set")]
#[fail(display = "{} is not yet support", 0)]
#[fail(display = "{:?} is not expected in this location", 0)]
#[fail(display = "{} was not included in the input libraries", 0)]
#[fail(display = "{:?} is an unknown type", 0)]
#[fail(display = "Failed to parse because {:?} is not an integer", 0)]
#[fail(display = "Invalid dependencies: {}", 0)]
#[fail(display = "Expected {:?} to resolve to a {:?}.", 0, 1)]
InvalidConstType(Constant, Ty),
#[fail(display = "Declaration not found in namespace")]
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Default, Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Attr {
pub key: String,
pub val: Option<String>,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Default, Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Attrs(pub Vec<Attr>);
// namespace is only populated if it's not the current/default one
// TODO(bwb) consider populating it or renaming to be more explicit
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Eq, Serialize, Clone, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Ident {
namespace: Option<String>,
name: String,
impl Ident {
/// Construct an identity. If the second parameter is a fully qualified identity, use that
/// if it is not qualified, place it under the passed in namespace
pub fn new(namespace: &str, raw_name: &str) -> Ident {
let v: Vec<&str> = raw_name.rsplitn(2, '.').collect();
if v.len() > 1 {
Ident { namespace: Some(v[1].trim().to_string()), name: v[0].trim().to_string() }
} else {
Ident {
namespace: Some(namespace.trim().to_string()),
name: raw_name.trim().to_string(),
pub fn new_raw(raw_name: &str) -> Ident {
let v: Vec<&str> = raw_name.rsplitn(2, '.').collect();
if v.len() > 1 {
Ident { namespace: Some(v[1].trim().to_string()), name: v[0].trim().to_string() }
} else {
Ident { namespace: None, name: raw_name.trim().to_string() }
pub fn fq(&self) -> (Option<String>, String) {
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
pub fn is_base_type(&self) -> bool {
// TODO add more of zx.banjo
match self.namespace {
Some(ref n) => n == "zx",
None => false,
impl Attrs {
pub fn has_attributes(&self) -> bool {
self.0.len() > 0
pub fn has_attribute(&self, key: &str) -> bool {
self.0.iter().any(|attr| attr.key == key)
pub fn get_attribute<'a>(&'a self, key: &str) -> Option<&'a String> {
if let Some(attr) = self.0.iter().find(|attr| attr.key == key) {
if let Some(ref val) = attr.val {
} else {
} else {
pub fn from_pair(pair: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Attrs, ParseError> {
let mut attrs = Attrs::default();
let mut doc_string: Option<String> = None; // String::default();
for inner_pair in pair.into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::doc_comment => {
if doc_string.is_none() {
doc_string = Some(String::default())
if let Some(ref mut doc_string) = doc_string {
*doc_string += inner_pair.as_str().split_at(3).1;
Rule::attribute_list => {
let attr_string =
let attr_pairs = attr_string.split(",");
for ap in attr_pairs {
if !ap.contains("=") {
attrs.0.push(Attr { key: String::from(ap.trim()), val: None });
} else {
let split: Vec<&str> = ap.split("=").collect();
// Strip whitespace and quotes.
let val = split[1].trim();
let val = val.chars().skip(1).take(val.len() - 2).collect();
.push(Attr { key: String::from(split[0].trim()), val: Some(val) });
_ => unreachable!(),
if doc_string.is_some() {
attrs.0.push(Attr { key: String::from("Doc"), val: doc_string });
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Serialize, Debug, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Constant(pub String);
impl Constant {
pub fn from_str(string: &str) -> Self {
impl std::fmt::Display for Constant {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Serialize, Debug, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum HandleTy {
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Serialize, Debug, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum Ty {
Str { size: Option<Constant>, nullable: bool },
Vector { ty: Box<Ty>, size: Option<Constant>, nullable: bool },
Array { ty: Box<Ty>, size: Constant },
Handle { ty: HandleTy, reference: bool },
// TODO rename this to something less confusing
Identifier { id: Ident, reference: bool },
impl fmt::Display for Ty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Ty::UInt32 => write!(f, "UInt32"),
Ty::Identifier { .. } => write!(f, "<Ident>"),
_ => Err(fmt::Error),
impl Ty {
pub fn is_primitive(&self, ast: &BanjoAst) -> bool {
match self {
Ty::Identifier { id, .. } => {
if id.is_base_type() {
return true;
} else {
let resolved_type = ast.id_to_type(id);
return resolved_type.is_primitive(&ast);
Ty::Struct { .. } => false,
Ty::Union { .. } => false,
Ty::Interface { .. } => false,
Ty::Enum { .. } => true,
Ty::Str { .. } | Ty::Vector { .. } | Ty::Array { .. } | Ty::Handle { .. } => false,
_ => true,
pub fn is_reference(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Ty::Str { nullable, .. } => *nullable,
Ty::Vector { nullable, .. } => *nullable,
Ty::Identifier { reference, .. } => *reference,
Ty::Handle { reference, .. } => *reference,
_ => false,
pub fn from_pair(ns: &str, pair: &Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
let rule = pair.as_rule();
match rule {
Rule::primitive_type => match pair.as_str() {
"usize" => Ok(Ty::USize),
"bool" => Ok(Ty::Bool),
"int8" => Ok(Ty::Int8),
"int16" => Ok(Ty::Int16),
"int32" => Ok(Ty::Int32),
"int64" => Ok(Ty::Int64),
"uint8" => Ok(Ty::UInt8),
"uint16" => Ok(Ty::UInt16),
"uint32" => Ok(Ty::UInt32),
"uint64" => Ok(Ty::UInt64),
"float32" => Ok(Ty::Float32),
"float64" => Ok(Ty::Float64),
"voidptr" => Ok(Ty::Voidptr),
_e => Err(ParseError::UnrecognizedType(pair.as_str().to_string())),
Rule::handle_type => {
let mut ty = HandleTy::Handle;
let mut reference = false;
for inner_pair in pair.clone().into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::handle_subtype => {
ty = match inner_pair.as_str() {
"process" => HandleTy::Process,
"thread" => HandleTy::Thread,
"vmo" => HandleTy::Vmo,
"channel" => HandleTy::Channel,
"event" => HandleTy::Event,
"port" => HandleTy::Port,
"interrupt" => HandleTy::Interrupt,
"log" => HandleTy::Log,
"socket" => HandleTy::Socket,
"resource" => HandleTy::Resource,
"eventpair" => HandleTy::EventPair,
"job" => HandleTy::Job,
"vmar" => HandleTy::Vmar,
"fifo" => HandleTy::Fifo,
"guest" => HandleTy::Guest,
"timer" => HandleTy::Timer,
"bti" => HandleTy::Bti,
"profile" => HandleTy::Profile,
"debuglog" => HandleTy::DebugLog,
_e => {
return Err(ParseError::UnrecognizedType(
Rule::reference => {
reference = true;
_e => {
return Err(ParseError::UnrecognizedType(
Ok(Ty::Handle { ty, reference })
Rule::integer_type => match pair.as_str() {
"usize" => Ok(Ty::USize),
"int8" => Ok(Ty::Int8),
"int16" => Ok(Ty::Int16),
"int32" => Ok(Ty::Int32),
"int64" => Ok(Ty::Int64),
"uint8" => Ok(Ty::UInt8),
"uint16" => Ok(Ty::UInt16),
"uint32" => Ok(Ty::UInt32),
"uint64" => Ok(Ty::UInt64),
_e => Err(ParseError::NotAnInteger(rule)),
Rule::array_type => {
let vec_contents: Vec<Pair<'_, Rule>> = pair.clone().into_inner().collect();
let ty = Box::new(Ty::from_pair(ns, &vec_contents[0])?);
let size = Constant::from_str(vec_contents[1].as_str());
Ok(Ty::Array { ty, size })
Rule::identifier_type => {
let mut iter = pair.clone().into_inner();
let id =;
let reference = if let Some(pair) = {
match pair.as_rule() {
Rule::reference => true,
e => {
return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e));
} else {
Ok(Ty::Identifier { id: Ident::new(ns, id), reference })
Rule::string_type => {
let mut size = None;
let mut nullable = false;
for inner_pair in pair.clone().into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::constant => {
size = Some(Constant::from_str(inner_pair.as_str()));
Rule::reference => {
nullable = true;
e => {
return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e));
Ok(Ty::Str { size, nullable })
Rule::vector_type => {
let mut iter = pair.clone().into_inner();
let ty = Box::new(Ty::from_pair(ns, &;
let mut size = None;
let mut nullable = false;
for inner_pair in iter {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::constant => {
size = Some(Constant::from_str(inner_pair.as_str()));
Rule::reference => {
nullable = true;
e => {
return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e));
Ok(Ty::Vector { ty, size, nullable })
_e => Err(ParseError::UnrecognizedType(pair.as_str().to_string())),
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Debug, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct StructField {
pub attributes: Attrs,
pub ty: Ty,
pub ident: Ident,
pub val: Option<Constant>,
impl StructField {
pub fn from_pair(ns: &str, pair: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
let mut attributes = Attrs::default();
let mut ty = None;
let mut ident = String::default();
let mut val = None;
for inner_pair in pair.into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::attributes => attributes = Attrs::from_pair(inner_pair)?,
Rule::ident => ident = String::from(inner_pair.as_str()),
Rule::constant => val = Some(Constant::from_str(inner_pair.as_str())),
_ => ty = Some(Ty::from_pair(ns, &inner_pair)?),
Ok(StructField {
attributes: attributes,
ty: ty.unwrap(),
ident: Ident::new_raw(ident.as_str()),
val: val,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Debug, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct UnionField {
pub attributes: Attrs,
pub ty: Ty,
pub ident: Ident,
impl UnionField {
pub fn from_pair(ns: &str, pair: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
let fields: Vec<Pair<'_, Rule>> = pair.into_inner().collect();
let ty = &fields[1];
Ok(UnionField {
attributes: Attrs::from_pair(fields[0].clone())?,
ty: Ty::from_pair(ns, ty)?,
ident: Ident::new_raw(fields[2].as_str()),
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Debug, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct EnumVariant {
pub attributes: Attrs,
pub name: String,
pub size: Constant,
impl EnumVariant {
pub fn from_pair(pair: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
let fields: Vec<Pair<'_, Rule>> = pair.into_inner().collect();
Ok(EnumVariant {
attributes: Attrs::from_pair(fields[0].clone())?,
name: String::from(fields[1].as_str()),
size: Constant::from_str(fields[2].as_str()),
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Debug, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Method {
pub attributes: Attrs,
pub name: String,
pub in_params: Vec<(String, Ty)>,
pub out_params: Vec<(String, Ty)>,
impl Method {
pub fn from_pair(ns: &str, pair: Pair<'_, Rule>) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
let mut attributes = Attrs::default();
let mut name = String::default();
let mut in_params = Vec::new();
let mut out_params = Vec::new();
for inner_pair in pair.into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::attributes => {
attributes = Attrs::from_pair(inner_pair)?;
Rule::interface_parameters => {
let mut fields: Vec<Pair<'_, Rule>> = inner_pair.into_inner().collect();
name = String::from(fields[0].as_str());
// TODO cleaner way of getting in/out params
let inner_params = fields.remove(1);
for in_pair in inner_params.into_inner() {
match in_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::parameter => {
let mut param = in_pair.into_inner();
let ty = Ty::from_pair(ns, &;
let name = String::from(;
in_params.push((name, ty));
e => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e)),
// might not have any return paramaters
if fields.len() > 1 {
let inner_params = fields.remove(1);
for in_pair in inner_params.into_inner() {
match in_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::parameter => {
let mut param = in_pair.into_inner();
let ty = Ty::from_pair(ns, &;
let name = String::from(;
out_params.push((name, ty));
e => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e)),
e => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e)),
Ok(Method { attributes, name, in_params, out_params })
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Debug, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum Decl {
Struct { attributes: Attrs, name: Ident, fields: Vec<StructField> },
Union { attributes: Attrs, name: Ident, fields: Vec<UnionField> },
Enum { attributes: Attrs, name: Ident, ty: Ty, variants: Vec<EnumVariant> },
Constant { attributes: Attrs, name: Ident, ty: Ty, value: Constant },
Interface { attributes: Attrs, name: Ident, methods: Vec<Method> },
Alias(Ident, Ident),
#[derive(PartialEq, Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct BanjoAst {
pub primary_namespace: String,
pub namespaces: BTreeMap<String, Vec<Decl>>,
impl BanjoAst {
pub fn id_to_decl(&self, fq_ident: &Ident) -> Result<&Decl, ParseError> {
let (namespace, ident) = fq_ident.fq();
for decl in self.namespaces[&namespace.unwrap_or(self.primary_namespace.clone())].iter() {
match decl {
Decl::Interface { name, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Ok(decl);
Decl::Struct { name, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Ok(decl);
Decl::Union { name, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Ok(decl);
Decl::Enum { name, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Ok(decl);
Decl::Alias(to, _from) => {
if to == fq_ident {
return Ok(decl);
Decl::Constant { name, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Ok(decl);
return Err(ParseError::UnknownDecl);
pub fn id_to_type(&self, fq_ident: &Ident) -> Ty {
let (ns, ident) = fq_ident.fq();
match ident.as_str() {
"usize" => return Ty::USize,
"bool" => return Ty::Bool,
"int8" => return Ty::Int8,
"int16" => return Ty::Int16,
"int32" => return Ty::Int32,
"int64" => return Ty::Int64,
"uint8" => return Ty::UInt8,
"uint16" => return Ty::UInt16,
"uint32" => return Ty::UInt32,
"uint64" => return Ty::UInt64,
"float32" => return Ty::Float32,
"float64" => return Ty::Float64,
"voidptr" => return Ty::Voidptr,
_ => {}
let namespace = match ns {
Some(ref n) => n,
None => &self.primary_namespace,
for decl in self.namespaces[namespace].iter() {
match decl {
Decl::Interface { name, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Ty::Interface;
Decl::Struct { name, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Ty::Struct;
Decl::Union { name, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Ty::Union;
Decl::Enum { name, variants, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Ty::Enum;
for variant in variants.iter() {
if == ident {
return Ty::Identifier { id: name.clone(), reference: false };
Decl::Alias(to, from) => {
if == ident {
return self.id_to_type(from);
Decl::Constant { name, ty, .. } => {
if == ident {
return (*ty).clone();
panic!("Unidentified {:?}", fq_ident);
pub fn id_to_attributes(&self, fq_ident: &Ident) -> Option<&Attrs> {
let (ns, ident) = fq_ident.fq();
let namespace = match ns {
Some(ref n) => n,
None => &self.primary_namespace,
for decl in self.namespaces[namespace].iter() {
match decl {
Decl::Interface { name, attributes, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Some(attributes);
Decl::Struct { name, attributes, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Some(attributes);
Decl::Union { name, attributes, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Some(attributes);
Decl::Enum { name, attributes, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Some(attributes);
Decl::Alias(to, from) => {
if == ident {
return self.id_to_attributes(from);
Decl::Constant { name, attributes, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Some(attributes);
pub fn parse_decl(
pair: Pair<'_, Rule>,
ns: &str,
_namespaces: &BTreeMap<String, Vec<Decl>>,
) -> Result<Decl, ParseError> {
match pair.as_rule() {
Rule::struct_declaration => {
let mut attributes = Attrs::default();
let mut name = String::default();
let mut fields = Vec::default();
for inner_pair in pair.into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::attributes => {
attributes = Attrs::from_pair(inner_pair)?;
Rule::ident => {
name = String::from(inner_pair.as_str().trim());
Rule::struct_field => fields.push(StructField::from_pair(ns, inner_pair)?),
e => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e)),
Ok(Decl::Struct { attributes, name: Ident::new(ns, &name), fields })
Rule::enum_declaration => {
let mut attributes = Attrs::default();
let mut name = String::default();
let mut variants = Vec::default();
let mut ty = Ty::UInt32;
for inner_pair in pair.into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::attributes => {
attributes = Attrs::from_pair(inner_pair)?;
Rule::ident => {
name = String::from(inner_pair.as_str().trim());
Rule::integer_type => {
ty = Ty::from_pair(ns, &inner_pair)?;
Rule::enum_field => variants.push(EnumVariant::from_pair(inner_pair)?),
e => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e)),
Ok(Decl::Enum { attributes, name: Ident::new(ns, name.as_str()), ty, variants })
Rule::union_declaration => {
let mut attributes = Attrs::default();
let mut name = String::default();
let mut fields = Vec::default();
for inner_pair in pair.into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::attributes => {
attributes = Attrs::from_pair(inner_pair)?;
Rule::ident => {
name = String::from(inner_pair.as_str().trim());
Rule::union_field => fields.push(UnionField::from_pair(ns, inner_pair)?),
e => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e)),
Ok(Decl::Union { attributes, name: Ident::new(ns, name.as_str()), fields })
// TODO extend to be more expressive for banjo
Rule::interface_declaration => {
let mut attributes = Attrs::default();
let mut name = String::default();
let mut methods = Vec::default();
for inner_pair in pair.into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::attributes => {
attributes = Attrs::from_pair(inner_pair)?;
Rule::ident => {
name = String::from(inner_pair.as_str());
Rule::interface_method => methods.push(Method::from_pair(ns, inner_pair)?),
e => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e)),
Ok(Decl::Interface { attributes, name: Ident::new(ns, name.as_str()), methods })
Rule::const_declaration => {
let mut attributes = Attrs::default();
let mut name = String::default();
let mut ty = Ty::UInt32;
let mut value = Constant(String::from(""));
for inner_pair in pair.into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::attributes => {
attributes = Attrs::from_pair(inner_pair)?;
Rule::ident => {
name = String::from(inner_pair.as_str());
Rule::identifier_type | Rule::string_type | Rule::primitive_type => {
ty = Ty::from_pair(ns, &inner_pair)?;
Rule::constant => {
value = Constant::from_str(inner_pair.clone().as_span().as_str());
e => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e)),
Ok(Decl::Constant { attributes, name: Ident::new(ns, name.as_str()), ty, value })
e => Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e)),
/// Finds the `Decl` in the AST for a `Ty` found inside of another `Decl`.
/// If |ignore_ref| is true and |ty| is a reference to an identifier, `None`
/// will be returned instead of the appropriate `Decl`.
fn type_to_decl(&self, ty: &Ty, ignore_ref: bool) -> Option<&Decl> {
match ty {
Ty::Array { ref ty, .. } => self.type_to_decl(ty, ignore_ref),
Ty::Vector { ref ty, .. } => self.type_to_decl(ty, ignore_ref),
Ty::Identifier { id, reference } => {
// don't add edge for a reference
if ignore_ref && *reference {
return None;
let (_, ident) = id.fq();
for decl in self.namespaces[&self.primary_namespace].iter() {
match decl {
Decl::Union { name, .. }
| Decl::Constant { name, .. }
| Decl::Interface { name, .. }
| Decl::Enum { name, .. }
| Decl::Struct { name, .. } => {
if == ident {
return Some(decl);
Decl::Alias(to, from) => {
if to == id {
return self.type_to_decl(&self.id_to_type(from), ignore_ref);
_ => None,
// An edge from D1 to D2 means that a C needs to see the declaration
// of D1 before the declaration of D2. For instance, given the banjo
// struct D2 { D1 d; };
// struct D1 { int32 x; };
// D1 has an edge pointing to D2. Note that struct and union pointers,
// unlike inline structs or unions, do not have dependency edges.
fn decl_dependencies(&self, decl: &Decl) -> Result<HashSet<&Decl>, ParseError> {
let mut edges = HashSet::new();
let mut maybe_add_decl = |ty, ignore_ref| {
if let Some(type_decl) = self.type_to_decl(ty, ignore_ref) {
match decl {
Decl::Interface { methods, .. } => {
for method in methods {
for (_, ty) in method.in_params.iter() {
maybe_add_decl(&ty, false);
for (_, ty) in method.out_params.iter() {
maybe_add_decl(&ty, false);
Decl::Struct { fields, .. } => {
for field in fields {
maybe_add_decl(&field.ty, true);
Decl::Union { fields, .. } => {
for field in fields {
maybe_add_decl(&field.ty, true);
Decl::Alias(_to, from) => {
maybe_add_decl(&self.id_to_type(from), false);
// TODO(surajmalhtora): Implement constant.
Decl::Constant { .. } => (),
// Enum cannot have dependencies.
Decl::Enum { .. } => (),
/// Validates that the declarations are cycle free and returns declaration ordering.
pub fn validate_declaration_deps(&self) -> Result<Vec<&Decl>, ParseError> {
// The number of undelcared dependencies for each decl.
let mut degrees: BTreeMap<&Decl, u32> = BTreeMap::new();
// Records the decls that depend on each other.
let mut inverse_dependencies: BTreeMap<&Decl, Vec<&Decl>> = BTreeMap::new();
for decl in self.namespaces.iter().flat_map(|(_, decls)| decls.iter()) {
degrees.insert(&decl, 0);
for decl in self.namespaces.iter().flat_map(|(_, decls)| decls.iter()) {
let deps = self.decl_dependencies(&decl)?;
for dep in deps.iter().filter(|&dep| dep != &decl) {
let entry = degrees.get_mut(&decl).unwrap();
*entry += 1;
let entry = inverse_dependencies.entry(&dep).or_insert(Vec::new());
// Remove mutability.
let inverse_dependencies = inverse_dependencies;
// Start with all decls that have no incoming edges.
let mut decls_without_deps = degrees
.filter(|(_, &degrees)| degrees == 0)
.map(|(&decl, _)| decl)
let mut decl_order = Vec::new();
// Pull one out of the queue.
while let Some(decl) = decls_without_deps.pop_front() {
assert_eq!(degrees.get(decl), Some(&0));
// Decrement the incoming degree of all other decls it points to.
if let Some(inverse_deps) = inverse_dependencies.get(decl) {
for inverse_dep in inverse_deps {
let degree = degrees.get_mut(inverse_dep).unwrap();
assert_ne!(*degree, 0);
*degree -= 1;
if *degree == 0 {
if decl_order.len() != degrees.len() {
// We didn't visit all the edges! There was a cycle.
return Err(ParseError::InvalidDeps(String::from(
"There is a cycle in the declarations",
.filter(|decl| {
let ident = match decl {
Decl::Interface { name, .. } => name,
Decl::Struct { name, .. } => name,
Decl::Union { name, .. } => name,
Decl::Enum { name, .. } => name,
Decl::Alias(to, _from) => to,
Decl::Constant { name, .. } => name,
if let Some(ref ns) = ident.fq().0 {
ns == &self.primary_namespace
} else {
// Validates that the constants are of the right type.
fn validate_constants(&self) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
// Search ast for constants.
for (ty, constant) in
self.namespaces.iter().flat_map(|(_, decls)| decls.iter()).filter_map(|decl| match decl
Decl::Constant { ty, value, .. } => Some((ty, value)),
_ => None,
let Constant(string) = constant;
if string.len() > 2 && string.get(0..2) == Some("0x") {
// TODO(bwb): validate constants if hex as well
return Ok(());
match ty {
Ty::Int8 => {
.map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()))?;
Ty::Int16 => {
.map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()))?;
Ty::Int32 => {
.map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()))?;
Ty::Int64 => {
.map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()))?;
Ty::USize => {
.map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()))?;
Ty::UInt8 => {
.map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()))?;
Ty::UInt16 => {
.map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()))?;
Ty::UInt32 | Ty::UInt64 => {
.map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()))?;
Ty::Bool => {
.map_err(|_| ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()))?;
Ty::Str { .. } => {
if !string.starts_with("\"") || !string.ends_with("\"") {
return Err(ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()));
_ => {
let ident_ty = self.id_to_type(&Ident::new_raw(string));
if *ty != ident_ty {
return Err(ParseError::InvalidConstType(constant.clone(), ty.clone()));
// TODO(surajmalhotra): Find every bound array, string, and validate their bound is a valid
// usize.
pub fn parse(
pair_vec: Vec<Pairs<'_, Rule>>,
_fidl_vec: Vec<fidl::Ir>,
) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
let mut primary_namespace = None;
let mut namespaces = BTreeMap::default();
for pairs in pair_vec {
for pair in pairs {
let mut current_namespace = String::default();
let mut namespace = Vec::default();
for inner_pair in pair.into_inner() {
match inner_pair.as_rule() {
Rule::library_header => {
for token in inner_pair.into_inner() {
if Rule::compound_ident == token.as_rule() {
current_namespace = String::from(token.as_str());
if let Some(primary_namespace) = primary_namespace {
if primary_namespace == current_namespace {
return Err(ParseError::AlreadyPrimaryNamespace);
primary_namespace = Some(String::from(token.as_str()));
Rule::using_decl => {
let contents: Vec<&str> =
inner_pair.clone().into_inner().map(|p| p.as_str()).collect();
Rule::using => {
for (cnt, pair) in inner_pair.into_inner().enumerate() {
if cnt == 0 {
if !namespaces.contains_key(pair.as_str()) {
return Err(ParseError::UnImported(format!(
} else {
return Err(ParseError::NotYetSupported(String::from(
"'as' in library imports",
| Rule::union_declaration
| Rule::enum_declaration
| Rule::interface_declaration
| Rule::const_declaration => {
let decl =
Self::parse_decl(inner_pair, &current_namespace, &namespaces)?;
Rule::EOI => (),
e => return Err(ParseError::UnexpectedToken(e)),
namespaces.insert(current_namespace, namespace);
let ast =
BanjoAst { primary_namespace: primary_namespace.unwrap(), namespaces: namespaces };
let _ = ast.validate_declaration_deps()?;