Session Manager Usage Guide

To launch session_manager

fx set core.x64 --with //src/session:session_framework
fx shell run fuchsia-pkg:// fuchsia-pkg://

In order to launch a specific example session, update the session_manager.cml file:

"args": [ "-s", "fuchsia-pkg://" ],

To run the tests

Run fx shell ifconfig to find the IP address of the device that will run the test.

Use the following command to launch the set of Session Framework tests defined in test_plan.json. Tests listed in test_plan.json can be v1 or v2 components. Every test included in this list needs to expose /svc/fuchsia.test.Suite.

This command starts the test_runner which uses component_manager to launch each test as a component. Note that these tests are not run in CQ.

FUCHSIA_IPV4_ADDR=<IP OF DEVICE> FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY=.ssh/pkey ./out/default/host_x64/dart-tools/test_runner -p src/session/session_manager_integration_tests/test_plan.json

Debug tips

If the test hangs after these lines:

creating sl4f driver
starting sl4f driver

you may need to reconfigure your network setup.