blob: 02cb29a489b68d2a15a4b792c4af0c6b951e16f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/gtest/real_loop_fixture.h"
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
namespace gtest {
namespace {
bool RunGivenLoopWithTimeout(async::Loop* loop, zx::duration timeout) {
// This cannot be a local variable because the delayed task below can execute
// after this function returns.
auto canceled = std::make_shared<bool>(false);
bool timed_out = false;
[loop, canceled, &timed_out] {
if (*canceled) {
timed_out = true;
// Another task can call Quit() on the message loop, which exits the
// message loop before the delayed task executes, in which case |timed_out| is
// still false here because the delayed task hasn't run yet.
// Since the message loop isn't destroyed then (as it usually would after
// Quit()), and presumably can be reused after this function returns we
// still need to prevent the delayed task to quit it again at some later time
// using the canceled pointer.
if (!timed_out) {
*canceled = true;
return timed_out;
bool RunGivenLoopWithTimeoutOrUntil(async::Loop* loop,
fit::function<bool()> condition,
zx::duration timeout, zx::duration step) {
const zx::time deadline = (timeout == zx::sec(0))
? zx::time::infinite()
: zx::deadline_after(timeout);
while (zx::clock::get_monotonic() < deadline) {
if (condition()) {
return true;
RunGivenLoopWithTimeout(loop, step);
return condition();
} // namespace
RealLoopFixture::RealLoopFixture() : loop_(&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToThread) {}
RealLoopFixture::~RealLoopFixture() = default;
async_dispatcher_t* RealLoopFixture::dispatcher() { return loop_.dispatcher(); }
void RealLoopFixture::RunLoop() {
bool RealLoopFixture::RunLoopWithTimeout(zx::duration timeout) {
return RunGivenLoopWithTimeout(&loop_, timeout);
bool RealLoopFixture::RunLoopWithTimeoutOrUntil(fit::function<bool()> condition,
zx::duration timeout,
zx::duration step) {
return RunGivenLoopWithTimeoutOrUntil(&loop_, std::move(condition), timeout,
bool RealLoopFixture::RunLoopUntil(fit::function<bool()> condition,
zx::duration step) {
return RunGivenLoopWithTimeoutOrUntil(&loop_, std::move(condition),
zx::sec(0), step);
void RealLoopFixture::RunLoopUntilIdle() {
void RealLoopFixture::QuitLoop() { loop_.Quit(); }
fit::closure RealLoopFixture::QuitLoopClosure() {
return [this] { loop_.Quit(); };
} // namespace gtest