blob: 1d50d0775c5e88cdf89e203f51c9aada930107f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include "lib/fxl/macros.h"
// RAII class to automatically call a function-like thing as it goes out of
// scope
// Examples:
// extern int foo();
// int a;
// auto ac = fxl::MakeAutoCall([&](){ a = 1; });
// auto ac2 = fxl::MakeAutoCall(foo);
// auto func = [&](){ a = 2; };
// fxl::AutoCall<decltype(func)> ac3(func);
// fxl::AutoCall<decltype(&foo)> ac4(&foo);
// // abort the call
// ac2.cancel();
namespace fxl {
template <typename T>
class AutoCall {
constexpr explicit AutoCall(std::nullptr_t) : active_(false) {}
constexpr explicit AutoCall(T c) : call_(std::move(c)) {}
~AutoCall() { call(); }
// move semantics
AutoCall(AutoCall&& c) : call_(std::move(c.call_)), active_(c.active_) {
AutoCall& operator=(AutoCall&& c) {
call_ = std::move(c.call_);
active_ = c.active_;
return *this;
// no copy, assign, but allow move
// cancel the eventual call
void cancel() { active_ = false; }
// call it immediately
void call() {
// Reset |active_| first to handle recursion (in the unlikely case it
// should happen).
bool active = active_;
if (active)
T call_;
bool active_ = true;
// helper routine to create an autocall object without needing template
// specialization
template <typename T>
inline AutoCall<T> MakeAutoCall(T c) {
return AutoCall<T>(std::move(c));
} // namespace fxl