blob: d7906bd35491f5dd3a4e628c226d588eeb31b316 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/lib/far/far.h"
#include "garnet/lib/far/archive_reader.h"
struct far_reader {
archive::ArchiveReader* impl;
bool far_reader_create(far_reader_t* reader) {
far_reader_t result = new far_reader;
result->impl = nullptr;
*reader = result;
return true;
bool far_reader_destroy(far_reader_t reader) {
if (reader->impl)
delete reader->impl;
delete reader;
return true;
bool far_reader_read_fd(far_reader_t reader, int fd) {
reader->impl = new archive::ArchiveReader(fxl::UniqueFD(fd));
return reader->impl->Read();
bool far_reader_get_count(far_reader_t reader, uint64_t* count) {
*count = reader->impl->file_count();
return true;
bool far_reader_get_index(far_reader_t reader, const char* path,
size_t path_length, uint64_t* index) {
return reader->impl->GetDirectoryIndexByPath(
fxl::StringView(path, path_length), index);
bool far_reader_get_path(far_reader_t reader, uint64_t index, const char** path,
size_t* path_length) {
archive::DirectoryTableEntry entry;
if (!reader->impl->GetDirectoryEntryByIndex(index, &entry))
return false;
fxl::StringView path_view = reader->impl->GetPathView(entry);
*path =;
*path_length = path_view.size();
return true;
bool far_reader_get_content(far_reader_t reader, uint64_t index,
uint64_t* offset, uint64_t* length) {
archive::DirectoryTableEntry entry;
if (!reader->impl->GetDirectoryEntryByIndex(index, &entry))
return false;
*offset = entry.data_offset;
*length = entry.data_length;
return true;