blob: e44949cb27bc8ce897acfd2072f878d27e7add03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/lazy_init/lazy_init.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/listnode.h>
#include <arch/ops.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <kernel/align.h>
#include <kernel/cpu_search_set.h>
#include <kernel/dpc.h>
#include <kernel/scheduler.h>
#include <kernel/stats.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/timer.h>
#include <ktl/forward.h>
#include <lockdep/thread_lock_state.h>
#include <vm/page_state.h>
struct percpu {
explicit percpu(cpu_num_t cpu_num);
// percpus cannot be moved or copied.
percpu(const percpu&) = delete;
percpu(percpu&&) = delete;
percpu& operator=(const percpu&) = delete;
percpu& operator=(percpu&&) = delete;
// Each CPU maintains a per-cpu queue of timers.
TimerQueue timer_queue;
// per cpu search set
CpuSearchSet search_set;
// per cpu scheduler
Scheduler scheduler;
// state for runtime lock validation when in irq context
lockdep::ThreadLockState lock_state;
// guest entry/exit statistics
struct guest_stats gstats;
// thread/cpu level statistics
struct cpu_stats stats;
// per cpu idle thread
Thread idle_thread;
// kernel counters arena
int64_t* counters;
// Each cpu maintains a DpcQueue.
DpcQueue dpc_queue;
// Page state counts are percpu because they change frequently and we don't want to pay for either
// heavy synchronization, or transferring the counters between CPUs a lot. Using percpu relaxed
// atomics we minimize the need for synchronization (no locks, interrupt or preemption disabling
// needed), and avoid cache line bouncing the counters around different CPUs.
// While it's OK for an observer to temporarily see incorrect values, the counts need to
// eventually quiesce. It's important that we don't "drop" changes and that the values don't
// drift over time.
// When modifying it is not necessary to disable preemption, and can just use
// percpu::GetCurrent()| and then modify the counts. In the unlikely event a CPU migration happens
// this does not effect correctness, and paying for the rare cache line transfer is preferable to
// consistently paying to avoid migration.
// When reading, use |ForEachPreemptDisable|. Although it is not possible to guarantee a
// consistent snapshot of these counters, it should be good enough for diagnostic uses.
vm_page_counts_t vm_page_counts;
// lockup_detector state.
// Every active CPU wakes up periodically to record a heartbeat, as well as
// to check to see if any of its peers are showing signs of problems. The
// lockup detector timer is the timer used for this.
// This field is not a member of LockupDetectorState because Timer depends on
// SpinLock, which depends on lockup_detector. By pulling it out of
// LockupDetectorState we can inline performance critical lockup_detector
// functions. See also gLockupDetectorPerCpuState.
Timer lockup_detector_timer;
// Returns a reference to the percpu instance for given CPU number.
static percpu& Get(cpu_num_t cpu_num) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(cpu_num < processor_count());
return *processor_index_[cpu_num];
// Returns a reference to the percpu instance for the calling CPU.
static percpu& GetCurrent() { return *arch_get_curr_percpu(); }
// Returns the number of percpu instances.
static size_t processor_count() { return processor_count_; }
// Called once during early init by the boot processor to initalize the percpu
// data for the boot processor.
static void InitializeBoot();
// Called once by the boot processor after heap init to initialize the percpu
// data for the secondary processors.
static void InitializeSecondariesBegin(uint32_t init_level);
// Called on each secondary processors immediately after booting.
static void InitializeSecondaryFinish();
// Call |Func| with the current CPU's percpu struct with preemption disabled.
// |Func| should accept a |percpu*|.
template <typename Func>
static void WithCurrentPreemptDisable(Func&& func) {
PreemptionState& preemption_state = Thread::Current::preemption_state();
// Call |Func| once per CPU with each CPU's percpu struct with preemption disabled.
// |Func| should accept a |percpu*|.
template <typename Func>
static void ForEachPreemptDisable(Func&& func) {
PreemptionState& preemption_state = Thread::Current::preemption_state();
for (cpu_num_t cpu_num = 0; cpu_num < processor_count(); ++cpu_num) {
// Call |Func| once per CPU with each CPU's percpu struct.
// |Func| should accept |cpu_num| and |percpu*|.
template <typename Func>
static void ForEach(Func&& func) {
for (cpu_num_t cpu_num = 0; cpu_num < processor_count(); ++cpu_num) {
ktl::forward<Func>(func)(cpu_num, &Get(cpu_num));
// Number of percpu entries.
static size_t processor_count_;
// The percpu for the boot processor.
static lazy_init::LazyInit<percpu, lazy_init::CheckType::Basic> boot_processor_
// Pointer to heap memory allocated for additional percpu instances.
static percpu* secondary_processors_;
// Translates from CPU number to percpu instance. Some or all instances
// of percpu may be discontiguous.
static percpu** processor_index_;
// Temporary translation table with one entry for use in early boot.
static percpu* boot_index_[1];