blob: 686e3da87f5ddac96682f5034219ac88949b6761 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <kernel/event.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/thread_lock.h>
// Deferred Procedure Calls - queue callback to invoke on the current cpu in thread context.
// Dpcs are executed with interrupts enabled, and do not ever migrate cpus while executing.
// A Dpc may not execute on the original current cpu if it is hotunplugged/offlined.
// Dpcs may block, though this may starve other queued work.
class Dpc : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<Dpc*, fbl::NodeOptions::AllowCopyMove> {
using Func = void(Dpc*);
explicit Dpc(Func* func = nullptr, void* arg = nullptr) : func_(func), arg_(arg) {}
template <class ArgType>
ArgType* arg() {
return static_cast<ArgType*>(arg_);
// Queue this object and signal the worker thread to execute it.
// |Queue| will not block, but it may wait briefly for a spinlock.
// |Queue| may return before or after the Dpc has executed. It is the caller's responsibilty to
// ensure that a queued Dpc object is not destroyed prior to its execution.
// Returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if |this| is already queued.
zx_status_t Queue();
// Queue this object and signal the worker thread to execute it.
// This method is similar to |Queue| with |reschedule| equal to false, except that it must be
// called while holding the ThreadLock.
// |QueueThreadLocked| may return before or after the Dpc has executed. It is the caller's
// responsibilty to ensure that a queued Dpc object is not destroyed prior to its execution.
// Returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if |this| is already queued.
zx_status_t QueueThreadLocked() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
friend class DpcQueue;
// The DpcQueue this Dpc gets enqueued onto is the only thing to actually Invoke this Dpc,
// on its worker thread.
void Invoke();
Func* func_;
void* arg_;
// Each cpu maintains a DpcQueue, in its percpu structure.
class DpcQueue {
// Initializes this DpcQueue for the current cpu.
void InitForCurrentCpu();
// Begins the Dpc shutdown process for the owning cpu.
// Shutting down a Dpc queue is a two-phase process. This is the first phase. See
// |TransitionOffCpu| for the second phase.
// This method:
// - tells the owning cpu's Dpc thread to stop servicing its queue then
// - waits, up to |deadline|, for it to finish any in-progress DPC and join
// Because this method blocks until the Dpc thread has terminated, it is critical that the caller
// not hold any locks that might be needed by any previously queued DPCs. Otheriwse, deadlock may
// occur.
// Upon successful completion, this DpcQueue may contain unexecuted Dpcs and new ones
// may be added by |Queue|. However, they will not execute (on any cpu) until
// |TransitionOffCpu| is called.
// Once |Shutdown| has completed successfully, finish the shutdown process by calling
// |TransitionOffCpu| on some cpu other than the owning cpu.
// If |Shutdown| fails, this DpcQueue is left in an undefined state and
// |TransitionOffCpu| must not be called.
zx_status_t Shutdown(zx_time_t deadline);
// Moves queued Dpcs from |source| to this DpcQueue.
// This is the second phase of Dpc shutdown. See |Shutdown|.
// This must only be called after |Shutdown| has completed successfully.
// This must only be called on the current cpu.
void TransitionOffCpu(DpcQueue& source);
// These are called by Dpc::Queue and Dpc::QueueThreadLocked.
void Enqueue(Dpc* dpc);
void Signal() TA_EXCL(thread_lock);
void SignalLocked() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static int WorkerThread(void* unused);
int Work();
// The cpu that owns this DpcQueue.
cpu_num_t cpu_ = INVALID_CPU;
// Whether the DpcQueue has been initialized for the owning cpu.
bool initialized_ = false;
// Request the thread_ to stop by setting to true.
// This guarded by the static global dpc_lock.
bool stop_ = false;
// This guarded by the static global dpc_lock.
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<Dpc*> list_;
Event event_;
// Each cpu maintains a dedicated thread for processing Dpcs.
Thread* thread_ = nullptr;