blob: 66acffb7a742efb5957e888768eca2e1ce6d5673 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <bitmap/raw-bitmap.h>
#include <bitmap/storage.h>
#include <kernel/mutex.h>
#include <ktl/type_traits.h>
namespace hypervisor {
using GenType = uint32_t;
template <typename T>
class [[nodiscard]] Id {
static_assert(ktl::is_unsigned_v<T>, "T must be unsigned");
Id(T val, GenType gen) : val_(val), gen_(gen) {}
Id(Id&&) noexcept = default;
Id& operator=(Id&&) noexcept = default;
Id(const Id&) = delete;
Id& operator=(const Id&) = delete;
T val() const { return val_; }
GenType gen() const { return gen_; }
T val_;
GenType gen_;
// Allocates architecture-specific resource IDs.
// IDs of type `T` will be allocated in the range [`MinId`, `MaxId`).
// If `Alloc` is used to allocate an ID, then an ID is guaranteed to be
// allocated. To do this, IDs are allocated and assigned a generation. If no IDs
// are available, then the generation count is increment and all IDs become
// available again.
// To ensure an ID is valid, before an operation that relies on the ID is
// attempted, `Migrate` should be called on the ID.
// `T` is the type of the ID, and is an integral type.
// `MaxId` is the maximum value of an ID.
// `MinId` is the minimum value of an ID. This defaults to 1.
template <typename T, T MaxId, T MinId = 1>
class IdAllocator {
static_assert(ktl::is_unsigned_v<T>, "T must be unsigned");
static_assert(MaxId > MinId, "MaxId must be greater than MinId");
IdAllocator() {
auto result = Reset();
// We use `FixedStorage` and we statically assert `MaxId` > `MinId`,
// therefore this should not fail.
// Resets the allocator, and sets a new `max_id`, where `max_id` <= `MaxId`.
zx::status<> Reset(T max_id = MaxId) {
if (max_id <= MinId) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
Guard<Mutex> lock{&mutex_};
zx_status_t status = bitmap_.Reset(max_id);
return zx::make_status(status);
// Allocate an ID, potentially within a new generation.
Id<T> Alloc() {
Guard<Mutex> lock{&mutex_};
auto id = AllocFromHint(next_, /*use_gen*/ true);
return std::move(*id);
// Try to allocate an ID within the current generation.
zx::status<Id<T>> TryAlloc() {
Guard<Mutex> lock{&mutex_};
auto id = AllocFromHint(next_, /*use_gen*/ false);
if (id.is_ok()) {
return id;
zx::status<> Free(Id<T> id) {
// If the generations do not match, return as we have nothing to do.
if (id.gen() != gen_) {
return zx::ok();
if (!InRange(id.val())) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
Guard<Mutex> lock{&mutex_};
if (!bitmap_.GetOne(id.val())) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
zx_status_t status = bitmap_.ClearOne(id.val());
return zx::make_status(status);
// Migrate `id` to the latest generation. If `id` was not at the latest
// generation, then `invalidate` will be called.
template <typename F>
void Migrate(Id<T>& id, F invalidate) {
T last_val = id.val();
GenType last_gen = id.gen();
// If the generations match, or if the value is out of range, return as we
// have nothing to do.
if (last_gen == gen_ || !InRange(last_val)) {
Guard<Mutex> lock{&mutex_};
// Reallocate a new `id`, and execute the invalidation function.
id = *AllocFromHint(id.val(), /*use_gen*/ true);
// If `id` has the same value and was only one generation behind, we can
// safely skip the invalidation.
if (last_val != id.val() || last_gen + 1u != id.gen()) {
bool InRange(T val) const { return val >= MinId && val < MaxId; }
zx::status<Id<T>> AllocFromHint(T next, bool use_gen) TA_REQ(mutex_) {
size_t first_unset;
if (bitmap_.Get(next, MaxId, &first_unset)) {
if (bitmap_.Get(MinId, next, &first_unset)) {
if (use_gen) {
// There are no more free IDs in this generation, so increment the
// generation and start again.
goto retry;
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES);
zx_status_t status = bitmap_.SetOne(first_unset);
// The bitmap returned this index as unset, therefore this should not fail.
auto val = static_cast<T>(first_unset);
return zx::ok(Id{val, gen_});
void UpdateNext(Id<T>& id) TA_REQ(mutex_) {
next_ = static_cast<T>((id.val() + 1u) % MaxId);
if (next_ == 0) {
next_ = MinId;
ktl::atomic<GenType> gen_ = 0;
DECLARE_MUTEX(IdAllocator) mutex_;
T next_ TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = MinId;
bitmap::RawBitmapGeneric<bitmap::FixedStorage<MaxId>> bitmap_ TA_GUARDED(mutex_);
} // namespace hypervisor