Getting Started with Fuchsia's Inspect API

The Fuchsia Inspect API allows your program to provide structured information in an abstract, language-independent format for the use of other programs and services.

This document is a “Getting Started” guide to give you:

  • an overview of what the Inspect API does and how it works,
  • an introduction to what your program needs to provide in order to work with the API, and
  • some use-cases to fire your imagination.

It includes two “quick starts” as well, for writing a new component and modifying an existing component.


Inspect can be thought of as being at the top of a “get data from a program” pile:

Figure: Data export

At the bottom level, logging just blindly spits out fixed data. It usually goes to some kind of a system logger, and ends up in a log file. In terms of complexity, it's the simplest to implement (usually via a printf()-like function call).

Tracing provides more control: it can be turned on and off, and you can select the data set that you want to extract at run time. Clients can be more sophisticated with their control and consumption of tracing data.

Inspect, on the other hand, provides a hierarchical, structured view of the program's runtime data, allowing inspection to occur in an ad-hoc manner. However, it does take more effort to implement.

More intrusive inspection of the program is possible, of course — various debuggers, like zxdb, allow any memory location in the program to be accessed. But the data is accessed more “in spite of” the program, rather than cooperatively.

A simple example

In this tutorial, we're going to use a persistent “black box” program for our examples.

The key concept here is that the program knows its own state and organization best, so it's the one that publishes it.

We‘re going to see how to organize the data in your program so that it’s readily accessible to Inspect (and that it's organized in a logical manner).

An employee management system

Our example program is an employee management system. The program manages its own state.

The system keeps track of a corporation's employees. Each employee has a record that contains the following data:

  • employee's name,
  • employee's email address,
  • a list of tasks (if any).
  • a list of direct reports (if any).

Note that the email address is used as a key, and is unique.

To give you a big picture:

Figure: The corporate ladder

The source code for this example is in //src/lib/inspect_deprecated/integration/

First, let's look at the internal organization of the data from (line identifiers are local to the description, not the actual file):

[E01] class Employee {
[E02] ...
[E03]  private:
[E04]  std::string name_;
[E05]  std::string email_;
[E07]   // Vector of |Task|s assigned to this |Employee|.
[E08]   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Task>> tasks_;
[E10]   // Vector of |Employee|s reporting to this |Employee|.
[E11]   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Employee>> reports_;
[E13]   // Node under which this |Employee| can expose inspect information.
[E14]   inspect::Node node_;
[E16]   // Properties for name and email.
[E17]   inspect::StringProperty name_property_;
[E18]   inspect::StringProperty email_property_;
[E20]   // Node under which this |Employee| nests |Task|s.
[E21]   inspect::Node task_node_;
[E23]   // Node under which this |Employee| nests reporting |Employee|s.
[E24]   inspect::Node report_node_;
[E26]   // Container for various computed "Lazy" metrics we wish to expose.
[E27]   std::vector<inspect::LazyMetric> lazy_metrics_;
[E28] };

Or, visually:

Figure: The Employee class

We've divided the Employee class into two parts (separated by the dashed line in the diagram); the part on the right contains the “native database” members, and consists of:

  • name_ ([E04]) — the employee's name (std::string),
  • email_ ([E05]) — the employee's email (std::string),
  • tasks_ ([E08]) — a list of tasks assigned to the employee (vector<std:unique_ptr<Task>>), and
  • reports_ ([E11]) — a hierarchy of direct reports (vector<std::unique_ptr<Employee>>).

The part on the left consists of the Inspect members:

  • node_ ([E14] — binding for the Inspect framework (inspect::Node),
  • name_property_ ([E17]) — the employee's name as an inspect “string” property (inspect::StringProperty),
  • email_property_ ([E18]) — the employee's email (inspect::StringProperty),
  • task_node_ ([E21]) — Inspect framework binding to subordinate tasks (inspect::Node),
  • report_node_ ([E24]) — Inspect framework binding to subordinate reports (inspect::Node), and
  • lazy_metrics_ ([E27]) — information about the employee's metrics (vector<inspect::LazyMetric>).

We‘ll forgo discussing the “native database” part of the implementation in depth; it’s standard C++.

It's important to keep in mind that we have two hierarchies of employee and task information: one is maintained by the “native database” part (via the vectors of Employees and Tasks), and the other is maintained by the Inspect nodes (node_, task_node_, and report_node_).

Philosophically, we want to keep the two representations distinct — what gets presented to the Inspect interface may not necessarily map one-to-one with the internal representation, for a number of reasons. For example, we might have additional information we don't want to expose, or the internal representation may be optimized for the application rather than for presentation, etc.

In our example, we use the following Inspect types:

inspect::NodeA node under which properties, metrics, and other nodes may be nested
inspect::StringPropertyProperty with value given by a string
inspect::LazyMetricA named metric, with the value determined by evaluating a callback

Creating the root node

The root node is where the data set for Inspect begins. There's a little bit of housekeeping in main() that gets that going:

int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
  // Standard component setup, create an event loop and obtain the
  // |StartupContext|.
  async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToCurrentThread);
  auto context = component::StartupContext::CreateFromStartupInfo();

  // Create a root node from the context's object_dir.
  inspect::Node root_node(*context->outgoing().object_dir());

The async::Loop object creates the event loop for the component. Event loops are responsible for serving interfaces exposed by this component, including Inspect.

Calling component::StartupContext::CreateFromStartupInfo() provides a common set of interfaces to the environment this component is running in. One of these interfaces is for Inspection, and the root node of this interface is obtained by wrapping the outgoing object_dir().

Once the root_node is created, we add some named metric counters to it:

  // Create global metrics and globally publish pointers to them.
  auto employee_count = root_node.CreateUIntMetric("employee_count", 0);
  auto task_count = root_node.CreateUIntMetric("task_count", 0);
  auto cleanup = SetGlobals(&employee_count, &task_count);

We'll come back to the global metric counters later.

And now we can populate the hierarchy. We'll start with the CEO:

  // Create a CEO |Employee| nested underneath the |root_node|.
  // The name "reporting_tree" will appear as a child of the root node.
  Employee ceo("CEO", "", root_node.CreateChild("reporting_tree"));

The ceo node is the root of both our native database and the parallel Inspect hierarchy (at root_node). The Employee constructor (starting at line [M06], below) shows us how that's done:

[M01] class Employee {
[M02]  public:
[M03]   // Create a new |Employee|.
[M04]   // Note that the constructor takes an |inspect::Node| that we may use to
[M05]   // expose our own metrics, properties, and children nodes.
[M06]   Employee(std::string name, std::string email, inspect::Node node)
[M07]       : name_(std::move(name)),
[M08]         email_(std::move(email)),
[M09]         node_(std::move(node)) {
[M10]     // Increment the global employee count.
[M11]     CountEmployees(1);
[M13]     // Create an |inspect::StringProperty| for the name and email of this
[M14]     // employee.
[M15]     name_property_ = node_.CreateStringProperty("name", name_);
[M16]     email_property_ = node_.CreateStringProperty("email", email_);
[M17]     // |Task| nodes are nested under another child node, called "tasks".
[M18]     task_node_ = node_.CreateChild("tasks");
[M19]     // Each |Employee| reporting to this |Employee|  are nested under another
[M20]     // child node, called "reports".
[M21]     report_node_ = node_.CreateChild("reports");

The arguments to the constructor are:

nameThe name of the employee (“CEO”)
emailThe employee's email address (“”)
nodeThe Inspect object associated with this node

The node that we passed was generated by calling root_node.CreateChild("reporting_tree"). This creates a child node, “reporting_tree”, and it‘s this child node that is now associated with the CEO’s node.

This is what we've built so far (omitting the native database part):

Figure: Starting at the top

Adding more reports

Let's add a few more direct reports to get the flavor of how this works:

  // Create some reports for the CEO, named Bob, Prakash, and Svetlana.
  auto* bob = ceo.AddReport("Bob", "");
  auto* prakash = ceo.AddReport("Prakash", "");
  auto* svetlana = ceo.AddReport("Svetlana", "");

  // Bob has 3 reports: Julie, James, and Jun.
  bob->AddReport("Julie", "");
  bob->AddReport("James", "");
  bob->AddReport("Jun", "");

We‘ve allocated variables for Bob, Prakash, and Svetlana because we’re going to be doing more work with them later; but Julie, James, and Jun don't get stored in local variables, because we have no further need for them. We could always fetch them later by following the hierarchy if we wanted to.

The Employee class has a member function, AddReport(), that takes two strings, a name and an email, and adds them to both hierarchies:

[A01] class Employee {
[A02]  public:
[A03] ...
[A04]   // Add a new |Employee| reporting to this |Employee|.
[A05]   Employee* AddReport(std::string name, std::string email) {
[A06]     return reports_
[A07]         .emplace_back(std::make_unique<Employee>(
[A08]             std::move(name), std::string(email),
[A09]             // Note: We need to pass a Node linked under this Node into the
[A10]             // new child. We use the |email| directly, since elsewhere we
[A11]             // guarantee everyone's emails are unique.
[A12]             report_node_.CreateChild(std::move(email))))
[A13]         .get();
[A14]   }

We call emplace_back() to take the newly created Employee node (constructed on [A07]) and add it to the end of the native database vector reports_. We called the Inspect function CreateChild() to create a new child node, which is stored by the constructor (via node_(std::move(node)) on line [M09] in the Employee constructor code from the previous sample.)


The AddReport() member function is structured so that it returns a pointer to the newly added record; this makes it easy to chain multiple actions:

  // Prakash has two reports: Gerald and Nathan.
  prakash->AddReport("Gerald", "");

  // Nathan is an intern, so assign him a task to complete his training.
  prakash->AddReport("Nathan", "")
      ->AddTask("ABC-12", "Complete intern code training")

In Gerald‘s case, we ignore the return value from AddReport(). We have no further actions to do here. But we do make use of it in Prakash’s case to call AddTask().

AddTask() is structured similarly: it returns a pointer to the newly created Task element, so that we can chain a call to SetCompletion().

From the Inspect point of view, AddTask() does the same kind of work as AddReport(), that is, it adds a child node via CreateChild() (line [T25] below):

[T01] class Employee {
[T02]  public:
[T03] ...
[T04]   Task* AddTask(std::string bug_number, std::string name) {
[T05]     size_t least_loaded_count = GetTaskCount();
[T06]     Employee* least_loaded_employee = this;
[T08]     // Iterate over reports to find the report with the least number of existing
[T09]     // tasks.
[T10]     for (auto& report : reports_) {
[T11]       if (report->GetTaskCount() <= least_loaded_count) {
[T12]         least_loaded_count = report->GetTaskCount();
[T13]         least_loaded_employee = report.get();
[T14]       }
[T15]     }
[T17]     if (least_loaded_employee == this) {
[T18]       // If this |Employee| is the least loaded, take the |Task|...
[T19]       return tasks_
[T20]           .emplace_back(std::make_unique<Task>(
[T21]               std::move(bug_number), std::move(name),
[T22]               // Note: We need to pass a Node linked under this Node into
[T23]               // the new child. We use |inspect::UniqueName| to assign a
[T24]               // globally unique suffix to the child's name.
[T25]               task_node_.CreateChild(inspect::UniqueName("task-"))))
[T26]           .get();
[T27]     } else {
[T28]       // ... otherwise, recursively add the |Task| to the least loaded report.
[T29]       return least_loaded_employee->AddTask(std::move(bug_number),
[T30]                                             std::move(name));
[T31]     }
[T32]   }

As you can see, though, AddTask() does a lot more work on the native database side.

Global metrics

One of the very first things we did in main() was we attached two metrics, “employee_count” and “task_count” (as unsigned integers) to the root node:

  // Create global metrics and globally publish pointers to them.
  auto employee_count = root_node.CreateUIntMetric("employee_count", 0);
  auto task_count = root_node.CreateUIntMetric("task_count", 0);
  auto cleanup = SetGlobals(&employee_count, &task_count);

We call these “global” because they apply to the entire database; employee_count tells us the total number of employees in the hierarchy, and task_count tells us the total number of tasks.

The values of these metrics are available (via Inspect) from the root node.

The values themselves are updated via the various member functions as employees and tasks get added or deleted.

This is another example of a “disjoint” database — the “native database” doesn‘t have the concept of “employee count” or “task count”, it simply doesn’t need it. But the Inspect hierarchy provides it for external consumption.

Lazy metrics

Recall that our Employee class has a vector of inspect::LazyMetric values, called lazy_metrics_. There are two lambda functions associated with the metrics, one to compute “personal_performance” and one for “report_performance” metrics.

Personal performance metric

The computation of the personal performance lazy metric is achieved by binding a lambda function (lines [P08 .. P13] below) via the Inspect function CreateLazyMetric():

[P01]class Employee {
[P02] public:
[P04]    // Create an |inspect::LazyMetric| for this |Employee|'s personal
[P05]    // performance. The "personal_performance" of an |Employee| is the average
[P06]    // completion of their |Task|s.
[P07]    lazy_metrics_.emplace_back(node_.CreateLazyMetric(
[P08]        "personal_performance", [this](component::Metric* out) {
[P09]          // Callbacks have an "out" parameter that is set to the desired value.
[P10]          // In this case, set it to the double value of our
[P11]          // |EmployeePerformance|.
[P12]          out->SetDouble(GetPerformance().CalculateCompletion());
[P13]        }));

The lambda function gets passed the node (via this) and is expected to return the value through the out pointer. The actual computation is handled by a native database CalculateCompletion() function, which returns a double. This double value is then stored in out by an Inspect member function SetDouble() on line [P12].

Report performance metric

To compute the report performance, similar code is used:

[R01]class Employee {
[R02] public:
[R04]    // Create an |inspect::LazyMetric| for the performance of this
[R05]    // |Employee|'s reports. The "report" performance of an |Employee| is the
[R06]    // average completion of all |Task|s assigned to their direct reports.
[R07]    lazy_metrics_.emplace_back(node_.CreateLazyMetric(
[R08]        "report_performance", [this](component::Metric* out) {
[R09]          // Add together the performance for each report, and set the result in
[R10]          // the out parameter.
[R11]          EmployeePerformance perf = {};
[R12]          for (const auto& report : reports_) {
[R13]            perf += report->GetPerformance();
[R14]          }
[R15]          out->SetDouble(perf.CalculateCompletion());
[R16]        }));
[R17]  }

Here, the lambda function ([R08 .. R16]) uses the class EmployeePerformance to accumulate the performance over all the reports. It too returns a double value, in the same way as the “personal performance” lambda above.

Using iquery

The iquery tool allows you to look at the Inspect database.

You first need to find your program — that is, you need to see where it got registered after startup.

$ iquery --find /hub

The above command cause iquery to find all the processes that have registered with /hub as providing Inspect data. The output has been shortened for the example.

The last two lines shown, containing libinspect_example_component.cmx, correspond to our employee database example. The 8123 is the process ID of the employee database, and there are two paths containing nodes:

out/diagnosticscontains diagnostics data such as our exposed Inspect data nodes
system_objectssystem nodes

The system_objects entry is populated by appmgr and includes information about the process itself (open handles, memory information, CPU registers, shared objects, and so on) — so we'll skip that one.

The out/diagnostics directory contains the files that map to the information exposed by the component itself for diagnostics purposes, like an inspect VMO file (which is the tree from our example above).

To view the employee database's exposed nodes, you can run iquery with the --recursive command line option:

$ iquery --recursive /hub/r/sys/4566/c/libinspect_example_component.cmx/8123/out/diagnostics
  task_count = 16
  employee_count = 12
    email =
    name = CEO
    report_performance = 0.525000
    personal_performance = 1.000000

This dumps the two public global metrics (task_count and employee_count that we created in “Global metrics” above) as well as the reporting_tree hierarchy.

Because we specified --recursive, iquery descends into each branch and dumps the information on that branch recursively.

If you wanted to dump the data in JSON (perhaps for some post processing), you can specify the --format=json parameter to iquery:

$ iquery --recursive --format=json /hub/r/sys/4566/c/libinspect_example_component.cmx/8123/out/diagnostics
    "path": "diagnostics",
    "contents": {
      "root": {
        "task_count": "16",
        "employee_count": "12",
        "reporting_tree": {
          "email": "",
          "name": "CEO",
          "report_performance": "0.525000",
          "personal_performance": "1.000000",
          "reports": {