blob: a83ab97aa503c58df38f6256ffe829a5466bdb39 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Extends GTest with VK_TEST() and VK_TEST_F() macros, which behave just like
# TEST() and TEST_F(), except that they are dynamically disabled when Vulkan
# is not available.
source_set("gtest_vulkan") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
deps = [ "//src/ui/lib/escher/util:check_vulkan_support" ]
sources = [
# Builds upon gtest_vulkan to provide the functions SetUpTestEscher()
# and TearDownTestEscher(), which should be called from main(), and
# GetTestEscher(), which may be called from VK_TEST(). All of these
# functions are in namespace escher.
source_set("gtest_escher") {
testonly = true
if (escher_use_runtime_glsl) {
public_deps = [ ":gtest_escher_with_runtime_glsl" ]
} else {
public_deps = [ ":gtest_escher_no_runtime_glsl" ]
template("gtest_escher_library") {
source_set(target_name) {
testonly = true
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
sources = [
public_deps = [ ":gtest_vulkan" ]
# Explicitly check for runtime glsl here instead of simply
# doing "public_deps += [ "//src/ui/lib/escher" ] and letting
# it set automatically, so that we can have tests with and without
# glsl, regardless of what the rest of Scenic is doing.
if (gtest_escher_library_use_runtime_glsl) {
public_deps += [ "//src/ui/lib/escher:escher_with_glslang" ]
} else {
public_deps += [ "//src/ui/lib/escher:escher_no_glslang" ]
# TODO( delete the below and fix compiler warnings
configs += [ "//build/config:Wno-conversion" ]
set_defaults("gtest_escher_library") {
configs = default_common_binary_configs
gtest_escher_library("gtest_escher_no_runtime_glsl") {
gtest_escher_library_use_runtime_glsl = false
gtest_escher_library("gtest_escher_with_runtime_glsl") {
gtest_escher_library_use_runtime_glsl = true
source_set("readback_fixtures") {
sources = [
deps = [ ":gtest_escher" ]
testonly = true