| // Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "src/performance/lib/trace_converters/chromium_exporter.h" |
| |
| #include <sstream> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include <gtest/gtest.h> |
| #include <trace-reader/records.h> |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| TEST(ChromiumExporterTest, ValidUtf8) { |
| trace::EventData data(trace::EventData::Instant{trace::EventScope::kGlobal}); |
| std::vector<trace::Argument> arguments; |
| arguments.push_back(trace::Argument("arg", trace::ArgumentValue::MakeString("foo\xb5\xb3"))); |
| trace::Record record(trace::Record::Event{1000, trace::ProcessThread(45, 46), "c\342\202at", |
| "n\301a\205me", std::move(arguments), std::move(data)}); |
| |
| std::ostringstream out_stream; |
| |
| // Enclosing the exporter in its own scope ensures that its |
| // cleanup routines are called by the destructor before the |
| // output stream is read. This way, we can obtain the full |
| // output rather than a truncated version. |
| { |
| tracing::ChromiumExporter exporter(out_stream); |
| exporter.ExportRecord(record); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(out_stream.str(), |
| "{\"displayTimeUnit\":\"ns\",\"traceEvents\":[{\"cat\":\"c\uFFFDat\"," |
| "\"name\":\"n\uFFFDa\uFFFDme\",\"ts\":1.0,\"pid\":45,\"tid\":46,\"ph\":" |
| "\"i\",\"s\":\"g\",\"args\":{\"arg\":\"foo\uFFFD\uFFFD\"}}" |
| "],\"systemTraceEvents\":{\"type\":\"fuchsia\",\"events\":[]}}"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(ChromiumExporterTest, UnknownLargeBlobEventDropped) { |
| std::vector<trace::Argument> arguments; |
| arguments.push_back(trace::Argument("arg", trace::ArgumentValue::MakeString("foo"))); |
| static const char blob[] = "some test blob data"; |
| trace::Record record(trace::LargeRecordData{trace::LargeRecordData::BlobEvent{ |
| "category", |
| "no::UnknownName", |
| 1000, |
| trace::ProcessThread(45, 46), |
| std::move(arguments), |
| blob, |
| sizeof(blob), |
| }}); |
| |
| std::ostringstream out_stream; |
| |
| // Enclosing the exporter in its own scope ensures that its |
| // cleanup routines are called by the destructor before the |
| // output stream is read. This way, we can obtain the full |
| // output rather than a truncated version. |
| { |
| tracing::ChromiumExporter exporter(out_stream); |
| exporter.ExportRecord(record); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(out_stream.str(), |
| "{\"displayTimeUnit\":\"ns\",\"traceEvents\":[" |
| "],\"systemTraceEvents\":{\"type\":\"fuchsia\",\"events\":[]}}"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(ChromiumExporterTest, UnknownLargeBlobAttachmentDropped) { |
| static const char blob[] = "some test blob data"; |
| trace::Record record(trace::LargeRecordData{trace::LargeRecordData::BlobAttachment{ |
| "category", |
| "no::UnknownName", |
| blob, |
| sizeof(blob), |
| }}); |
| |
| std::ostringstream out_stream; |
| |
| // Enclosing the exporter in its own scope ensures that its |
| // cleanup routines are called by the destructor before the |
| // output stream is read. This way, we can obtain the full |
| // output rather than a truncated version. |
| { |
| tracing::ChromiumExporter exporter(out_stream); |
| exporter.ExportRecord(record); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(out_stream.str(), |
| "{\"displayTimeUnit\":\"ns\",\"traceEvents\":[" |
| "],\"systemTraceEvents\":{\"type\":\"fuchsia\",\"events\":[]}}"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(ChromiumExporterTest, FidlBlobExported) { |
| static const char blob[] = "some test blob data"; |
| trace::Record record(trace::LargeRecordData{trace::LargeRecordData::BlobEvent{ |
| "fidl:blob", |
| "BlobName", |
| 1000, |
| trace::ProcessThread(45, 46), |
| std::vector<trace::Argument>(), |
| blob, |
| sizeof(blob), |
| }}); |
| |
| std::ostringstream out_stream; |
| |
| // Enclosing the exporter in its own scope ensures that its |
| // cleanup routines are called by the destructor before the |
| // output stream is read. This way, we can obtain the full |
| // output rather than a truncated version. |
| { |
| tracing::ChromiumExporter exporter(out_stream); |
| exporter.ExportRecord(record); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(out_stream.str(), |
| "{\"displayTimeUnit\":\"ns\",\"traceEvents\":[{\"ph\":\"O\",\"id\":\"\",\"cat\":\"fidl:" |
| "blob\",\"name\":\"BlobName\",\"ts\":1.0,\"pid\":45,\"tid\":46,\"blob\":" |
| "\"c29tZSB0ZXN0IGJsb2IgZGF0YQA=\"}],\"systemTraceEvents\":{\"type\":\"fuchsia\"," |
| "\"events\":[]}}"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(ChromiumExporterTest, EmptyTrace) { |
| std::ostringstream out_stream; |
| |
| // Enclosing the exporter in its own scope ensures that its |
| // cleanup routines are called by the destructor before the |
| // output stream is read. This way, we can obtain the full |
| // output rather than a truncated version. |
| { tracing::ChromiumExporter exporter(out_stream); } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(out_stream.str(), |
| "{\"displayTimeUnit\":\"ns\",\"traceEvents\":[" |
| "],\"systemTraceEvents\":{\"type\":\"fuchsia\",\"events\":[]}}"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(ChromiumExporterTest, LastBranchRecords) { |
| const unsigned num_branches = 4; |
| char blob[perfmon::LastBranchRecordBlobSize(num_branches)]; |
| auto lbr = reinterpret_cast<perfmon::LastBranchRecordBlob*>(blob); |
| lbr->cpu = 1; |
| lbr->num_branches = num_branches; |
| lbr->reserved = 0; |
| lbr->event_time = 1234; |
| lbr->aspace = 4321; |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_branches; i++) { |
| lbr->branches[i].from = 100 * i; |
| lbr->branches[i].to = 100 * i + 50; |
| lbr->branches[i].info = 69 * i; |
| } |
| trace::Record record(trace::Record::Blob{ |
| fbl::String("cpu1"), |
| blob, |
| sizeof(blob), |
| }); |
| |
| std::ostringstream out_stream; |
| |
| // Enclosing the exporter in its own scope ensures that its |
| // cleanup routines are called by the destructor before the |
| // output stream is read. This way, we can obtain the full |
| // output rather than a truncated version. |
| { |
| tracing::ChromiumExporter exporter(out_stream); |
| exporter.ExportRecord(record); |
| } |
| |
| out_stream.str(), |
| "{\"displayTimeUnit\":\"ns\",\"traceEvents\":[],\"systemTraceEvents\":{\"type\":" |
| "\"fuchsia\",\"events\":[]},\"lastBranch\":{\"records\":[{\"cpu\":1,\"aspace\":4321," |
| "\"event_time\":1234,\"branches\":[{\"from\":0,\"to\":50,\"info\":0},{\"from\":100,\"to\":" |
| "150,\"info\":69},{\"from\":200,\"to\":250,\"info\":138},{\"from\":300,\"to\":350,\"info\":" |
| "207}]}]}}"); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |