blob: ec13d8bc89c70dd36aa559dceebf3b923724a09d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/unwinder/cfi_unwinder.h"
#include "src/lib/unwinder/error.h"
#include "src/lib/unwinder/memory.h"
#include "src/lib/unwinder/module.h"
#include "src/lib/unwinder/registers.h"
namespace unwinder {
struct Frame {
enum class Trust {
kScan, // From scanning the stack with heuristics, least reliable.
kSCS, // From the shadow call stack.
kFP, // From the frame pointer.
kPLT, // From PLT unwinder.
kCFI, // From call frame info / .eh_frame section.
kContext, // From the input / context, most reliable.
// Register status at each return site. Unknown registers may be included.
Registers regs;
// Trust level of the frame.
Trust trust;
// Error when unwinding from this frame, which could be non-fatal and present in any frames.
Error error = Success();
// Whether the above error is fatal and aborts the unwinding, causing the stack to be incomplete.
// This could only be true for the last frame.
bool fatal_error = false;
// Disallow default constructors.
Frame(Registers regs, Trust trust) : regs(std::move(regs)), trust(trust) {}
// Useful for debugging.
std::string Describe() const;
// The main unwinder. It caches the unwind tables so repeated unwinding is faster.
// The API is designed to be flexible so that it can support both online unwinding from a process'
// memory, and offline unwinding from stack snapshots with ELF files on disk.
class Unwinder {
// Initialize the unwinder from a vector of modules.
// Each module can supply its own data accessor and address mode.
explicit Unwinder(const std::vector<Module>& modules);
// Unwind from a stack and a set of registers up to given |max_depth|.
// |stack| could be null, in which case it will become an |UnavailableMemory|.
std::vector<Frame> Unwind(Memory* stack, const Registers& registers, size_t max_depth = 50);
// Unwind one frame.
// |current.regs| will be used. |current.error| and |current.fatal_error| will be populated.
// If |current.fatal_error| is false, |next.regs| and || will be populated.
void Step(Memory* stack, Frame& current, Frame& next);
CfiUnwinder cfi_unwinder_;
// Unwind with given memory, modules, and registers.
// This provides an simplified API than the above Unwinder class but comes without a cache.
// The modules are provided as base addresses and are accessed through the memory.
std::vector<Frame> Unwind(Memory* memory, const std::vector<uint64_t>& modules,
const Registers& registers, size_t max_depth = 50);
} // namespace unwinder