blob: 4cb0b70762aad5eddd812bfff2cf4e2606b7c9af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/lib/analytics/cpp/core_dev_tools/analytics_executor.h"
#include <lib/fpromise/promise.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace analytics::core_dev_tools {
AnalyticsExecutor::AnalyticsExecutor() : AnalyticsExecutor(0) {}
AnalyticsExecutor::AnalyticsExecutor(int64_t quit_timeout_soft_ms)
: quit_timeout_soft_(quit_timeout_soft_ms) {
thread_ = std::thread(&AnalyticsExecutor::RunLoop, this);
// Thread safety analysis
// ======================
// member variables subject to race conditions:
// uint64_t task_count_;
// bool should_quit_;
// debug_ipc::PlatformMessageLoop loop_;
// The use of loop_ follows thread safety guide in the comments in message_loop.h
// The variable task_count_ is read in ~AnalyticsExecutor() at the line
// (A1) if (task_count_ == 0) {
// and incremented in schedule_task(fpromise::pending_task task) at the line
// (A2) ++task_count_;
// and decremented in a promise created in schedule_task(fpromise::pending_task task) at the line
// (A3) if (!--task_count_ && should_quit_) {
// (A1) and (A2) are in the main thread, while (A3) is in the analytics thread.
// (A1) should always happen after all the possible (A2) since (A1) is in the destructor.
// Therefore, all the possible race conditions are:
// - (A1) races with (A3): will be analyzed later with should_quit_.
// - (A2) races with (A3): both of them are protected by a mutex, so the increment and decrement
// will be correct. And since each (A2) happens before its corresponding (A3), we don't need to
// worry about integer underflow.
// The variable should_quit_ is set in ~AnalyticsExecutor() at line
// (B1) should_quit_ = true;
// and is read in schedule_task(fpromise::pending_task task) at line
// (B2)/(A3) if (!--task_count_ && should_quit_) {
// Note that in both ~AnalyticsExecutor() and schedule_task(fpromise::pending_task task),
// task_count_ and should_quit_ are guarded together by mutex_. Therefore, the race condition here
// only have the following two cases (note that (A1)(B1) only happen once while (A3)/(B2) could
// happen many times):
// - (A1)(B1) happens before some (A3)/(B2): in this case things happen in the following order
// - (B1): should_quit <- true
// - (A1): task_count_ > 0
// - (A3)/(B2): (maybe a few times)
// - last (A3)/(B2): (!--task_count_ && should_quit_) is true, run QuitNow()
// - (A1)(B1) happens after all the (A3)/(B2):
// - last (A3)/(B2): task_count <- 0, but should_quit is false
// - (B1) should_quit_ <- true
// - (A1): task_count == 0, run QuitNow()
// In both cases, the goal for the executor is met.
AnalyticsExecutor::~AnalyticsExecutor() {
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
should_quit_ = true;
if (task_count_ == 0) {
loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, fpromise::make_promise([this] { loop_.QuitNow(); }));
} else if (quit_timeout_soft_ >= std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()) {
loop_.PostTimer(FROM_HERE, quit_timeout_soft_.count(), [this] { loop_.QuitNow(); });
void AnalyticsExecutor::schedule_task(fpromise::pending_task task) {
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
.then([this](fpromise::result<>& /*result*/) {
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
if (!--task_count_ && should_quit_) {
void AnalyticsExecutor::RunLoop() {
std::string error_message;
if (!loop_.Init(&error_message)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s", error_message.c_str());
} // namespace analytics::core_dev_tools