blob: 1a9a2a0df8386a389cfc6ebe71f7d3e725507daa [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("ffx") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
group("ffx_tool") {
deps = [
install_host_tools("host") {
deps = [ "frontends/ffx:ffx_bin" ]
outputs = [ "ffx" ]
group("runtime") {
deps = [
# The tool
if (is_host) {
group("ffx_bin") {
public_deps = [ "frontends/ffx:ffx_bin" ]
sdk_host_tool("bin_sdk") {
# TODO( partner only at this time while we shake
# out alpha bugs and fill-in docs, etc.
category = "partner"
output_name = "ffx"
deps = [ ":ffx_bin" ]
host_test_data("test_data") {
deps = [ ":host" ]
sources = [ "${host_tools_dir}/ffx" ]
group("suite_test_data") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [ ":test_data" ]
if (ffx_build_dual_mode_plugins_as_subtools) {
public_deps += dual_mode_subtool_test_data
json_merge("ffx-defaults.json") {
# the "DEFAULT" config level will be made up of a json merge of the following
# source json, some of which may be generated. Anything that's part of an
# ffx_plugin() definition included under the main ffx binary will automatically
# be merged in by that machinery, but if it comes from an external subtool or a library
# it has to be manually added to this list.
sources = [
# Add in the 'dual-mode' config default files if we're doing dual mode
if (ffx_build_dual_mode_plugins_as_subtools) {
foreach(config, dual_mode_defaults) {
sources += [ rebase_path(config) ]
# Add any dynamically generated config.json files (ie. from ffx plugin roots) here.
deps = [
# This will bring in all built-in subtool config.json files.
foreach(dep, deps) {
sources += [ get_label_info(dep, "target_out_dir") + "/config.json" ]
# NOTE: this group is included in `//src/developer:tests` and `//src:tests` which get added as
# dependencies of the system image in infra builds. Tests which need to depend on a system image
# should be added to `host_tests` below.
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# Driver tests
# Subtool tests
# Individual library tests, for libraries that are not plugins.
# NOTE: this group is for tests which need to transitively depend on a Fuchsia system image for
# "e2e" testing of ffx behavior. These are included in `//buildbot/bundles/host` in order to prevent
# dep cycles.
if (is_host) {
group("host_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = []
# ffx e2e host tests have a few constraints:
# 1. the assembly targets don't build correctly on mac bots
# 2. bringup bots can't depend on the main assembly that's used for ffx e2e tests
# 3. the minfs-no_hardware bot doesn't launch the emulator correctly
if (is_linux && !use_bringup_assembly &&
data_filesystem_format != "minfs") {
deps += [
if (is_fuchsia) {
group("package_deps_for_host_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ "plugins:package_deps_for_host_tests" ]