Build a custom Rust toolchain for Fuchsia

This guide explains how to build a Rust compiler for use with the Fuchsia. This is useful if you need to build Fuchsia with a patched compiler, or a compiler built with custom options. Building a custom Rust toolchain is not always necessary for building Fuchsia with a different version of Rust; see Build Fuchsia with a custom Rust toolchain for details.


Prior to building a custom Rust toolchain for Fuchsia, you need to do the following:

  1. Run the following command to install cmake:

    sudo apt-get install cmake ninja-build
  2. Run the following command to obtain the infra sources:

    DEV_ROOT={{ '<var>' }}DEV_ROOT{{ '</var> '}} # parent of your Rust directory
    mkdir -p $DEV_ROOT/infra && \
    ( \
      builtin cd $DEV_ROOT/infra && \
      jiri init && \
      jiri import -overwrite -name=fuchsia/manifest infra \
 && \
      jiri update \

    Note: Running jiri update from the infra directory ensures that you have the most recent configurations and tools.

  3. Run the following command to use cipd to get a Fuchsia core IDK, a Linux sysroot, and a recent version of clang:

    DEV_ROOT={{ '<var>' }}DEV_ROOT{{ '</var>' }}
    cat <<"EOF" > cipd.ensure
    @Subdir sdk
    fuchsia/sdk/core/${platform} latest
    @Subdir sysroot/linux
    fuchsia/third_party/sysroot/linux git_revision:db18eec0b4f14b6b16174aa2b91e016663157376
    @Subdir clang
    fuchsia/third_party/clang/${platform} integration
    $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/prebuilt/tools/cipd ensure --root $DEV_ROOT --ensure-file cipd.ensure

    Note: these versions are not pinned, so every time you run the cipd ensure command, you will get an updated version. As of writing, however, this matches the recipe behavior.

  1. If you haven't already, Download the Fuchsia source code.

  2. Run the following commands to generate a riscv64 sysroot:

    DEV_ROOT={{ '<var>' }}DEV_ROOT{{ '</var>' }}
    chmod 0644 $DEV_ROOT/sdk/pkg/sysroot/meta.json
    $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/prebuilt/tools/vpython3 \
      $DEV_ROOT/fuchsia/scripts/clang/ \
        --sdk-dir=$DEV_ROOT/sdk \
        --arch=riscv64 \
        --ifs-path=$DEV_ROOT/fuchsia/prebuilt/third_party/clang/{{ '<var>' }}linux-x64{{ '</var>' }}/bin/llvm-ifs
  3. If you haven‘t already, clone the Rust source. The Guide to Rustc Development is a good resource to reference whenever you’re working on the compiler.

    git clone $DEV_ROOT/rust

Configure Rust for Fuchsia

  1. Change into your Rust directory.

  2. Run the following command to generate a configuration for the Rust toolchain:

    DEV_ROOT={{ '<var>' }}DEV_ROOT{{ '</var>' }}
    $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/prebuilt/tools/vpython3 \
      $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/recipes/recipes/contrib/rust_toolchain.resources/ \
        config_toml \
        --clang-prefix=$DEV_ROOT/clang \
        --host-sysroot=$DEV_ROOT/sysroot/linux \
        --prefix=$(pwd)/install/fuchsia-rust \
       | tee fuchsia-config.toml
    $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/prebuilt/tools/vpython3 \
        $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/recipes/recipes/contrib/rust_toolchain.resources/ \
          environment \
          --eval \
          --clang-prefix=$DEV_ROOT/clang \
          --sdk-dir=$DEV_ROOT/sdk \
          --linux-amd64-sysroot=$DEV_ROOT/sysroot/linux \
          --linux-arm64-sysroot=$DEV_ROOT/sysroot/linux \
       | tee
  3. (Optional) Run the following command to tell git to ignore the generated files:

    echo fuchsia-config.toml >> .git/info/exclude
    echo >> .git/info/exclude
  4. (Optional) Customize fuchsia-config.toml.

Build and install Rust

  1. Change into your Rust source directory.

  2. Run the following command to build and install Rust plus the Fuchsia runtimes spec:

    DEV_ROOT={{ '<var>' }}DEV_ROOT{{ '</var>' }}
    rm -rf install/fuchsia-rust
    mkdir -p install/fuchsia-rust
    # Copy and paste the following subshell to build and install Rust, as needed.
    # The subshell avoids polluting your environment with fuchsia-specific rust settings.
    ( source && ./ install --config fuchsia-config.toml ) && \
    rm -rf install/fuchsia-rust/lib/.build-id && \
    $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/prebuilt/tools/vpython3 \
      $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/recipes/recipes/contrib/rust_toolchain.resources/ \
        runtime \
      | $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/prebuilt/tools/vpython3 \
          $DEV_ROOT/infra/fuchsia/recipes/recipe_modules/toolchain/resources/ \
            --dir install/fuchsia-rust/lib \
            --readelf fuchsia-build/*/llvm/bin/llvm-readelf \
            --objcopy fuchsia-build/*/llvm/bin/llvm-objcopy \
      > install/fuchsia-rust/lib/runtime.json

Build only (optional)

If you want to skip the install step, for instance during development of Rust itself, you can do so with the following command.

( source && ./ build --config fuchsia-config.toml )


If you are getting build errors, try deleting the Rust build directory:

rm -rf fuchsia-build

Then re-run the command to build Rust.

Building Fuchsia with a custom Rust toolchain

With a newly compiled custom Rust toolchain, you're ready to use it to build Fuchsia. Directions on how to do so are available in a dedicated guide.