Fuchsia Build System: Variants

The Fuchsia GN build machinery allows for separate components to be built in different “variants”. A variant usually just means using extra compiler options, but they can do more than that if you write some more GN code. The variants defined so far enable things like sanitizers and LTO.

Specifying variants

Variant specifications are passed in to the build using the GN build argument select_variant. Note that the order of these variant selectors matters as explained in the syntax section below.

Using fx set, pass string variant selectors with the --variant= flag:

fx set core.x64 --variant=asan/cat --variant=asan/ledger --variant=host_asan

This example tells the build to compile the “cat” and “ledger” Fuchsia binaries plus all host tools using the address sanitizer (see below for the exact syntax of these strings).

If you have an existing build directory, you can add or modify the variants by editing the GN args directly (substituting your build's GN output directory for out/default as necessary):

fx gn args out/default

That command will bring up an editor. Append to that file a line that assigns your variant selectors as a list of strings to the select_variant build argument:

select_variant = [ "asan/cat", "asan/ledger", "host_asan" ]

Selector syntax

Normally you will use a set of strings for the variant selectors. Each one defines a variant name and optionally what it applies to. Selectors are tested in the order you specify them and the first matching one applies.

  • Apply a named variant globally by using the variant name by itself like asan or host_ubsan. These global selectors should be listed last.

  • Apply a named variant to a specific target with the form variant_name/target_output_name like asan-ubsan/ledger or host_asan/zxdb_tests. These should be listed before global selectors to override the more general rule.

Variants are matched against binaries (like executable, loadable_module, test, orfuchsia_driver), not Fuchsia packages, Fuchsia components, shared libraries, static libraries, or source sets. Once the variant matches a target, all libraries it depends on will be compiled with that variant. Since the Fuchsia packages and components are unrelated to variant selection, specifying package or component names in variant specifications will have no effect. Each executable or module inside a package can have its own variant specified.

By default, the target output name is the name in quotes you supply to the GN target definition. This target defines the my_program target and you would apply asan to it with the selector asan/my_program:

executable("my_program") { ... }

Some targets override the output name using the GN output_name variable (this is normally to provide a globally unique binary name to avoid collisions). In this case, the variant selector matches the overridden output name so you would still use asan/my_program to apply asan to it:

executable("bin") {
  output_name = "my_program"

In some cases, templates might override the output name in a non-obvious way. If you find the variant is not matching, one easy approach is to just look in the build directory to find the binary and use that name.

Advanced selectors

You can also supply a GN “scope” in curly brackets as a variant selector which can give full control over exactly how matching targets are built. These must be set in the “gn args” rather than on the “fx set” command line. See the select_variant build argument documentation for more details.

To see the list of variants available and learn more about how to define new ones, see the known_variants build argument.

Common variant names

  • debug: Unoptimized compilation.
  • release: Optimized compilation.
  • asan: Address sanitizer for compile-time checks of memory misuse like use-after-free and out-of-bounds array accesses.
  • ubsan: Undefined behavior sanitizer for compile-time checks of undefined behavior like integer overflows and misaligned pointers.
  • asan-ubsan: Combination of asan + ubsan.
  • lto: Link-time optimization for whole-program optimization.
  • thinlto: Thin link-time optimization is lighter-weight whole program optimization for faster compiles.
  • coverage: Instrumented compilation for generating code coverage information for C++.
  • coverage-rust: Applies coverage to Rust. Can not be used at the same time as coverage due to LLVM library version skew between the Rust and C++ compilers.
  • kasan: Applies asan only to the kernel.
  • gcc: Compiles using GCC instead of Clang. This is supported for the bringup configuration only and only affects certain targets including the kernel.

Fuzzer variants like asan-fuzzer are used when running tests under the fuzzer with a sanitizer. These variants aren't meant for manual selection, instead follow the fuzzing instructions to set up the build.

There are additionally some shorthand selectors that apply variants to host binaries (the tools that run on the Linux or Mac host computer):

  • host_asan
  • host_asan-ubsan
  • host_coverage
  • host_coverage-rust
  • host_profile

Some prebuilts might not be available for all variants. For ffmpeg in particular, see //src/media/lib/ffmpeg/BUILD.gn.

Troubleshooting notes

Checking whether a variant was applied to a binary

Each variant has a unique output directory and toolchain name, named as <architecture>-<variant name>. These binaries are then copied to the root build directory as part of the build. For example, an asan-ubsan variant targeting an x64 device would be compiled with the //build/toolchain/fuchsia:x64-asan-ubsan toolchain and will put binaries in out/default/x64-asan-ubsan (substituting “default” for your build directory).

After running GN (normally the first step of the build) there will be a file binaries.json which contains information for each binary. You can tell by the dist file name and label (the toolchain name is in parentheses) which variant was used to compile the binary. If your binary might be compiled on both target and host, also note the os field in the record. This is an example of a Fuchsia binary compiled for x64 using the “asan-ubsan” variant:

    "cpu": "x64",
    "debug": "x64-asan-ubsan/exe.unstripped/blobfs",
    "dist": "x64-asan-ubsan/blobfs",
    "elf_build_id": "x64-asan-ubsan/blobfs.build-id.stamp",
    "label": "//src/storage/bin/blobfs:blobfs(//build/toolchain/fuchsia:x64-asan-ubsan)",
    "os": "fuchsia",
    "type": "executable"

Replicating ASan failures

Our infrastructure runs tests in an ASan-enabled configuration. To replicate an ASan-enabled infrastructure build, use fx repro <build_id> and run the commands it emits.

Note that this will build all of the tests that are run by the infrastructure and install them in the system image. This may be undesirable for two reasons:

  • Building all of the tests is typically slow and unnecessary. Developers may find it more effective to limit the package labels to the tests they need.
  • Installing all of the tests in the system image ahead of time means that the software deployment workflow does not get exercised.

Launching executables from within ASan-enabled binaries

If you are trying to use the ASan variant, you may encounter an error that looks like this:

launcher: error: Launch: elf_load: handle_interp failed
dlsvc: could not open 'asan/ld.so.1'

Fuchsia is structured around packages and components. Each component contains all of the shared libraries it needs to run. This helps Fuchsia avoid library versioning issues that plague other operating systems. It also means that, if you want to run a binary from within a component, you must provide the appropriate shared library loader for that binary.

There are a set of command line programs located in the /boot/ directory of Fuchsia installs that are not contained in packages, but in the boot filesystem. These programs do not have their own shared library loader, and will use whatever shared libraries the component executing them provides. This normally works, as programs like sh and ls have very minimal, very common dependencies. However, there‘s no guarantee that the component’s package will have sufficient or compatible shared libraries for the command line program's needs. ASan-enabled packages usually do not contain the right launcher for these programs, so most ASan-enabled components cannot run executables out of /boot. If an ASan-enabled component tries to do so, it gets the error above.

Fortunately, it turns out that the fix involves doing what all packages should do anyway, which is to declare their dependencies explicitly. If your package depends on a binary, it should declare it as a dependency, and then use that declared dependency instead of the one in the /boot directory. In the case of our build system, the zircon_extras_manifest rule defined in //build/config/fuchsia/zircon_images.gni will allow you to depend on any of the binaries found in the /boot directory. They will be installed in /pkg/bin/, and you should execute them from there.