blob: 7d69aea22b04d2769942b0c86952f5bb4d939c05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/zircon-internal/thread_annotations.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/time.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <kernel/event.h>
#include <kernel/spinlock.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include "physical_page_borrowing_config.h"
#include "vm_page_list.h"
class PageQueues;
class PmmNode;
// LoanSweeper - Physical loaning and borrowing sweeper.
// When triggered by k ppb sweep, this class replaces physical pages used by VmCowPages.
// This class is not intended to be used for anything other than k ppb sweep for now. Before we do
// any "active" sweeping, we need to consider integration of sweeping with eviction and zero
// scanning to make sure they don't have any adverse interactions.
// If pmm_physical_page_borrowing_config()->is_any_borrowing_enabled(), non-loaned pages are
// replaced with loaned pages (to the extent that free loaned pages are available).
// If !pmm_physical_page_borrowing_config()->is_any_borrowing_enabled(), loaned pages are replaced
// with non-loaned pages.
// The k ppb enable and k ppb disable commands can be used to switch enabled() to true or false.
class LoanSweeper {
~LoanSweeper() = default;
// Must be called before any continuous sweeping will happen.
void Init();
uint64_t ForceSynchronousSweep();
// Private constructor for test code to specify |queues| not owned by |node|, test config
// instance.
LoanSweeper(PageQueues *queues, PhysicalPageBorrowingConfig *config);
friend class vm_unittest::TestPmmNode;
uint64_t SynchronousSweepInternal() TA_EXCL(lock_);
mutable DECLARE_MUTEX(LoanSweeper) lock_;
// The set of PageQueues that the LoanSweeper uses to find non-loaned pages to replace with loaned
// pages.
// This is technically not needed and is mostly for the benefit of unit tests. The LoanSweeper can
// just call pmm_node_->GetPageQueues() to get the right set of page queues to work on. However,
// the VMO side code is currently PmmNode agnostic, and until there exists a way for VMOs to
// allocate from (and free to) a particular PmmNode, we'll need to track the PageQueues separately
// in order to write meaningful tests.
// This is set to pmm_node_->GetPageQueues() by the public constructor that passes in the PmmNode
// associated with this evictor. The private constructor which also passes in PageQueues (not
// necessarily owned by the PmmNode) is only used in test code.
PageQueues *const page_queues_;
PhysicalPageBorrowingConfig *const ppb_config_;
// Initialized in Init().
size_t num_arenas_;
ktl::unique_ptr<pmm_arena_info_t[]> arenas_;
paddr_t min_paddr_;
paddr_t max_paddr_;
paddr_t next_start_paddr_;