Test Adapters

GTest Adapter is a trampoline that launches gtest binaries, parses output and translates it to fuchsia.test.Suite protocol. This will be ported into a runner.


fx set core.x64 --with //src/sys/test_adapters/gtest
fx build

You can build it with fx but it doesn't give much value. Look at usage section for real value of this trampoline.


Lets take an example. A simple normal v2 test will look like



executable("bin") {
  output_name = "simple_example"
  testonly = true
  sources = [

  deps = [

package("simple_example") {
  testonly = true
  deps = [

  tests = [
      name = "simple_example"

  meta = [
      path = "meta/simple_example.cml"
      dest = "simple_example.cm"

cml file

    "program": {
        "binary": "bin/simple_example",
    "use": [
            "protocol": "/svc/fuchsia.logger.LogSink",
    "expose": [
            "protocol": "/svc/fuchsia.test.Suite",
            "from": "self",

Above example test will implement fuchsia.test.Suite and expose it. To run gtests without modification, you need to wrap your test in the trampoline. See below for modified build and cml file.



executable("bin") {
  output_name = "simple_example"
  testonly = true
  sources = [

  deps = [
    "//src/sys/test_adapters/gtest", # added dep

package("simple_example") {
  testonly = true
  deps = [

  # added gtest_adapter to bin/
  binaries = [
      name = "gtest_adapter"

  tests = [
      name = "simple_example"

  meta = [
      path = "meta/simple_example.cml"
      dest = "simple_example.cm"

cml file

    "program": {
        // use gtest to run your test
        "binary": "bin/gtest_adapter",
        // pass test as argument
        "args": ["/pkg/test/simple_example"]
    "use": [
             // gtest adapter needs this
            "protocol": "/svc/fuchsia.process.Launcher",
            "protocol": "/svc/fuchsia.logger.LogSink",
        { // gtest adapter needs this
            "directory": "/tmp",
            "rights": ["rw*"],
    "expose": [
            "protocol": "/svc/fuchsia.test.Suite",
            "from": "self",

After these changes you can just run

fx run-test simple-test

And your test will run as a v2 test.


Currently test adapter doesn't support:

  • Disabled tests.
  • Tests writing to stdout, those tests can be executed but stdout is lost.

These limitations would be either fixed in this adpater or once we port it to runners.


Two examples to demonstrate how to write v2 test



fx run-test gtest_adapter_tests
fx run-test gtest_adapter_integration_test