blob: b77e13c7aaf8b3bb81fd349adb5d60b05b98c297 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <hid-parser/item.h>
#include <hid-parser/parser.h>
#include <hid-parser/report.h>
#include <hid-parser/units.h>
#include <hid-parser/usages.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
// See hid-utest-data.cpp for the definitions of the test data
extern "C" const uint8_t push_pop_test[62];
extern "C" const uint8_t minmax_signed_test[68];
bool parse_empty_data() {
hid::DeviceDescriptor* dev = nullptr;
uint8_t data[] = { 0 };
auto res = hid::ParseReportDescriptor(data, sizeof(data), &dev);
ASSERT_EQ(res, hid::ParseResult::kParseInvalidTag);
res = hid::ParseReportDescriptor(nullptr, 0, &dev);
ASSERT_EQ(res, hid::ParseResult::kParseMoreNeeded);
res = hid::ParseReportDescriptor(data, 0, &dev);
ASSERT_EQ(res, hid::ParseResult::kParseMoreNeeded);
// Tests that the max values of the MinMax are parsed as unsigned
// data when the min values are >= 0. Also tests that the max values
// are parsed as signed data when the min values are < 0.
bool parse_minmax_signed() {
hid::DeviceDescriptor* dev = nullptr;
auto res = hid::ParseReportDescriptor(minmax_signed_test, sizeof(minmax_signed_test), &dev);
ASSERT_EQ(res, hid::ParseResult::kParseOk);
const auto fields = dev->report[0].input_fields;
EXPECT_EQ(fields[0].attr.logc_mm.min, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[0].attr.logc_mm.max, 0xFF);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[0].attr.phys_mm.min, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[0].attr.phys_mm.max, 0xFFFF);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[1].attr.logc_mm.min, -5);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[1].attr.logc_mm.max, -1);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[1].attr.phys_mm.min, -5);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[1].attr.phys_mm.max, -1);
// Test that the push and pop operations complete successfully.
// Pushing saves all of the GLOBAL items.
// Popping restores the previously saved GLOBAL items
bool parse_push_pop() {
hid::DeviceDescriptor* dev = nullptr;
auto res = hid::ParseReportDescriptor(push_pop_test, sizeof(push_pop_test), &dev);
ASSERT_EQ(res, hid::ParseResult::kParseOk);
// A single report with id zero, this means no report id.
ASSERT_EQ(dev->rep_count, 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(dev->report[0].report_id, 0);
// The only report has 12 fields.
EXPECT_EQ(dev->report[0].input_count, 12);
const auto fields = dev->report[0].input_fields;
// All fields are input type with report id = 0.
for (uint8_t ix = 0; ix != dev->report[0].input_count; ++ix) {
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix].report_id, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix].type, hid::kInput);
// First 3 fields are the buttons, with usages 1, 2, 3, in the button page.
auto expected_flags = hid::kData | hid::kAbsolute | hid::kScalar;
for (uint8_t ix = 0; ix != 3; ++ix) {
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix], hid::usage::Page::kButton);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix].attr.usage.usage, uint32_t(ix + 1));
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix].attr.bit_sz, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix].attr.logc_mm.min, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix].attr.logc_mm.max, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags & fields[ix].flags, expected_flags);
// Next field is 5 bits constant. Aka padding.
EXPECT_EQ(fields[3].attr.bit_sz, 5);
EXPECT_EQ(hid::kConstant & fields[3].flags, hid::kConstant);
// Next comes 'X' field, 8 bits data, relative.
expected_flags = hid::kData | hid::kRelative | hid::kScalar;
EXPECT_EQ(fields[4], hid::usage::Page::kGenericDesktop);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[4].attr.usage.usage, hid::usage::GenericDesktop::kX);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[4].attr.bit_sz, 8);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[4].attr.logc_mm.min, -127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[4].attr.logc_mm.max, 127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[4].attr.phys_mm.min, -127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[4].attr.phys_mm.max, 127);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags & fields[4].flags, expected_flags);
// Next comes 'Y' field, same as 'X'.
EXPECT_EQ(fields[5], hid::usage::Page::kGenericDesktop);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[5].attr.usage.usage, hid::usage::GenericDesktop::kY);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[5].attr.bit_sz, 8);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[5].attr.logc_mm.min, -127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[5].attr.logc_mm.max, 127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[5].attr.phys_mm.min, -127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[5].attr.phys_mm.max, 127);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags & fields[4].flags, expected_flags);
// Next comes 'X' and 'Y' field again
expected_flags = hid::kData | hid::kRelative | hid::kScalar;
EXPECT_EQ(fields[6], hid::usage::Page::kGenericDesktop);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[6].attr.usage.usage, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[6].attr.bit_sz, 8);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[6].attr.logc_mm.min, -127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[6].attr.logc_mm.max, 127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[6].attr.phys_mm.min, -127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[6].attr.phys_mm.max, 127);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags & fields[6].flags, expected_flags);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[7], hid::usage::Page::kGenericDesktop);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[7].attr.usage.usage, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[7].attr.bit_sz, 8);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[7].attr.logc_mm.min, -127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[7].attr.logc_mm.max, 127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[7].attr.phys_mm.min, -127);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[7].attr.phys_mm.max, 127);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags & fields[7].flags, expected_flags);
// Next is the popped padding field
EXPECT_EQ(fields[8].attr.bit_sz, 5);
EXPECT_EQ(hid::kConstant & fields[8].flags, hid::kConstant);
// Last 3 fields are the popped buttons
expected_flags = hid::kData | hid::kAbsolute | hid::kScalar;
for (uint8_t ix = 9; ix != 12; ++ix) {
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix], hid::usage::Page::kButton);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix].attr.usage.usage, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix].attr.bit_sz, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix].attr.logc_mm.min, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(fields[ix].attr.logc_mm.max, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_flags & fields[ix].flags, expected_flags);
bool usage_helper() {
auto usage = hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer, hid::usage::Digitizer::kContactID);
EXPECT_EQ(, static_cast<uint16_t>(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer));
EXPECT_EQ(usage.usage, static_cast<uint32_t>(hid::usage::Digitizer::kContactID));
bool minmax_operators() {
EXPECT_TRUE((hid::MinMax{-1, 1} == hid::MinMax{-1, 1}));
EXPECT_FALSE((hid::MinMax{0, 1} == hid::MinMax{-1, 1}));
EXPECT_FALSE((hid::MinMax{-1, 1} == hid::MinMax{0, 1}));
EXPECT_FALSE((hid::MinMax{-1, 2} == hid::MinMax{-1, 1}));
EXPECT_FALSE((hid::MinMax{-1, 1} == hid::MinMax{-1, 2}));
EXPECT_FALSE((hid::MinMax{0, 2} == hid::MinMax{-1, 1}));
bool usage_operators() {
hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer, hid::usage::Digitizer::kContactID) ==
hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer, hid::usage::Digitizer::kContactID));
hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer, hid::usage::Digitizer::kTipSwitch) ==
hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer, hid::usage::Digitizer::kContactID));
hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kGenericDesktop, hid::usage::GenericDesktop::kX) ==
hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer, hid::usage::Digitizer::kContactID));
bool extract_tests() {
uint8_t report[] = {0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F};
size_t report_len = sizeof(report);
hid::Attributes attr;
bool ret;
uint8_t int8;
attr.offset = 0;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
ret = ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &int8);
EXPECT_EQ(int8, 0x0F);
attr.offset = 2;
attr.bit_sz = 6;
ret = ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &int8);
EXPECT_EQ(int8, 0x03);
attr.offset = 3;
attr.bit_sz = 2;
ret = ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &int8);
EXPECT_EQ(int8, 0x01);
// Test over a byte boundary
attr.offset = 4;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
ret = ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &int8);
EXPECT_EQ(int8, 0xF0);
uint16_t int16;
attr.offset = 0;
attr.bit_sz = 16;
ret = ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &int16);
EXPECT_EQ(int16, 0x0F0F);
attr.offset = 4;
attr.bit_sz = 16;
ret = ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &int16);
EXPECT_EQ(int16, 0xF0F0);
uint32_t int32;
attr.offset = 0;
attr.bit_sz = 32;
ret = ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &int32);
EXPECT_EQ(int32, 0x0F0F0F0F);
attr.offset = 4;
attr.bit_sz = 32;
ret = ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &int32);
EXPECT_EQ(int32, 0xF0F0F0F0);
// Test that it fails if the attr is too large
attr.offset = 0;
attr.bit_sz = 9;
ret = ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &int8);
// Test that it fails if it goes past the end of the report
attr.offset = 36;
attr.bit_sz = 16;
ret = ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &int16);
bool extract_as_unit_tests() {
uint8_t report[] = {0x0F, 10, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F};
size_t report_len = sizeof(report);
hid::Attributes attr = {};
bool ret;
double val_out;
// Test a signed conversion with the same logc / physical max
attr.offset = 0;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
attr.logc_mm.max = 100;
attr.logc_mm.min = -100;
attr.phys_mm.max = 100;
attr.phys_mm.min = -100;
ret = ExtractAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 0x0F);
// Test that a signed conversion actually sign extends
attr.offset = 0;
attr.bit_sz = 4;
attr.logc_mm.max = 10;
attr.logc_mm.min = -10;
attr.phys_mm.max = 10;
attr.phys_mm.min = -10;
ret = ExtractAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), -1);
// Test an unsigned conversion
attr.offset = 0;
attr.bit_sz = 4;
attr.logc_mm.max = 100;
attr.logc_mm.min = 0;
attr.phys_mm.max = 100;
attr.phys_mm.min = 0;
ret = ExtractAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(val_out), 0xF);
// Test a signed conversion with a negative number that x3 the number
attr.offset = 0;
attr.bit_sz = 4;
attr.logc_mm.max = 10;
attr.logc_mm.min = -10;
attr.phys_mm.max = 30;
attr.phys_mm.min = -30;
ret = ExtractAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), -3);
// Test an unsigned conversion with a negative number that x2.5 the number
attr.offset = 8;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
attr.logc_mm.max = 10;
attr.logc_mm.min = 0;
attr.phys_mm.max = 25;
attr.phys_mm.min = 0;
ret = ExtractAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 25);
// Test that when phys max and min are 0, there is no scaling
attr.offset = 8;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
attr.logc_mm.max = 100;
attr.logc_mm.min = 0;
attr.phys_mm.max = 0;
attr.phys_mm.min = 0;
ret = ExtractAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 10);
// Test ExtractWithUnit
attr.offset = 8;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
attr.logc_mm.max = 10;
attr.logc_mm.min = 0;
attr.phys_mm.max = 25;
attr.phys_mm.min = 0;
// 25 * 10^0 cm = 250 * 10^-1 cm
hid::Unit unit_in;
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
hid::Unit unit_out;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = -1;
attr.unit = unit_in;
ret = ExtractWithUnit(report, report_len, attr, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 250);
bool unit_tests() {
hid::Unit unit_in;
hid::Unit unit_out;
bool ret;
double val_out;
// Test the unit type setting/getting.
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 2);
hid::unit::SetMassExp(unit_in, 3);
hid::unit::SetTimeExp(unit_in, 7);
hid::unit::SetTemperatureExp(unit_in, -1);
hid::unit::SetCurrentExp(unit_in, -2);
hid::unit::SetLuminousExp(unit_in, -8);
auto sys = hid::unit::GetSystem(unit_in);
EXPECT_EQ(sys, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
int exp = hid::unit::GetLengthExp(unit_in);
EXPECT_EQ(exp, 2);
exp = hid::unit::GetMassExp(unit_in);
EXPECT_EQ(exp, 3);
exp = hid::unit::GetTimeExp(unit_in);
EXPECT_EQ(exp, 7);
exp = hid::unit::GetTemperatureExp(unit_in);
EXPECT_EQ(exp, -1);
exp = hid::unit::GetCurrentExp(unit_in);
EXPECT_EQ(exp, -2);
exp = hid::unit::GetLuminousExp(unit_in);
EXPECT_EQ(exp, -8);
// Test same units convert to lower exponent.
// 1 * 10^0 cm = 100 * 10^-1 cm
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = -2;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 1, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 100);
// Test same units convert to higher exponent.
// 100 * 10^0 cm = 1 * 10^2 cm
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 2;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 100, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 1);
// Distance Conversion Tests.
// 100 * 10^1 inches == 25 * 10^2 cm
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::eng_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 1;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 2;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 100, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 25);
// 1 * 10^2 cm == 39 * 10^0 in
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 2;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::eng_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 1, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 39);
// 100 * 10^0 cm^3 == 6 * 10^0 in^3
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 3);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::eng_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 3);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 100, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 6);
// 1 * 10^0 in^3 == 16 * 10^0 cm^3
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::eng_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 3);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 3);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 1, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 16);
// 180 degrees = 3 radians
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::eng_rotation);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_rotation);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 180, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 3);
// 3 radians = 171 degrees
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::si_rotation);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::eng_rotation);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 3, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 171);
// Mass Converson Tests.
// 1 slug = 14593 grams
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::eng_linear);
hid::unit::SetMassExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetMassExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 1, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 14593);
// 200000 grams = 13 slugs
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetMassExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::eng_linear);
hid::unit::SetMassExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 200000, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 13);
// Temperature Conversion Tests.
// 32 F = 273 K
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::eng_linear);
hid::unit::SetTemperatureExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetTemperatureExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 32, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 273);
// 273 K = 31 F
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetTemperatureExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::eng_linear);
hid::unit::SetTemperatureExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 273, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 31);
// Misc Tests.
// SlugUnits to Newtons (Force conversion).
// 100 * 10^0 slug * in / seconds^2 == 37 * 10^5 g * cm / seconds^2
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::eng_linear);
hid::unit::SetMassExp(unit_in, 1);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 1);
hid::unit::SetTimeExp(unit_in, -2);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetMassExp(unit_out, 1);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 1);
hid::unit::SetTimeExp(unit_out, -2);
unit_out.exp = 5;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 100, unit_out, &val_out);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(val_out), 37);
// Failure Tests.
// Can't convert between different units.
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::eng_linear);
hid::unit::SetMassExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetMassExp(unit_out, 2);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 1, unit_out, &val_out);
// Can't convert between rotation and linear distance.
unit_in.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_in, hid::unit::System::eng_rotation);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_in, 1);
unit_in.exp = 0;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 0;
ret = hid::unit::ConvertUnits(unit_in, 1, unit_out, &val_out);
bool insert_tests() {
uint8_t report[8] = {};
size_t report_len = sizeof(report);
hid::Attributes attr = {};
uint32_t value_out;
attr.bit_sz = 1;
attr.offset = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertUint(report, report_len, attr, 0xFFFFFFFF));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &value_out));
EXPECT_EQ(0x1, value_out);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
report[i] = 0;
attr.bit_sz = 4;
attr.offset = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertUint(report, report_len, attr, 0xFFFFFFFF));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &value_out));
EXPECT_EQ(0xF, value_out);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
report[i] = 0;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
attr.offset = 4;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertUint(report, report_len, attr, 0xFFFFFFFF));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &value_out));
EXPECT_EQ(0xF0, report[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0F, report[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFF, value_out);
attr.bit_sz = 32;
attr.offset = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertUint(report, report_len, attr, 0xFFFFFFFF));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &value_out));
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFFFFFFF, value_out);
attr.bit_sz = 32;
attr.offset = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertUint(report, report_len, attr, 0x12345678));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &value_out));
EXPECT_EQ(0x12345678, value_out);
attr.bit_sz = 16;
attr.offset = 8;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertUint(report, report_len, attr, 0x12345678));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &value_out));
EXPECT_EQ(0x5678, value_out);
attr.bit_sz = 16;
attr.offset = 3;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertUint(report, report_len, attr, 0x12345678));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractUint(report, report_len, attr, &value_out));
EXPECT_EQ(0x5678, value_out);
// Test that Insert and Extract give back the same number.
double double_out;
attr.logc_mm.min = 0;
attr.logc_mm.max = 200;
attr.phys_mm.min = 0;
attr.phys_mm.max = 200;
attr.offset = 5;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, 100));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, &double_out));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(double_out), 100);
// Test that Insert and Extract give back the same number with scaling.
attr.logc_mm.min = 0;
attr.logc_mm.max = 100;
attr.phys_mm.min = 0;
attr.phys_mm.max = 200;
attr.offset = 5;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, 100));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, &double_out));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(double_out), 100);
// Test that Insert and Extract accept negative numbers.
attr.logc_mm.min = -50;
attr.logc_mm.max = 50;
attr.phys_mm.min = -50;
attr.phys_mm.max = 50;
attr.offset = 5;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, -5));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractAsUnit(report, report_len, attr, &double_out));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(double_out), -5);
// Test InsertWithUnit
attr.logc_mm.min = 0;
attr.logc_mm.max = 256;
attr.phys_mm.min = 0;
attr.phys_mm.max = 256;
attr.offset = 5;
attr.bit_sz = 8;
hid::Unit unit_out;
unit_out.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_out, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_out, 1);
unit_out.exp = 2;
hid::Unit unit_report;
unit_report.type = 0;
hid::unit::SetSystem(unit_report, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(unit_report, 1);
unit_report.exp = 1;
attr.unit = unit_report;
ASSERT_TRUE(InsertWithUnit(report, report_len, attr, unit_out, 20));
ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractWithUnit(report, report_len, attr, unit_out, &double_out));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(double_out), 20);