Test Fixture Library

This library can be used to eliminate boilerplate code, and in so doing hopefully avoid the “wait for nothing bad to happen” anti-pattern that can cause indeterminate (“flaky”) results in test code.


This class encapsulates the gtest methods that wait for async operations, using four essential pieces: CompletionCallback(), ErrorHandler(), ExpectCallback() and ExpectError().

By default, ErrorHandler() and CompletionCallback() each return a basic function that can be used within the audio test collection as event or error handlers, or as completion functions. The default error handler sets a bool error_occured_ indicating that an error occurred, and stores the error code as error_code_; the default completion handler simply sets a bool callback_received_ indicating that a callback was received. One can augment these behaviors by passing an explicit closure as an argument to ErrorHandler or CompletionCallback; note that the built-in handler will be called before the passed-in custom handler.

The ExpectCallback() and ExpectError() methods run the test's asynchronous loop while checking for the expected outcome. Once the expected outcome is observed, the method runs a few EXPECT checks and returns. If the expected outcome is not observed within a timeout period, it triggers a failure before returning. By default, ExpectCallback expects only that the member callback_received_ has been set, and by default the expected outcome for ExpectDisconnect is only that error_occurred_ has been set and error_code_ has been set to ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED. As with CompletionCallback(), if a more intricate conditional should be satisfied before the Expect call returns, this can be sent to ExpectCondition() as an argument. Similarly, ExpectDisconnect() is only a special-case of the more general ExpectError() that accepts the error code that should be received.

The Expect timeout interval and polling period are set to 60 seconds and 1 millisecond respectively. A tight polling interval is not excessively impactful to system performance because the involved callbacks/disconnects generally return within 1-3 milliseconds (Observed locally, changing the polling inverval from 1 ms to 2 ms multiplied the running-time of audio_fidl_tests by 1.86).

The absence of an ExpectTimeout() method is intentional. In cases when the failure mode presents itself with an asynchronous error handler or exception, the best practice is to avoid “waiting for nothing bad to happen”, and instead to use an explicit completion signal or some other positive indicator to confirm that the test case's subject has not crashed or otherwise failed.

To summarize (and to address a common misunderstanding): CompletionCallback() and ErrorHandler() return functions that will be triggered by external asynchronous events; whereas the ExpectCondition() function accepts a conditional that is evaluated to determine whether the synchronously-called loop should return instead of waiting.


This subclass builds on TestFixture and stores the test binary‘s component context, to be used when tests need it in order to connect to another service. Commonly, a test binary’s testing::Environment will set this after retrieving it at app startup time; otherwise, the class will retrieve and set this before the first instance of that test is run.


This subclass builds on AudioTestBase and contains an instance of fuchsia::media::AudioCore that is created anew upon each test case SetUp, and checked upon each Expect and at test TearDown.

Storing an instance of AudioCore (rather than Audio) is appropriate in this case, because (so far) the clients of this test library are test binaries that exist to validate the AudioCore service in targeted ways.