Inspect Validator

Reviewed on: 2019-08-05

Inspect Validator exercises libraries that write Inspect VMOs and evaluates the resulting VMOs for correctness and memory efficiency.


This project can be added to builds by including --with //src/diagnostics/inspect_validator:tests to the fx set invocation.

For example:

fx set core.chromebook-x64 --with '//topaz/bundles:buildbot' --with //src/diagnostics/inspect_validator:tests


Inspect Validator will (eventually) be run as part of CQ/CI, and can be run manually via:

fx run-test inspect_validator_tests


fx run-test inspect_validator_tests

also runs unit tests.

Source layout

The test entrypoint is located in src/ It connects to and controls one or more “puppet” programs located under lib/(language) such as lib/rust/src/