Fuchsia Testability Rubrics


Goals of this document

Fuchsia Testability is a form of Readability that focuses on ensuring that changes to Fuchsia introduce testable and tested code.

As with any Readability process, the guidelines and standards are best made publicly available, for reviewers and reviewees. This document is the Fuchsia Testability equivalent of a style guide for a programming language readability process.

It’s valuable to apply the Testability standards consistently, hence it is important that anyone involved in Testability should study the doc (whether you’re reviewing changes or authoring them).

The exact contents of the doc may change over time.

Your goals as a Testability reviewer

  • Determine if the change is tested. Apply Testability-Review+1 if you agree that it’s tested, and reply with a note for what’s missing if it’s not.
  • Focus on whether the change is tested, not necessarily on what the change actually does. For instance you may apply Testability+1 if the change is well tested and at the same time Code-Review-1 if you would not like to see the change merged for other reasons.
  • Apply the standard (this doc) consistently.
  • For your own changes, it is okay to self Testability-Review+1 provided that the change clearly follows this rubric. If in doubt, seek approval from another testability reviewer.
  • If the change needs to be amended to meet the standards, provide actionable feedback.
  • Promote Fuchsia testing & testability.
  • Identify cases not handled by this doc and propose changes.
  • Uphold the standard but also apply your good judgement. The goal is to improve quality and promote a culture of testing. You’re not expected to execute a precise decision algorithm.

Your goals as a change author

  • Inform yourself of the standards by reading this doc (you’re doing it right now!).
  • Respect that your Testability reviewer is volunteering for the role, and treat them appropriately.
  • Consider feedback given for ways that you could improve confidence in your change using testing.

What to test? How to test?

  • Changes to functionality should have a test that would have failed without said change.
  • Tests must be local to the code being changed: dependencies with test coverage do not count as test coverage. For example, if “A” is used by a “B”, and the “B” contains tests, this does not provide coverage for “A”. If bugs are caught with “B”'s tests, they will manifest indirectly, making them harder to pinpoint to “A”. Similarly, if “B” is deprecated (or just changes its dependencies) all coverage for “A” would be lost.
  • Tests must be automated (CI/CQ when supported). A manual test is not sufficient, because there is no guarantee that a future change to the code (especially when authored by another engineer) will exercise the same manual tests. Exceptions may apply to some parts of the codebase to recognize ongoing automation challenges.
  • Tests must minimize their external dependencies. Our test infrastructure explicitly provisions each test with certain resources, but tests are able to access more than those that are provisioned. Examples of resources include hardware, CPU, memory, persistent storage, network, other IO devices, reserved network ports, and system services. The stability and availability of resources that are not provisioned explicitly for a test cannot be guaranteed, so tests that access such resources are inherently flaky and / or difficult to reproduce. Tests must not access external resources beyond the control of the test infrastructure. For example, tests must not access services on the Internet. Tests should only use resources beyond those provisioned explicitly for that test when necessary. For example, tests might have to access system services that do not have test doubles available. A small number of exceptions to this rule are made for end-to-end tests.
  • Changes to legacy code (old code that predates Testability requirements and is poorly tested) must be tested. Proximity to poorly-tested code is not a reason to not test new code. Untested legacy code isn’t necessarily old and crufty, it may be proven and battle-hardened, whereas new code that isn’t tested is more likely to fail!
  • Changes you are making to someone else’s code are subject to the same Testability requirements. If the author is changing code they’re not familiar with or responsible for, that’s more reason to test it well. The author can be expected to work with the responsible individual or team to find effective ways to test the change. Individuals responsible for the code under change are expected to help the author with testability with the same priority as the author’s change.

What does not require testing

Missing testing coverage for the below should not prevent a change from receiving Testability+1.

  • Logging. In most cases, it’s probably not worth testing the log output of components. The log output is usually treated as opaque data by the rest of the system, which means changes to log output are unlikely to break other system. However, if the log output is load bearing in some way (e.g., perhaps some other system depends on observing certain log messages), then that contract is worth testing. This can also apply to other forms of instrumentation, such as Tracing. This does not apply to instrumentation when it is used as a contract, for instance Inspect usage can be tested, and should be if you rely on it working as intended (for instance in fx iquery or feedback reports).
  • Code that we don’t own (the source of truth is not in Fuchsia tree). Changes that pick up an update to source code that’s copied from elsewhere don’t bear testability requirements.
  • Pure refactors (changes that could have entirely been made by an automated refactor tool), such as moving files, renaming symbols, or deleting them, don’t bear testability requirements. Some languages can have behavior that’s exposed to such changes (e.g. runtime reflection), so exceptions may apply.
  • Generated code. Changes that are generated by tools (such as formatting, or generated code checked in as a golden file) don’t bear testability requirements. As an aside, it’s generally discouraged to check in generated code (rather harness the tools and have the code be generated at build time), but in the exceptional case don’t require tests for code written by machines.
  • Testability bootstrapping. In cases where the change is in preparation for introducing testability to the code, and this is explicitly documented by the author, then Testability reviewers may exercise discretion and take an IOU.
  • Manual tests. Manual tests are often themselves used to test or demonstrate functionality that is hard to test in an automated fashion. Additions or modifications to manual tests therefore do not require automated tests. However, it is strongly recommended that manual tests be paired with a README.md or TESTING.md document describing how to run them.
  • Hardcoded values. Additions or changes to hardcoded values do not necessarily require tests. Oftentimes, these values control behaviors that are not easily observable, such as unexposed implementation details, heuristics, or “cosmetic” changes (e.g. background color of a UI). Tests of the style assert_eq!(CONFIG_PARAM, 5); are not considered useful and are not required by testability. However, if the CL results in an easily observable behavioral change, the CL should include a test for the new behavior.

What does require testing

Recommended: Test for flakiness (if supported)

This is currently recommended. Once http://fxbug.dev/50301 is done, this will be automatically included for tests that are determined to be affected.

Note: This feature is not currently supported for bringup builders.

As a testability reviewer, if a change adds or modifies tests, you should make sure the author correctly tests for flakiness using the MULTIPLY feature as described below.

As a change author, when you add or modify tests, you should tell the infrastructure to run those tests multiple times with a MULTIPLY field in the commit message. You would add something like this to your commit message:

MULTIPLY: test_name (os): run_count

For example:

MULTIPLY: foo_tests (fuchsia): 30

Note: “os” and “run_count” are both optional; see below for more examples.

Then do a CQ dry run (or choose a tryjob that runs your tests). These tests show as separate shards for each test, which run that test as many times as the specified run count. The timeout for running these tests is 40 minutes on most builders. If a test takes too long, the shard may time out.

The test name can be any of the following:

  • The test package URL (for fuchsia tests) or path (for host tests). This is the name that Flake Fetcher uses to refer to tests, and is seen in the “name” field of each entry in out/default/tests.json. That file is created after you run fx set inside of your Fuchsia directory.
  • A regular expression (using Go's regular expression syntax) that matches the test name as described above. However, note that if a single multiplier matches more than 5 different tests, it will be rejected (to prevent accidental DoSing). If this happens to you, simply edit your commit message locally or in the Gerrit UI to make your regular expression more specific.

The “os” field, if specified, should be either “fuchsia”, “linux”, or “mac”. If left unset, the multiplier will match any test, regardless of the test's operating system, as long as the name matches.

If “run_count” is left unspecified, the infrastructure will use historical test duration data to calculate a number of runs that will produce a single multiplied test shard whose duration is similar to the expected duration of the other shards (although the calculated run count will be limited to a maximum of 2000). Longer tests will be run fewer times, shorter tests more times.

Note: When specifying “run_count”, it's important to have a space after the colon and before the run_count so as to distinguish it from colons in the test name. Otherwise the colon and run_count will be treated as part of the test name.

Note: If your CL increases a test‘s duration, then the historical duration data may no longer be accurate and the number of runs calculated by the infrastructure may cause the shard to time out. In this case, you’ll have to edit the commit message and specify a lower number of runs.

Determine success

If it worked, any builders running the tests specified by the MULTIPLY feature will add comments to the CL that say:

A builder created multiplier shards. Click the following link for more details:

This comment includes a link to the build that will run the multiplied tests. If the build is completed, you should see a step like multiplied:<shard name>-<test name> under one of the passes, flakes, or failures steps. If the build is not yet completed, you can click on the link under the build step named <builder name>-subbuild, which will take you to the subbuild build page where you should see a similar multiplied step. Since the comment doesn't specify which tests were multiplied, you can look at the build pages to confirm (in case you multiplied more than one test).

For example:

multiplied shard screenshot

If no such comment appears, then there probably is an error with the syntax or the test is unable to run in any of the regular CQ builders. In this case, you will have to either add it to the build graph so that it is run by one of the builders or manually choose the tryjob that runs the test if it's run in an optional builder.

Syntax examples

  • Title-case “Multiply” can be used instead of all-caps “MULTIPLY”:

    Multiply: foo_tests (fuchsia): 30
  • If you leave out the OS, the multiplier will be applied to any test that matches the multiplier name, regardless of OS:

    Multiply: foo_tests: 30
  • If you leave out the number of runs, the infrastructure will calculate a number of runs that will fill up exactly one shard:

    Multiply: foo_tests (linux)
  • You can also leave out both the OS and the number of runs:

    Multiply: foo_tests
  • To multiply more than one test, add extra “Multiply” lines:

    Multiply: foo_tests
    Multiply: bar_tests
  • Comma-separated multipliers in a single line are also supported:

    Multiply: foo_tests: 5, bar_tests (fuchsia): 6
  • You can reference fuchsia tests by package URL and host tests by path:

    Multiply: fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/foo_tests#meta/foo_tests.cmx
    Multiply: host_x64/bar_tests
  • Regex and substring matching is also supported:

    Multiply: fuchsia.com/foo_tests
  • This JSON syntax is also valid:

    Multiply: `[
        "name": "foo_bin_test",
        "os": "fuchsia",
        "total_runs": 30

Tests should not sleep

Sleeps can lead to flaky tests because timing is difficult to control across different test environments. Some factors that can contribute to this difficulty this are the test target's CPU speed, number of cores, and system load along with environmental factors like temperature.

  • Avoid something like:

    // Check if the callback was called.
    EXPECT_EQ(true, callback_happened);
  • Instead, explicitly wait for the condition:

    // In callback
    callback() {
    // In test
    sync_completion_wait(&event_, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);

    This code sample was adapted from task_test.cc.

Regression tests for race conditions

It is difficult to write regression tests for race conditions that don't have a high false-pass rate. If you can write a test that deterministically reproduces the issue, you should do that. Otherwise, if the data race was fixed by improving the locking scheme used, you can add thread annotations as a regression test. For other races, you should attempt to design APIs that prevent the existence of the race condition.

Recently removed exemptions

  • Engprod scripts (e.g. fx commands) and associated configuration files** no longer have an exemption from testability. fx must have integration tests before further changes land. Exceptions may be granted by the fx team after consulting with a testability reviewer.

Temporary testability exemptions

The following are currently exempt from Testability, while ongoing work aims to change that.

  • Engprod scripts in the tools/devshell/contrib and associated configuration are exempt.
  • GN templates are not easily testable. We are working on a test framework for GN templates. Until then, it's permitted for build template changes to be manually tested only.
  • Resource leaks are not easily preventable in C-style code. In the longer term, such code should be refactored to use Rust or modern C++ idioms to reduce the chances of leaks, and automation should exist that is capable of automatically detecting leaks.
  • Gigaboot is a UEFI bootloader in //zircon/bootloader that predates testability policy. At present there is not an infrastructure available to write integration tests for the UEFI code. Introducing that infrastructure is tracked in fxbug.dev/34478. A testability exception is granted until fxbug.dev/34478 is addressed.