blob: 282ecece6762a5e0759f73b8af017470092d5e3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fidlgen_cpp
import (
// Helper functions used by templates.
// ensureNamespace changes the current namespace to the one supplied and
// returns the C++ code required to switch to that namespace.
func ensureNamespace(arg interface{}) string {
lines := []string{}
newNamespace := []string{}
switch v := arg.(type) {
case namespaced:
newNamespace = []string(v.Namespace())
case string:
newNamespace = strings.Split(v, "::")
for len(newNamespace) > 0 && newNamespace[0] == "" {
newNamespace = newNamespace[1:]
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected %T argument to EnsureNamespace", arg))
// Copy the namespaces
new := make([]string, len(newNamespace))
copy(new, newNamespace)
current := make([]string, len(currentNamespace))
copy(current, currentNamespace)
// Remove common prefix
for len(new) > 0 && len(current) > 0 && new[0] == current[0] {
new = new[1:]
current = current[1:]
// Leave the current namespace
for i := len(current) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("} // namespace %s", current[i]))
// Enter thew new namespace
for i := 0; i < len(new); i++ {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("namespace %s {", new[i]))
// Update the current namespace variable
currentNamespace = namespace(newNamespace)
return strings.Join(lines, "\n")
// During template processing this holds the stack of namespaces.
// When a template calls IfdefFuchsia the current namespace is pushed onto the
// stack. When a template calls EndifFuchsia a namespace is popped off the
// stack and C++ code needed to go from the current namespace to the popped
// namespace is generated.
// This allows templates to maintain a consistent C++ namespace as they enter
// and leave #ifdef __Fuchsia__ blocks.
var namespaceStack = []namespace{}
func ifdefFuchsia() string {
namespaceStack = append(namespaceStack, currentNamespace)
if len(namespaceStack) == 1 {
return "\n#ifdef __Fuchsia__\n"
return ""
func endifFuchsia() string {
last := len(namespaceStack) - 1
ns := namespaceStack[last]
namespaceStack = namespaceStack[:last]
s := ensureNamespace(ns)
if len(namespaceStack) == 0 {
return s + "\n#endif // __Fuchsia__\n"
return s
func endOfFile() string {
if len(namespaceStack) != 0 {
panic("The namespace stack isn't empty, there's a EndifFuchsia missing somewhere")
return ensureNamespace("::")
// CommonTemplateFuncs holds a template.FuncMap containing common funcs.
var CommonTemplateFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"Eq": func(a interface{}, b interface{}) bool { return a == b },
"NEq": func(a interface{}, b interface{}) bool { return a != b },
"Kinds": func() interface{} { return Kinds },
"FamilyKinds": func() interface{} { return FamilyKinds },
"TypeKinds": func() interface{} { return TypeKinds },
"IfdefFuchsia": ifdefFuchsia,
"EndifFuchsia": endifFuchsia,
"EnsureNamespace": ensureNamespace,
"EndOfFile": endOfFile,
// UseNatural sets the template engine to default to the "natural" domain object
// namespace, when printing nameVariants.
// Example of Natural type name: "fuchsia::library::MyType".
"UseNatural": func() string {
currentVariant = naturalVariant
return ""
// UseUnified sets the template engine to default to the "unified" domain object
// namespace, when printing nameVariants.
// Example of Unified type name: "fuchsia_library::MyType".
"UseUnified": func() string {
currentVariant = unifiedVariant
return ""
// UseWire sets the template engine to default to the "wire" domain object
// namespace, when printing nameVariants.
// Example of Wire type name: "fuchsia_library::wire::MyType".
"UseWire": func() string {
currentVariant = wireVariant
return ""
func MergeFuncMaps(all ...template.FuncMap) template.FuncMap {
merged := template.FuncMap{}
for _, funcs := range all {
for k, fn := range funcs {
merged[k] = fn
return merged