C++ Editor/IDE Setup


Follow either the CMake (recommended) or Compilation Database instructions below to create the appropriate project description file in the fuchsia root directory.

Then in CLion choose Import Project from Sources and select the fuchsia root directory.

CLion Performance Tweaks

To improve performance you can try some or all of the following. They are only suggestions, we recommend checking with directly with JetBrains at https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc to be sure what works best for your environment. Also see

Exclude Directories

To speed up indexing time you can exclude directories you are not working with. You can do that in the Project View by right-clicking each directory and choosing Mark directory as->Excluded. Note the affected configuration is stored in <project>/.idea/misc.xml

See Control Source, Library, and Exclude Directories - Help | CLion for more information.

Unregister Git Repositories

The fuchsia source tree has a fair number of git repositories. Scanning them can use CPU cycles for CLion. You can unregister the git repositories you are not working on under File -> Settings -> Version Control. They will still be listed there so you can add them back later if needed.

Tune JVM Options and Platform Properties

See Tuning CLion - Help | CLion for general tips on tweaking CLion JVM Options and Platform Properties. As that link suggests, contact CLion support for instructions regarding the options and values that might help you with whatever issue you are trying to solve


See Helpful Vim tools for Fuchsia development.

Visual Studio Code (vscode)

There are multiple vscode setups known to work to different degrees. The sections below describe the different setups (pick one).


Install vscode-clangd. Disable the default C/C++ extension if you have it installed.

In settings, add:

"clangd.path": "<absolute path to fuchsia root directory>/buildtools/linux-x64/clang/bin/clangd",
Note that the path to clangd does need to be absolute.

Finally, follow the Compilation Database instructions below to generate the compile_commands.json in the fuchsia root directory. Then reload vscode to enjoy the results.

default vscode C++ extension

Install the default C/C++ extension suggested by vscode.

You can use tasks to configure a compilation step.

Project Description Files

There are two ways of describing a project's source files that can be used with fuchsia - CMake or Compilation Database. They are described below.

Note these approaches are only intended to help the IDE find and parse the source files. Building should still be done with fx full-build.


The fuchsia.cmake file located in this directory can be used with IDEs that support CMake to include most of the fuchsia source files.

To use, create a CMakeLists.txt file in the fuchsia root directory with the following contents. Then use it normally with your IDE.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)

Compilation Database (fx compdb)

A Compilation Database file can be generated using fx compdb. This will create/update the file compile_commands.json in the fuchsia root directory.

When you add, delete, or rename source files the command needs to be rerun to update the compile_commands.json file.