blob: a76e0d2823e4fc5c44dd4b58eaad7b444bd255bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/gdc/cpp/banjo.h>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include "src/camera/drivers/hw_accel/task/task.h"
namespace gdc {
class GdcTask : public generictask::GenericTask {
~GdcTask() {
for (auto config : config_contig_vmos_) {
ZX_ASSERT(ZX_OK == zx_handle_close(config.config_vmo));
// Returns the physical address for the config VMO.
zx_paddr_t GetConfigVmoPhysAddr(uint32_t output_format_index) const {
return pinned_config_vmos_[output_format_index].region(0).phys_addr;
// Returns the VMO size for the config VMO.
uint64_t GetConfigVmoSize(uint32_t output_format_index) const {
return config_contig_vmos_[output_format_index].size;
// Called by GdcDevice when the task is about to be removed. Pushes GdcDevice-owned config VMOs
// onto a stack and removes them this task.
void OnRemoveTask(std::stack<zx::vmo>& gdc_owned_config_vmos);
// Static function to create a task object.
// |input_buffer_collection| : Input buffer collection.
// |output_buffer_collection| : Output buffer collection.
// [input_image_format] : Input image format.
// [output_image_format] : Output image format.
// |config_vmo_list| : Array of configurations info.
// |config_vmo_count| : Number of config vmos.
// |gdc_config_contig_vmos| : Stack of pre-allocated contig VMOs
// |frame_callback| : Process frame callback.
// |remove_task_callback| : Remove task callback.
// |res_callback| : Res change callback.
zx_status_t Init(const buffer_collection_info_2_t* input_buffer_collection,
const buffer_collection_info_2_t* output_buffer_collection,
const image_format_2_t* input_image_format,
const image_format_2_t* output_image_format_table_list,
size_t output_image_format_table_count, uint32_t output_image_format_index,
const gdc_config_info* config_vmo_list, size_t config_vmos_count,
std::stack<zx::vmo>& gdc_config_contig_vmos,
const hw_accel_frame_callback_t* frame_callback,
const hw_accel_res_change_callback* res_callback,
const hw_accel_remove_task_callback_t* remove_task_callback, const zx::bti& bti);
zx_status_t PinConfigVmos(const gdc_config_info* config_vmo_list, size_t config_vmos_count,
std::stack<zx::vmo>& gdc_config_contig_vmos, const zx::bti& bti);
static zx_status_t InitContiguousConfigVmo(zx::vmo& contiguous_config_vmo, size_t size,
const zx::bti& bti, zx::vmo& result);
fbl::Array<fzl::PinnedVmo> pinned_config_vmos_;
std::vector<gdc_config_info> config_contig_vmos_;
// Vector of GDC config VMOs owned by GdcDevice. These are held by this task while it is active.
// When this task is removed, these VMOs are returned to GdcDevice so that they can be reused
// in new tasks.
std::vector<zx::vmo> gdc_owned_config_vmos_;
} // namespace gdc