blob: 83cbb65efb2eaa479c0c003ce42e5495c8a08c0b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// clang-format off
// The MakeAnyTransport overloads need to be defined before including
// message.h, which uses them.
#include <lib/fidl_driver/cpp/transport.h>
// clang-format on
#include <lib/fdf/cpp/channel_read.h>
#include <lib/fdf/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/message.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/message_storage.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/status.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <optional>
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
namespace {
zx_status_t driver_write(fidl_handle_t handle, WriteOptions write_options, const WriteArgs& args) {
// Note: in order to force the encoder to only output one iovec, only provide an iovec buffer of
// 1 element to the encoder.
ZX_ASSERT(args.data_count == 1);
const zx_channel_iovec_t& iovec = static_cast<const zx_channel_iovec_t*>([0];
fdf_arena_t* arena =
void* arena_handles = fdf_arena_allocate(arena, args.handles_count * sizeof(fdf_handle_t));
memcpy(arena_handles, args.handles, args.handles_count * sizeof(fdf_handle_t));
zx_status_t status =
fdf_channel_write(handle, 0, arena, const_cast<void*>(iovec.buffer), iovec.capacity,
static_cast<fdf_handle_t*>(arena_handles), args.handles_count);
return status;
zx_status_t driver_read(fidl_handle_t handle, const ReadOptions& read_options,
const ReadArgs& args) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(args.storage_view != nullptr);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(args.out_data != nullptr);
DriverMessageStorageView* rd_view = static_cast<DriverMessageStorageView*>(args.storage_view);
fdf_arena_t* out_arena;
zx_status_t status =
fdf_channel_read(handle, 0, &out_arena, args.out_data, args.out_data_actual_count,
args.out_handles, args.out_handles_actual_count);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*rd_view->arena = fdf::Arena(out_arena);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t driver_call(fidl_handle_t handle, CallOptions call_options,
const CallMethodArgs& args) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(args.rd.storage_view != nullptr);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(args.rd.out_data != nullptr);
DriverMessageStorageView* rd_view = static_cast<DriverMessageStorageView*>(args.rd.storage_view);
// Note: in order to force the encoder to only output one iovec, only provide an iovec buffer of
// 1 element to the encoder.
ZX_ASSERT(args.wr.data_count == 1);
const zx_channel_iovec_t& iovec = static_cast<const zx_channel_iovec_t*>([0];
fdf_arena_t* arena = call_options.outgoing_transport_context.release<DriverTransport>();
void* arena_handles = fdf_arena_allocate(arena, args.wr.handles_count * sizeof(fdf_handle_t));
memcpy(arena_handles, args.wr.handles, args.wr.handles_count * sizeof(fdf_handle_t));
fdf_arena_t* rd_arena = nullptr;
fdf_channel_call_args fdf_args = {
.wr_arena = arena,
.wr_data = const_cast<void*>(iovec.buffer),
.wr_num_bytes = iovec.capacity,
.wr_handles = static_cast<fdf_handle_t*>(arena_handles),
.wr_num_handles = args.wr.handles_count,
.rd_arena = &rd_arena,
.rd_data = args.rd.out_data,
.rd_num_bytes = args.rd.out_data_actual_count,
.rd_handles = args.rd.out_handles,
.rd_num_handles = args.rd.out_handles_actual_count,
zx_status_t status = fdf_channel_call(handle, 0, ZX_TIME_INFINITE, &fdf_args);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*rd_view->arena = fdf::Arena(rd_arena);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t driver_create_waiter(fidl_handle_t handle, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
TransportWaitSuccessHandler success_handler,
TransportWaitFailureHandler failure_handler,
AnyTransportWaiter& any_transport_waiter) {
any_transport_waiter.emplace<DriverWaiter>(handle, dispatcher, std::move(success_handler),
return ZX_OK;
void driver_create_thread_checker(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, ThreadingPolicy threading_policy,
AnyThreadChecker& any_thread_checker) {
class __TA_CAPABILITY("mutex") DriverThreadChecker final : public ThreadChecker {
explicit DriverThreadChecker(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, ThreadingPolicy policy)
: ThreadChecker(policy),
initial_dispatcher_(fdf_dispatcher_from_async_dispatcher(dispatcher)) {
if (policy == ThreadingPolicy::kCreateAndTeardownFromDispatcherThread) {
uint32_t options = fdf_dispatcher_get_options(initial_dispatcher_);
// This error indicates that the user is using a synchronized FIDL
// binding (e.g. |fdf::WireClient|) over an unsynchronized dispatcher.
// This is not allowed, as it leads to thread safety issues.
"A synchronized fdf_dispatcher_t is required. "
"Ensure the fdf_dispatcher_t does not have the "
// Checks for exclusive access by checking that the current thread is the
// same as the constructing thread.
void check() const __TA_ACQUIRE() override {
if (policy() == ThreadingPolicy::kCreateAndTeardownFromDispatcherThread) {
fdf_dispatcher_t* current_dispatcher = fdf_dispatcher_get_current_dispatcher();
if (current_dispatcher == nullptr) {
// This error indicates that the user is destroying a synchronized
// FIDL binding (e.g. |fdf::WireClient|) on a thread that is not
// managed by a driver dispatcher. This is not allowed, as it leads to
// thread safety issues.
"Current thread is not managed by a driver dispatcher. "
"Ensure binding and teardown occur on a dispatcher managed thread.");
if (initial_dispatcher_ != current_dispatcher) {
// This error indicates that the user is destroying a synchronized
// FIDL binding (e.g. |fdf::WireClient|) on a thread whose dispatcher
// is not the same as the one it is bound to. This is not allowed, as
// it leads to thread safety issues.
"Currently executing on a different dispatcher than the FIDL binding was bound on. "
"Ensure binding and teardown occur from the same dispatcher.");
// Generates an exception that could be caught in unit testing, then recovered.
// By comparison, `ZX_PANIC` would put the current thread under an infinite loop
// of crashing.
static void resumable_panic(const char* msg) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
// The following logic is similar to `backtrace_request`.
// See zircon/system/ulib/backtrace-request/include/lib/backtrace-request/backtrace-request.h
#if defined(__aarch64__)
__asm__("brk 0");
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
#error "what machine?"
fdf_dispatcher_t* initial_dispatcher_;
any_thread_checker.emplace<DriverThreadChecker>(dispatcher, threading_policy);
void driver_close(fidl_handle_t handle) { fdf_handle_close(handle); }
void driver_close_many(const fidl_handle_t* handles, size_t num_handles) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_handles; i++) {
} // namespace
const TransportVTable DriverTransport::VTable = {
.encoding_configuration = &DriverTransport::EncodingConfiguration,
.write = driver_write,
.read = driver_read,
.call = driver_call,
.create_waiter = driver_create_waiter,
.create_thread_checker = driver_create_thread_checker,
zx_status_t DriverWaiter::Begin() {
state_.handle, 0 /* options */,
[&state = state_](fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, fdf::ChannelRead* channel_read,
fdf_status_t status) {
if (status != ZX_OK) {
fidl::UnbindInfo unbind_info;
if (status == ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED) {
unbind_info = fidl::UnbindInfo::PeerClosed(status);
} else {
unbind_info = fidl::UnbindInfo::DispatcherError(status);
return state.failure_handler(unbind_info);
fdf::Arena arena;
DriverMessageStorageView storage_view{.arena = &arena};
IncomingMessage msg = fidl::MessageRead(fdf::UnownedChannel(state.handle), storage_view);
if (!msg.ok()) {
return state.failure_handler(fidl::UnbindInfo{msg});
state.channel_read = std::nullopt;
return state.success_handler(msg, &storage_view);
zx_status_t status =
if (status == ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE) {
// Begin() is called when the dispatcher is shutting down.
return status;
zx_status_t DriverWaiter::Cancel() {
fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = fdf_dispatcher_from_async_dispatcher(state_.dispatcher);
uint32_t options = fdf_dispatcher_get_options(dispatcher);
fdf_status_t status = state_.channel_read->Cancel();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// When the dispatcher is synchronized, our |ChannelRead| handler won't be
// called. When the dispatcher is unsynchronized, our |ChannelRead| handler
// will always be called (sometimes with a ZX_OK status and othertimes with a
// ZX_ERR_CANCELED status). For the purpose of determining which code should
// finish teardown of the |AsyncBinding|, it is as if the cancellation failed.
return ZX_OK;
const CodingConfig DriverTransport::EncodingConfiguration = {
.max_iovecs_write = 1,
.handle_metadata_stride = 0,
.close = driver_close,
.close_many = driver_close_many,
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl