blob: 8d0e1229acccb4d227b4eca1435f70f37683bac6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdf/types.h>
// Usage Notes:
// fdf_arena_t owns all the allocated data until the arena is destroyed.
// Example:
// fdf_arena_t* arena;
// fdf_status_t status = fdf_arena_create(0, "", 0, &arena);
// // Allocate new blocks of memory.
// void* addr1 = fdf_arena_allocate(arena, 0x1000);
// void* addr2 = fdf_arena_allocate(arena, 0x2000);
// // Use the allocated memory...
// fdf_arena_destroy(arena);
typedef struct fdf_arena fdf_arena_t;
// |tag| provides a hint to the runtime so that it may be more efficient.
// For example, adjusting the size of the buffer backing the arena
// to the expected total size of allocations.
// It may also be surfaced in debug information.
// TODO( consider making |tag| fixed size.
fdf_status_t fdf_arena_create(uint32_t options, const char* tag, size_t tag_len,
fdf_arena_t** arena);
void* fdf_arena_allocate(fdf_arena_t* arena, size_t bytes);
// No-op for initial implementation.
void* fdf_arena_free(fdf_arena_t* arena, void* data);
// Returns true if the memory region consisting of [|data|, |data|+|num_bytes|) resides entirely
// within memory managed by the |arena|.
bool fdf_arena_contains(fdf_arena_t* arena, const void* data, size_t num_bytes);
// Frees all memory associated with the arena.
void fdf_arena_destroy(fdf_arena_t* arena);