blob: e479bc7b477482067ab51fe42f04d7c38c6b9f5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.pointer;
using zx;
const TOUCH_MAX_EVENT uint32 = 128;
/// A method for a client to receive touch events and respond in a global
/// gesture disambiguation protocol.
/// The position of a touch event is defined in the context of a viewport,
/// situated in the view. The dimensions of the view and viewport, and their
/// spatial relationship (defined with a transform matrix), are supplied
/// synchronously in a |ViewParameter| table. A view may retrieve a pointer's
/// position in its local coordinate system by applying the viewport-to-view
/// transform matrix.
/// The viewport is embedded in an independent and stable coordinate system,
/// suitable for interpreting touch events in a scale-independent manner; a
/// swipe will be observed at a constant scale, even under effects such as
/// magnification or panning. However, other effects, such as enlargening the
/// view's clip bounds, may trigger a change in the viewport extents.
protocol TouchSource {
/// A method for a client to receive touch pointer events.
/// This call is formulated as a "hanging get" pattern: the client asks for
/// a set of recent events, and receives them via the callback. This
/// pull-based approach ensures that clients consume events at their own
/// pace; events don't clog up the channel in an unbounded manner.
/// Flow control. The caller is allowed at most one in-flight |Watch| call
/// at a time; it is a logical error to have concurrent calls to |Watch|.
/// Non-compliance results in channel closure.
/// Client pacing. The server will dispatch events to the caller on a FIFO,
/// lossless, best-effort basis, but the caller must allocate enough time to
/// keep up with new events. An unresponsive client may be categorized as
/// "App Not Responding" and targeted for channel closure.
/// Responses. The gesture disambiguation scheme relies on the server
/// receiving a |TouchResponse| for each |TouchEvent|.|TouchPointerSample|;
/// non-sample events should return an empty |TouchResponse| table to the
/// server. Responses for *previous* events are fed to the server on the
/// *next* call of |Watch| [1]. Each element in the |responses| vector is
/// interpreted as the pairwise response to the event in the previous
/// |events| vector; the vector lengths must match. Note that the client's
/// contract to respond to events starts as soon as it registers its
/// endpoint with scenic, NOT when it first calls `Watch()`.
/// Initial response. The first call to |Watch| must be an empty vector.
/// Event times. The timestamps on each event in the event vector are *not*
/// guaranteed monotonic; touch events from different devices may be
/// injected into Scenic at different times. Generally, events from a single
/// device are expected to have monotonically increasing timestamps.
/// View parameters. Occasionally, changes in view or viewport require
/// notifying the client. If a |TouchEvent| carries |ViewParameters|, these
/// parameters apply to successive |TouchPointerSample|s until the next
/// |ViewParameters|.
/// [1] The hanging get pattern enables straightforward API evolution, but
/// unfortunately does not admit an idiomatic matching of response to event.
Watch(struct {
responses vector<TouchResponse>:TOUCH_MAX_EVENT;
}) -> (struct {
events vector<TouchEvent>:TOUCH_MAX_EVENT;
/// The gesture protocol allows a client to enact a "hold" on an open
/// interaction of touch events; it prevents resolution of interaction
/// ownership, even after the interaction closes. This method updates the
/// client's previous "hold" by replacing it with a response that allows
/// ownership resolution to proceed.
/// See |TouchInteractionId| for how a stream is structured into
/// interactions.
/// Flow control. The caller is allowed at most one |UpdateResponse| call
/// per interaction, and it must be on a closed interaction. It is a logical
/// error to call |UpdateResponse| when a normal response is possible with
/// the |Watch| call.
/// Validity. This TouchResponse must not be another "hold" response, and
/// the overwritten response is expected to be a "hold" response.
UpdateResponse(struct {
interaction TouchInteractionId;
response TouchResponse;
}) -> ();
/// The self-sufficient, self-consistent collection of pointer-related data,
/// sent from server to client.
type TouchEvent = table {
/// The time this event was observed.
/// Required.
1: timestamp zx.time;
/// The parameters of the associated view and viewport, sufficient to
/// correctly interpret the position, orientation, magnitude, and
/// inter-event distance of touch events dispatched to a view.
/// - It is issued on connection and on change.
2: view_parameters ViewParameters;
/// A description of the pointer device, sufficient to correctly interpret
/// the capabilities and usage intent of the device.
/// - It is issued once per device.
3: device_info TouchDeviceInfo;
/// A description of each sampled data point in an interaction of touch
/// events.
/// - It is issued on every sample in the interaction.
4: pointer_sample TouchPointerSample;
/// The result of gesture disambiguation for a interaction of touch events.
/// - It is issued once per interaction.
5: interaction_result TouchInteractionResult;
/// An identifier to correlate this event's send/receive occurrence across
/// component boundaries or abstraction layers.
6: trace_flow_id uint64;
/// Information about a device that issues touch event streams.
type TouchDeviceInfo = table {
/// An identifier for the touch device that issues touch event streams.
/// A device may own multiple pointers, each with its own pointer id and its
/// own touch event stream.
/// Required.
1: id uint32;
/// A unique identifier for a "interaction" of touch events in an event stream.
/// Touch events are observed as a succession of interactions, as fingers engage
/// and disengage with the display.
/// A finite sequence of pointer events that follows the `EventPhase` state
/// machine, starting from the initial state ADD, is called an **interaction**.
/// A closed (or past) interaction is one where it has reached the terminal
/// state (REMOVE or CANCEL); an open (or current) interaction is one where it
/// has not.
/// For a given device pointer, a stream of events is observed as a succession
/// of zero or more closed interactions (the past history of user engagement),
/// followed by at most one open interaction (the current user engagement).
/// Because we need to group pointer events by their interaction, touch event
/// carries an **interaction id** that is unique in that pointer stream. This
/// common reference makes it possible to operate on a closed interaction, as
/// well as an open interaction.
/// Also see `EventPhase` for a discussion on event streams by mice.
type TouchInteractionId = struct {
/// An identifier for the pointer device that issues touch event streams.
/// A device may own multiple pointers, each with its own |pointer_id|.
device_id uint32;
/// An identifier of the pointer that issued this event. It is unique only
/// to a specific |device_id|. Each (device_id, pointer_id) pair issues at
/// most one open interaction at a time.
pointer_id uint32;
/// An identifier of the interaction. It is unique only to a specific
/// (device_id, pointer_id) pair.
interaction_id uint32;
/// A description of each sampled data point in a touch event stream.
/// All fields are required.
type TouchPointerSample = table {
/// The interaction that this pointer sample belongs to.
1: interaction TouchInteractionId;
/// The state of this event in the interaction's state machine.
2: phase EventPhase;
/// The position of this event, in the viewport's coordinate system.
3: position_in_viewport Point2;
/// The result of gesture disambiguation for a interaction of touch events, sent
/// from server to client.
type TouchInteractionResult = struct {
/// The interaction that this pointer sample belongs to.
interaction TouchInteractionId;
/// The interaction's disposition, sent from server to client.
status TouchInteractionStatus;
/// A description of the interaction's relationship to this client.
type TouchInteractionStatus = strict enum {
/// The client has been denied ownership of the interaction.
/// The client has been granted ownership of the interaction.
/// A feedback event per |Event|, sent from client to server.
/// Only |TouchPointerSample| requires a |TouchResponseType|; for other events,
/// the server expects an empty |TouchResponse| table.
type TouchResponse = table {
/// The interaction disposition that a client responds with for a given
/// |TouchPointerSample|.
1: response_type TouchResponseType;
/// An identifier to correlate this response's send/receive occurrence across
/// component boundaries or abstraction layers.
2: trace_flow_id uint64;
/// The possible interaction dispositions that a client can respond with to a
/// given |TouchPointerSample|. Used as part of a gesture disambiguation scheme.
/// The responses are based on the idea of an ownership claim on a interaction.
/// Clients may assert a claim of ownership on an open interaction, but only one
/// client's claim is granted by the server; other clients' claims are denied.
type TouchResponseType = strict enum {
/// The client has no further interest in this interaction; it declines
/// ownership of the interaction. The client will stop receiving events for
/// this interaction.
NO = 1;
/// The client is interested in this interaction, but needs to see more
/// events to decide; the client has not yet claimed ownership of this
/// interaction.
MAYBE = 2;
/// The client is interested in this interaction, but needs to see more
/// events to decide; the client has not yet claimed ownership of the
/// interaction. During ownership resolution, it exerts its priority over
/// lower-priority "maybe" claims, but always loses to a "yes" claim.
/// The client is interested in this interaction, but needs to see more
/// events to decide; the client has not yet claimed ownership of the
/// interaction. Moreover, it suppresses lower-priority claims that try to
/// resolve interaction ownership.
/// The client is interested in this interaction, but needs to see more
/// events to decide; the client has not yet claimed ownership of the
/// interaction. Moreover, it suppresses lower-priority claims that try to
/// resolve interaction ownership. During ownership resolution, it exerts
/// its priority over lower-priority "maybe" claims, but always loses to a
/// "yes" claim.
/// The client is interested in this interaction, but needs to see a
/// subsequent interaction to decide; the client has not yet claimed
/// ownership of this interaction. It prevents ownership resolution when the
/// interaction closes.
HOLD = 6;
/// The client is interested in this interaction, but needs to see a
/// subsequent interaction to decide; the client has not yet claimed
/// ownership of this interaction. It prevents ownership resolution when the
/// interaction closes. Moreover, it suppresses lower-priority claims that
/// try to resolve interaction ownership.
/// The client wishes exclusive access to the remaining events in this
/// interaction; it claims ownership of this interaction (but that claim may
/// be granted or denied). During ownership resolution, it yields its
/// priority to lower-priority "yes" claims.
YES = 8;
/// The client wishes exclusive access to the remaining events in this
/// interaction; it claims ownership of this interaction (but that claim may
/// be granted or denied). During ownership resolution, it exerts its
/// priority over lower-priority "yes" claims.