blob: 7abc259a69f7ec78f22c0504834c68a073b01d3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.overnet.protocol;
/// Control frame sent over a link.
type LinkControlFrame = strict union {
1: ack uint64;
2: message LinkControlMessage;
/// Control message sent over a link.
type LinkControlMessage = struct {
seq uint64;
payload LinkControlPayload;
/// Control message payload.
type LinkControlPayload = strict union {
/// Initial message.
1: introduction LinkIntroduction;
/// Configure some routes.
/// Since the complete routing table might be longer than can fit in one frame, it may take
/// multiple set_route messages to update a routing table. is_end will be set on the last frame
/// of a given update round to signify that the update is done.
2: set_route SetRoute;
/// Partial send of new routes.
type SetRoute = struct {
/// Is this the last SetRoute frame in an update?
is_end bool;
/// Routes to add to the route map being sent.
routes vector<Route>:MAX;
/// Update route visibility via a node.
type Route = struct {
/// Target node id that can be routed to via this peer.
destination NodeId;
/// Metrics associated with this route.
route_metrics RouteMetrics;
/// Metrics that may be used to determine the optimimum route for a packet.
type RouteMetrics = table {
/// Intermediate proposed path to the destination (used for loop prevention).
1: intermediate_hops vector<NodeId>:MAX;
/// Round trip time to the destination and back (in microseconds).
2: round_trip_time_us uint64;
/// Introduction data for a link - basic configuration stuff will go here.
type LinkIntroduction = table {
/// For IP based link protocols: the address of the receiver of this introduction, as observed
/// by the sender.
1: you_are;