| // Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| library fuchsia.media.drm; |
| |
| using fuchsia.media; |
| using fuchsia.mem; |
| |
| // Common initialization data formats. These are defined as strings rather than |
| // enums so as to not limit the types a ContentDecryptionModule may support. |
| const LICENSE_INIT_DATA_TYPE_CENC LicenseInitDataType = "cenc"; |
| const LICENSE_INIT_DATA_TYPE_KEYIDS LicenseInitDataType = "keyids"; |
| const LICENSE_INIT_DATA_TYPE_WEBM LicenseInitDataType = "webm"; |
| const LICENSE_INIT_DATA_TYPE_HLS LicenseInitDataType = "hls"; |
| |
| type LicenseSessionType = strict enum { |
| /// A session for which the license, keys, and record of the session are not |
| /// persisted. |
| TEMPORARY = 1; |
| /// A session for which the license, keys, and record of the session will be |
| /// persisted for offline use and can subsequently be loaded using |
| /// LoadSession(). |
| }; |
| |
| type LicenseMessageType = strict enum { |
| REQUEST = 1; |
| RENEWAL = 2; |
| RELEASE = 3; |
| }; |
| |
| type LicenseInitData = struct { |
| /// The type is a string that indicates the format of the accompanying init |
| /// data. Common types include "cenc", "keyids", "webm", and "hls". CDMs may |
| /// also define their own. |
| type LicenseInitDataType; |
| data bytes; |
| }; |
| |
| /// A message originating from the [`LicenseSession`] that the caller must route |
| /// to the license server. |
| type LicenseMessage = resource struct { |
| type LicenseMessageType; |
| message fuchsia.mem.Buffer; |
| }; |
| |
| /// A message originating from the license server that the caller must provide |
| /// to the [`LicenseSession`] via `ProcessLicenseServerMessage`. |
| type LicenseServerMessage = resource struct { |
| message fuchsia.mem.Buffer; |
| }; |
| |
| type KeyStatus = strict enum { |
| /// The key is currently usable for decryption. |
| USABLE = 0; |
| /// The Key is no longer usable for decryption because it has expired. |
| EXPIRED = 1; |
| /// The Key is no longer usable for decryption, but is still known to the |
| /// CDM. |
| RELEASED = 2; |
| /// The Key has output restrictions that cannot currently be met and may be |
| /// unusable for decryption. |
| /// The Key has output restrictions that cannot currently be met. The Key |
| /// may be usable for decryption with lower quality content. |
| /// The Key is not yet known or usable for decryption. |
| /// The Key is not usable for decryption because of an internal error. |
| }; |
| |
| type KeyState = table { |
| 1: key_id fuchsia.media.KeyId; |
| 2: status KeyStatus; |
| }; |
| |
| /// A protocol for exchanging messages pertaining to the establishment of a |
| /// media license and the encryption keys associated with it. |
| /// |
| /// If the client closes the `LicenseSession`, any derived Decryptors will also |
| /// be closed as the encryption keys will no longer be maintained. |
| protocol LicenseSession { |
| /// Indicates that the [`LicenseSession`] has successfully initialized. |
| /// |
| /// This is always the first message sent by the `LicenseSession`. |
| -> OnReady(); |
| |
| /// Generates a license request for a session based on the `init_data`. |
| /// |
| /// When the [`LicenseMessage`] has been created, the |
| /// `OnLicenseMessageGenerated` event will be triggered with the message to |
| /// be sent to the license server. |
| /// |
| /// + request `init_data` container-specific data that is used to generate a |
| /// [`LicenseMessageType.REQUEST`] `LicenseMessage`. |
| /// * error an [`Error`] indicating the reason for failure. |
| GenerateLicenseRequest(struct { |
| init_data LicenseInitData; |
| }) -> (struct {}) error Error; |
| |
| /// Initiates the release process for the license session. |
| /// |
| /// This will cause the [`LicenseSession`] to destroy the license and/or |
| /// keys associated with the session. If the session is temporary, the |
| /// session will send the reply for this request once the license has been |
| /// destroyed and then close the `LicenseSession` channel. If the session is |
| /// persistent, the session will send the reply for this request once the |
| /// license has been destroyed and then it will generate a license release |
| /// type [`LicenseMessage`] through the `OnLicenseMessageGenerated` event. |
| /// The client must route that message to the license server and the |
| /// server's response to `ProcessLicenseServerMessage`. Once the |
| /// `LicenseSession` has received the license server's reply, it will close |
| /// the `LicenseSession` channel. |
| /// |
| /// * error an [`Error`] indicating the reason for failure. |
| GenerateLicenseRelease() -> (struct {}) error Error; |
| |
| /// Updates the [`LicenseSession`] with a message from the license server. |
| /// |
| /// All responses from license requests, renewals, and releases should be |
| /// routed to the `LicenseSession` through this method. |
| /// |
| /// + request `response` a message from the license server to update the |
| /// state of the `LicenseSession`. |
| /// * error an [`Error`] indicating the reason for failure. |
| ProcessLicenseResponse(resource struct { |
| response LicenseServerMessage; |
| }) -> (struct {}) error Error; |
| |
| /// Creates a Decryptor [`fuchsia.media/StreamProcessor`] to be used to |
| /// decrypt content. |
| /// |
| /// This `decryptor` would be restricted to only having access to the |
| /// keys maintained by this [`LicenseSession`]. |
| /// |
| /// + request `params` the parameters with which to create the `decryptor`. |
| /// + request `decryptor` the server endpoint of the |
| /// `fuchsia.media/StreamProcessor`. |
| CreateDecryptor(resource struct { |
| params DecryptorParams; |
| decryptor server_end:fuchsia.media.StreamProcessor; |
| }); |
| |
| /// Provides a [`LicenseMessage`] that should be sent to the license server. |
| /// |
| /// The client is responsible for transporting this message to the license |
| /// server. |
| /// |
| /// - response `request` a message from the `LicenseSession` that the client |
| /// should send to the license server. |
| -> OnLicenseMessageGenerated(resource struct { |
| request LicenseMessage; |
| }); |
| |
| /// Provides updated key state information. |
| /// |
| /// Some examples on when this might occur would be on license creation, |
| /// expiration, renewal, or load of a persistent license session. |
| /// |
| /// - response `key_states` a list of the key_ids and their related |
| /// [`KeyStatusCode`]s |
| -> OnKeyStatesChanged(struct { |
| key_states vector<KeyState>:MAX; |
| }); |
| }; |