blob: 910667adfd5dbbb4ea1c7ab13c7342efc248076e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.identity.account;
using fuchsia.sys;
/// The maximum number of system accounts that may be simultaneously
/// provisioned on a device. This number may be increased in the future.
const MAX_ACCOUNTS_PER_DEVICE uint32 = 128;
/// The maximum number of personae that may be simultaneously defined within a
/// system account. This number may be increased in the future.
const MAX_PERSONAE_PER_ACCOUNT uint32 = 128;
/// The maximum length of the (UTF-8 encoded) human readable names, in bytes.
const MAX_NAME_SIZE uint32 = 128;
/// The maximum number of authentication mechanisms that can be registered
/// for a device.
const MAX_AUTH_MECHANISMS uint32 = 16;
/// The maximum number of authentication mechanism enrollments that may be
/// simultaneously defined within a Fuchsia account.
/// Provides an upper bound to how long an account can live on the device.
type Lifetime = strict enum : uint8 {
/// The account lives at the longest to the end of the power cycle it
/// was created in.
/// The account lives on the device until it is removed.
/// A unique identifier for a system account.
alias AccountId = uint64;
/// A unique identifier for a persona of an account.
/// The AccountId for an account cannot be derived from the PersonaId of its
/// personae.
alias PersonaId = uint64;
/// Specifies the reason that a fuchsia.identity.account method failed.
type Error = flexible enum {
/// Some other problem occurred that cannot be classified using one of the
/// more specific statuses. Retry is optional.
/// An internal error occurred. This usually indicates a bug within the
/// account system itself. Retry is optional.
/// The requested operation is not supported. This generally indicates that
/// implementation of a new feature is not yet complete. The request should
/// not be retried.
/// The request was malformed in some way, such as using an empty string for
/// auth_provider_type. The request should not be retried.
/// A local resource error occurred such as I/O, FIDL, or memory allocation
/// failure. Retry, after a delay, is recommended.
/// A network error occurred while communicating with an auth server.
/// Retry, after a delay, is recommended.
/// The requested account or persona is not present. The request should
/// not be retried.
/// The request cannot be processed due to an ongoing account or persona
/// removal. The removal is not guaranteed to suceed and so retry, after
/// a delay, is recommended.
/// The server is not in the state required to perform the requested
/// operation. The request should not be retried unless the server state
/// has been corrected before the retry.
/// The request cannot be processed due to a rejected authentication
/// attempt. User consent or input is required before any retry.
/// Basic data about a system account. These data are available even while an
/// account is locked.
type AccountMetadata = table {
/// A human-readable name for the account. Account names are set by a human
/// and are not guaranteed to be meaningful or unique, even among the
/// accounts on a single device.
1: name string:MAX_NAME_SIZE;
/// A Fuchsia component URI pointing to a component containing an authentication
/// mechanism. It acts as a unique, stable identifier representing an
/// authentication mechanism.
// TODO( Remove this type and the knowledge of implementation
// that it infers.
alias AuthMechanismId = fuchsia.sys.component_url;
/// Properties describing the authentication mechanism.
type AuthMechanismProperties = table {
/// A unique identifier for the authentication mechanism.
1: id AuthMechanismId;
/// If true, the authentication mechanism can be used for storage unlock.
2: storage_unlock bool;
/// An identifier for an enrollment of an authentication mechanism. It is
/// unique within an account and an authentication mechanism.
alias AuthMechanismEnrollmentId = uint64;
/// Metadata about an enrollment, such as a human readable name.
type AuthMechanismEnrollmentMetadata = table {
/// A unique identifier associated with the enrollment.
1: id AuthMechanismEnrollmentId;
/// A short text describing the enrollment, e.g. "right thumb" for a
/// fingerprint authenticator.
2: name string:MAX_NAME_SIZE;