blob: 4d48f7d5d6f2e42bb20a5f7652b1e883b45ad49f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO( Fix null safety and remove this language version.
// @dart=2.9
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:status/status.dart';
/// The path, relative to a Fuchsia checkout, where we expect to find the fx
/// executable.
const fxLocation = '.jiri_root/bin/fx';
class GNStatusParser {
final RegExp argsImportExtractor = RegExp('([^/]*)/([^/]*)\.gni');
Map gnTitles = {
'boards': 'Board',
'products': 'Product',
'universe_package_labels': [
'Universe packages',
'--with argument of `fx set`'
'base_package_labels': [
'Base packages',
'--with-base argument of `fx set`'
'cache_package_labels': [
'Cache packages',
'--with-cache argument of `fx set`'
'host_labels': ['Host labels', '--with-host argument of `fx set`'],
List<Item> parseGn({ProcessResult processResult}) {
if (processResult.exitCode != 0) {
// Ideally, in the line below, we would `throw Exception(...)` and catch it
// likewise up top, thought that is proving hard to format correctly in the test
// ignore: only_throw_errors
throw 'Unexpected error running fx gn: exit code ${processResult.exitCode}\n---- stderr output:\n${processResult.stderr}\n------';
} else {
String json = processResult.stdout;
List<Map<String, dynamic>> argsTree =
jsonDecode(json)['child'].cast<Map<String, dynamic>>().toList();
return collectFromTreeParser(BasicGnParser(argsTree));
List<Item> collectFromTreeParser(BasicGnParser parser) {
List<Item> results = [];
_addImportItems(parser, results);
_addDirectItems(parser, results);
_addCalculatedItems(parser, results);
return results;
void _addDirectItems(BasicGnParser parser, List<Item> appendTo) {
for (String key in parser.assignedVariables.keys) {
dynamic value = parser.assignedVariables[key];
var title = gnTitles[key];
if (title != null && (value is! List || value.isNotEmpty)) {
// ignore: avoid_init_to_null
var notes = null;
if (title is List<String>) {
title = gnTitles[key][0];
notes = gnTitles[key][1];
appendTo.add(Item(CategoryType.buildInfo, key, title, value, notes));
void _addImportItems(BasicGnParser parser, List<Item> appendTo) {
for (String importClause in parser.imports) {
Match m = argsImportExtractor.firstMatch(importClause);
if (m != null) {
var key =;
var title = gnTitles[key] ?? key;
Item(CategoryType.buildInfo, key, title,, importClause),
void _addCalculatedItems(BasicGnParser parser, List<Item> appendTo) {
// goma
bool isGomaEnabled = parser.assignedVariables['use_goma'] == 'true';
String gomaDir = parser.assignedVariables['goma_dir'];
appendTo.add(Item(CategoryType.buildInfo, 'goma', 'Goma',
isGomaEnabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled', gomaDir));
// release
bool isRelease = parser.assignedVariables['is_debug'] == 'false';
appendTo.add(Item(CategoryType.buildInfo, 'release', 'Is release?',
isRelease ? 'true' : 'false', '--release argument of `fx set`'));
class GNStatusChecker {
Future<ProcessResult> checkGn() async {
EnvReader envReader = EnvReader.shared;
/// Absolute path to the root of the Fuchsia checkout. Read from the
/// environment variable.
String fuchsiaDir = envReader.getEnv('FUCHSIA_DIR');
/// Path to the fx executable
String pathToFx = p.join(fuchsiaDir, fxLocation);
/// Absolute path to the build directory. Read from the environment variable.
String buildDir = envReader.getEnv('FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR');
/// Path to the
String pathToArgs = '$buildDir/';
pathToFx, ['gn', 'format', '--dump-tree=json', pathToArgs]);
class ArgsGnCollector implements Collector {
Future<List<Item>> collect({
GNStatusChecker statusChecker,
GNStatusParser statusParser,
}) async {
statusChecker ??= GNStatusChecker();
statusParser ??= GNStatusParser();
ProcessResult pr = await statusChecker.checkGn();
return statusParser.parseGn(processResult: pr);