blob: 91e124f2c9a1928129b5a4328f8269d3777e2c86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:fxtest/fxtest.dart';
import 'package:fxutils/fxutils.dart' as fxutils;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';
/// Container that holds enough information about a test to execute it and
/// report back on output / events.
class TestBundle {
/// Wrapper around the individual strings needed to run this test.
final TestDefinition testDefinition;
/// That which actually launches a process to run the test.
final TestRunner testRunner;
/// Certainty that this [TestBundle] was appropriately matched. A value of 1
/// means total confidence and a value of 0 means this [TestBundle] should
/// never have been created.
final double confidence;
final DirectoryBuilder directoryBuilder;
/// Sink for realtime updates from the running test process.
final Function(String)? _realtimeOutputSink;
/// Copy of all output, used to send to user when a timeout happens and
/// [_realtimeOutputSink] is null.
final StringBuffer _outputBuffer;
/// Sink for clock updates as a test runs, so the user's expectations can be
/// managed.
/// `Duration` is the test runtime, the first `String` is the test's
/// invocation command, and the second `String` is any output.
final Function(Duration, String, String) timeElapsedSink;
/// The directory from which our test assumes it was invoked.
final String workingDirectory;
/// Tokens to pass through to the test runners.
final List<String> runnerFlags;
/// Tokens to pass through to individual tests.
final List<String> extraFlags;
/// Environment variables to pass to the spawned process that runs our test.
final Map<String, String> environment;
/// Flag to disable actually running the test.
final bool isDryRun;
/// Flag to raise an exception on any test failure which will bubble all the
/// way up and halt suite execution. Useful when users want "fail-fast"
/// behavior.
final bool raiseOnFailure;
/// Optional. Path to fx. If provided, it replaces any 'fx' command.
final String? fxPath;
/// This will keep track if user doesn't want to restrict logs.
/// This is temporary till we fully implement new features to decentralize
/// log restricting list.
final bool shouldRestrictLogs;
/// Contains a parallel value specified by the user at invocation time if any.
/// Supercedes any parallel value stored in the test definition.
final String? parallelOverride;
/// Whether or not to use run-test-suite instead of ffx for running v2 tests.
final bool useRunTestSuite;
static bool hasDeviceTests(List<TestBundle> testBundles) {
return testBundles
.any((e) => !hostTestTypes.contains(e.testDefinition.testType));
/// Calculate the minimal set of build targets based on tests in [testBundles]
/// Returns null for a full build.
static Set<String> calculateMinimalBuildTargets(
TestsConfig testsConfig, List<TestBundle> testBundles) {
Set<String> targets = {};
for (var e in testBundles) {
switch (e.testDefinition.testType) {
case TestType.component:
case TestType.suite:
String? target = 'updates';
if (testsConfig.fxEnv.isFeatureEnabled('incremental')) {
if (e.testDefinition.packageLabel?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
target = fxutils.getBuildTarget(e.testDefinition.packageLabel);
} else if (e.testDefinition.label?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
target = fxutils.getBuildTarget(e.testDefinition.label);
if (target != null) targets.add(target);
case TestType.command:
if (e.testDefinition.path != null) {
case TestType.e2e:
// The presence of an e2e test requires a full build
return <String>{};
return targets;
this.testDefinition, {
required this.testRunner,
required this.timeElapsedSink,
required this.workingDirectory,
required this.confidence,
required this.directoryBuilder,
required this.parallelOverride,
required this.useRunTestSuite,
this.environment = const <String, String>{},
this.extraFlags = const [],
this.isDryRun = false,
this.raiseOnFailure = false,
this.shouldRestrictLogs = true,
this.runnerFlags = const [],
Function(String)? realtimeOutputSink,
}) : _realtimeOutputSink = realtimeOutputSink,
_outputBuffer = StringBuffer() {
if (confidence <= 0) {
throw AssertionError('Only confidence values above 0 are allowed');
if (confidence > 1) {
throw AssertionError('The maximum valid confidence value is 1');
required DirectoryBuilder directoryBuilder,
required TestDefinition testDefinition,
required TestsConfig testsConfig,
required Function(Duration, String, String) timeElapsedSink,
required TestRunner Function(TestsConfig) testRunnerBuilder,
required String workingDirectory,
double? confidence,
Function(String)? realtimeOutputSink,
String? fxPath,
}) {
List<String> _extraFlags = [];
// for component tests pass test arguments separated by option delimiter(--).
if (testDefinition.testType == TestType.component ||
testDefinition.testType == TestType.suite) {
if (testsConfig.testArguments.passThroughArgs.isNotEmpty) {
} else {
_extraFlags = testsConfig.testArguments.passThroughArgs;
return TestBundle(
confidence: confidence ?? 1,
directoryBuilder: directoryBuilder,
environment: testsConfig.environment,
extraFlags: _extraFlags,
isDryRun: testsConfig.flags.dryRun,
fxPath: fxPath,
raiseOnFailure: testsConfig.flags.shouldFailFast,
shouldRestrictLogs: testsConfig.flags.shouldRestrictLogs,
runnerFlags: testsConfig.runnerTokens[testDefinition.testType] ?? [],
realtimeOutputSink: realtimeOutputSink ?? (String val) => null,
testRunner: testRunnerBuilder(testsConfig),
timeElapsedSink: timeElapsedSink,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
parallelOverride: testsConfig.flags.parallel,
useRunTestSuite: testsConfig.flags.fallbackUseRunTestSuite,
Function(String) get realtimeOutputSink => (String val) {
if (_realtimeOutputSink != null) {
/// Invokes the actual test that this class wraps.
/// Returns a stream of test events that send feedback to the user.
Stream<TestEvent> run() async* {
var testType = testDefinition.testType;
var executionHandle = testDefinition.createExecutionHandle(
parallelOverride: parallelOverride,
useRunTestSuiteForV2: useRunTestSuite);
if (testType == TestType.unsupportedDeviceTest) {
yield UnrunnableTestEvent(executionHandle.handle);
var flags = [...runnerFlags];
// once we implement this feature fully we can remove --restrict-logs flag
// from fx test.
if (testDefinition.maxLogSeverity != null && shouldRestrictLogs) {
switch (testType) {
case TestType.component:
case TestType.suite:
CommandTokens commandTokens = executionHandle.getInvocationTokens(flags);
// Unparsed tests imply a major problem with `fx test`, so we
// definitely want to throw an exception
if (commandTokens.tokens.isEmpty) {
throw UnrunnableTestException(
'Failed to determine run context for test:\n$testDefinition',
// Defer this check to now (as opposed to when the test is compiled), so the
// feedback can be synced to when tests are executed.
if (commandTokens.warning != null && commandTokens.warning != '') {
yield TestInfo(commandTokens.warning!);
String fullCommandDisplay = commandTokens.fullCommandDisplay(extraFlags);
yield TestStarted(
testDefinition: testDefinition,
command: fullCommandDisplay,
if (isDryRun) {
yield TestResult.skipped(testName: fullCommandDisplay);
if (testDefinition.isE2E) {
yield* _runTestWithStopwatch(commandTokens, fullCommandDisplay);
Stream<TestEvent> _runTestWithStopwatch(
CommandTokens commandTokens,
String fullCommandDisplay,
) async* {
var start =;
Completer timingEvents = Completer();
Duration(milliseconds: 100),
(Timer timer) {
if (timingEvents.isCompleted) {
} else {
TestResult result = await _runTest(commandTokens, fullCommandDisplay);
if (!timingEvents.isCompleted) {
// ffx returns a ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE code if it could not connect to test
// manager. This indicates some issue with the setup and isn't retriable.
if (result.exitCode == -ZX.ERR_UNAVAILABLE) {
yield FatalError('Could not run ${}');
throw TestFrameworkUnavailableError();
} else {
yield result;
if (raiseOnFailure && result.exitCode != 0) {
throw FailFastException();
Future<TestResult> _runTest(
CommandTokens commandTokens,
String fullCommandDisplay,
) async {
var start =;
ProcessResult result = await
environment: environment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
return TestResult(
command: fullCommandDisplay,
exitCode: result.exitCode,
message: result.exitCode == 0
? result.stdout
: _formatError(
String _addFxPath(String cmd) {
return cmd == 'fx' && fxPath != null ? fxPath! : cmd;
String _formatError(String cmd, ProcessResult result) {
List<String> resultStdout = result.stdout != ''
? [...result.stdout.split('\n'), '\n']
.where((var val) => val != '')
: [];
return [
void _createE2eDirectory() {
if (!environment.containsKey('FUCHSIA_TEST_OUTDIR') ||
environment['FUCHSIA_TEST_OUTDIR'] == null ||
environment['FUCHSIA_TEST_OUTDIR'] == '') {
throw Exception(
'`FUCHSIA_TEST_OUTDIR` environment variable must be set when running e2e tests.');
recursive: true,
String toString() => [
' testName: ${}',
' testType: ${testDefinition.testType}',
' extraFlags: $extraFlags',
' runnerFlags: $runnerFlags',