blob: ad973584906419e976482b0086db47fdfa75f9ac [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates a virtual device specification JSON from a product and board
# definition.
# There is normally a single such target in the build graph that generates
# metadata for the currently active board/product. The resulting metadata is
# uploaded to the artifact repository.
# A release builder subsequently fetches all available device profiles metadata
# and incorporates them into the single SDK release artifact.
# Parameters
# name(required)
# The name or identifier of the device. This name will be referenced from
# the product bundle metadata.
# testonly (optional)
# visibility (optional)
# Standard GN meaning.
# GN args pulled from build environment
# emu_window_size_width (optional)
# The emulator window size width. Defaults to 1280.
# Defined in //build/product.gni.
# emu_window_size_height (optional)
# The emulator window size height. Defaults to 800.
# Defined in //build/product.gni.
# board_description (optional)
# The human readable board description corresponding to the board name.
# Defaults to "". Defined in //build/board.gni.
# target_cpu
# Standard GN meaning.
template("virtual_device_specification") {
assert(defined(, "Device name is required.")
# This is the most recent schema.
schema_file = "virtual_device-93A41932.json"
schema_target = "//build/sdk/meta/${schema_file}"
# Schema ID must match the schema file.
schema_id = "${schema_file}"
template_output = "${target_out_dir}/emulator_flags.json.template"
template_target = "${target_name}_copy_template_file"
emu_window_size = {
height = 800
width = 1280
units = "pixels"
if (emu_window_size_width != false) {
assert(emu_window_size_width > 0,
"The window width must be > 0 in order to be visible")
emu_window_size.width = emu_window_size_width
if (emu_window_size_height != false) {
assert(emu_window_size_height > 0,
"The window height must be > 0 in order to be visible")
emu_window_size.height = emu_window_size_height
file_contents = {
schema_id = schema_id
data = {
type = "virtual_device"
name =
description = board_description
hardware = {
cpu = {
arch = target_cpu
audio = {
model = "hda"
inputs = {
# Touch is the default to avoid issues with mouse capture
# especially with cloudtops.
pointing_device = "touch"
window_size = emu_window_size
memory = {
quantity = 8192
units = "megabytes"
storage = {
quantity = 2
units = "gigabytes"
ports = {
ssh = 22
mdns = 5353
debug = 2345
# TODO( remove once solution is available.
start_up_args_template = rebase_path(template_output, root_build_dir)
output = "${target_gen_dir}/virtual_device.json"
generator_target = "${target_name}_json_generator"
generated_file(generator_target) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
contents = file_contents
output_conversion = "json"
outputs = [ output ]
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "virtual_device"
path = rebase_path(output, root_build_dir)
type = "manifest"
copy(template_target) {
sources = [ "//src/developer/ffx/plugins/emulator/templates/emulator_flags.json.template" ]
outputs = [ template_output ]
metadata = {
images = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = "emulator_flags"
path = rebase_path(template_output, root_build_dir)
type = "manifest"
validator_target = "${target_name}_json_validator"
validate_json(validator_target) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
data = output
deps = [ ":${generator_target}" ]
schema = schema_target
sources = [
# Included schemata.
allow_comments = true
group(target_name) {
deps = [