blob: d73c5bc4c87a02f869d917640a57f7a7549b23a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a very basic library to write out ABR boot partitions in the format described
// at //src/firmware/lib/abr/include/lib/abr/data.h
package main
import (
type BootPartition int
const (
BOOT_A BootPartition = iota
const (
abrMaxPriority = 15
abrMaxTriesRemaining = 7
func AbrMagic() [4]uint8 {
return [4]uint8{0, 'A', 'B', '0'}
type AbrSlotData struct {
priority uint8
tries_remaining uint8
successful_boot uint8
reserved [1]uint8
type AbrData struct {
magic [4]uint8
version_major uint8
version_minor uint8
reserved1 [2]uint8
slot_data [2]AbrSlotData
one_shot_recovery_boot uint8
reserved2 [11]uint8
crc uint32
func makeAbrHeader(partition BootPartition) (*AbrData, error) {
data := &AbrData{
magic: AbrMagic(),
version_major: 2,
version_minor: 1,
// Give both slots max tries remaining.
data.slot_data[0].tries_remaining = abrMaxTriesRemaining
data.slot_data[1].tries_remaining = abrMaxTriesRemaining
// Figure out how we should boot. We mark both slots as bootable,
// but set the selected slot to have the highest priority.
switch partition {
case BOOT_A:
data.slot_data[0].priority = abrMaxPriority
data.slot_data[1].priority = 1
case BOOT_B:
data.slot_data[1].priority = abrMaxPriority
data.slot_data[0].priority = 1
// Mark both slots as unbootable.
data.slot_data[0].priority = 0
data.slot_data[1].priority = 0
var buffer bytes.Buffer
err := binary.Write(&buffer, binary.BigEndian, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Remove the 4 CRC bytes from the CRC calculation.
buffer.Truncate(int(unsafe.Sizeof(AbrData{}) - 4))
data.crc = crc32.ChecksumIEEE(buffer.Bytes())
return data, nil
func WriteAbr(partition BootPartition, file io.Writer) error {
data, err := makeAbrHeader(partition)
if err != nil {
return err
return binary.Write(file, binary.BigEndian, data)