blob: 7bcc13e8fe7fd4251a22af842b4dcad373238578 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
// fragmentMethodResponseContextTmpl contains the definition for
// fidl::WireResponseContext<Method>.
const fragmentMethodResponseContextTmpl = `
{{- define "MethodResponseContextDeclaration" }}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
{{- IfdefFuchsia }}
class {{ .WireResponseContext }} : public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
{{ .WireResponseContext.Self }}();
virtual void OnReply({{ .WireResponse }}* message) = 0;
void OnReply(uint8_t* reply) override;
{{- EndifFuchsia }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "MethodResponseContextDefinition" }}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
{{- IfdefFuchsia }}
{{ .WireResponseContext }}::{{ .WireResponseContext.Self }}()
: ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext({{ .WireResponse }}::Type, {{ .OrdinalName }}) {}
void {{ .WireResponseContext }}::OnReply(uint8_t* reply) {
OnReply(reinterpret_cast<{{ .WireResponse }}*>(reply));
{{- EndifFuchsia }}
{{- end }}