blob: 67a8bff177c57dcac9400c334985ef02c2cbb930 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This makes the export method more readable.
// ignore_for_file: cascade_invocations
/// Utility to create and export simple directed graphs.
class Graph {
final Map<String, Node> _nodes = <String, Node>{};
final Map<Node, Set<Node>> _edges = <Node, Set<Node>>{};
int _nextId = 0;
Node _root;
int get nodeCount => _nodes.length;
/// Returns or creates a node with the given [label].
Node getNode(String label) =>
_nodes.putIfAbsent(label, () => Node._internal(label, _nextId++));
/// Sets the graph's root node.
set root(Node node) {
if (!_nodes.containsValue(node)) {
throw Exception('Unknown node: $node');
_root = node;
/// Inserts a new edge.
void addEdge({Node from, Node to}) =>
_edges.putIfAbsent(from, () => <Node>{}).add(to);
/// Removes and returns all singletons from the graph.
List<Node> removeSingletons() {
final List<Node> singletons = _nodes.values
.where((Node node) =>
!_edges.containsKey(node) &&
_edges.values.every((Set<Node> nodes) => !nodes.contains(node)))
for (Node node in singletons) {
return singletons;
/// Returns the nodes which do not have a parent.
List<Node> get orphans => _nodes.values
.where((Node node) =>
node != _root &&
_edges.values.every((Set<Node> nodes) => !nodes.contains(node)))
/// Computes the depth of each node starting on the root.
Map<Node, int> _computeDepths() {
final Map<Node, int> levels = <Node, int>{};
void addLevel(int level, List<Node> nodes) {
if (nodes.isEmpty) {
final List<Node> next = <Node>[];
for (Node node in nodes) {
if (levels.containsKey(node)) {
levels[node] = level;
if (_edges.containsKey(node)) {
addLevel(level + 1, next);
addLevel(0, <Node>[_root]);
return levels;
/// Creates a string representation of this graph in the DOT format.
void export(String name, StringSink out) {
const List<String> colors = <String>[
final Map<Node, int> levels = _computeDepths();
..writeln('digraph $name {')
..writeln('edge [arrowhead="none", arrowtail="none"];');
for (Node n in _nodes.values) {
final String color =
levels.containsKey(n) ? colors[levels[n] % colors.length] : '#ffffff';
'${} [label="${n.label}", style="filled", fillcolor="$color"];');
if (_root != null) {
for (Node from in _edges.keys) {
for (Node to in _edges[from]) {
if (!levels.containsKey(from) ||
!levels.containsKey(to) ||
levels[from] < levels[to]) {
out.writeln('${} -> ${};');
/// A node in the graph.
class Node {
/// The node's id.
final int id;
/// The node's label.
final String label;
String toString() => label;
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is Node && == id;
int get hashCode => id;