blob: fc420d6d1b9fb3c09c938cd733bda9742ae0a58a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines an SDK element containing a host tool binary.
# Parameters
# deps (required)
# A single element list containing the GN label that builds the host tool
# binary.
# output_name (optional)
# Name of the host tool binary, if different than the name of the binary GN label. For
# example, many rustc_binary targets have the name ":bin" and set their own
# `output_name` parameter -- this should be that same name.
# description (optional)
# Description of the host tool to be included in the element's metadata. If
# omitted, defaults to "$output_name host tool for $output_toolchain.".
template("host_tool_sdk_element") {
assert(defined(invoker.deps), "Must define deps.")
gn_deps = invoker.deps
binary = gn_deps[0]
if (defined(invoker.output_name) && invoker.output_name != "") {
output_name = invoker.output_name
} else {
output_name = get_label_info(binary, "name")
if (defined(invoker.description)) {
description = invoker.description
} else {
output_toolchain = get_label_info(binary, "toolchain")
description = "$output_name host tool for $output_toolchain."
output_base = get_label_info(binary, "root_out_dir")
sdk_element(target_name) {
deps = gn_deps
schema = {
source = "//sdk/schema/sdk/host_tool-f8025966.json"
meta = {
contents = {
schema_id = ""
data = {
name = output_name
element_type = "host_tool"
description = description
host_os = current_os
host_arch = current_cpu
contents = {
binary = output_name
dest = "${output_name}_sdk_metadata.json"
files = [
source = "$output_base/$output_name"
dest = output_name