Legacy Test Runner

Reviewed on: 2021-08-11

Legacy test runner is a test runner that launches a wrapped legacy test component in a new hermetic enclosing environment.


fx set core.x64 --with //src/sys/test_runners/legacy_test_runner
fx build

Wrapping legacy tests

To wrap your legacy test, add legacy manifest file path to your program.legacy_manifest along with necessary shards:


    include: [
    program: {
        legacy_manifest: "meta/simple_test.cmx",

Then change your BUILD.gn to create a new component and add it as a test to your package:

fuchsia_test_component("simple_test_legacy") {
  component_name = "simple_test"
  manifest = "meta/simple_test.cmx"
  deps = [ ":simple_test_bin" ]

fuchsia_test_component("simple_test_modern") {
  component_name = "simple_test"
  manifest = "meta/simple_test.cml"

fuchsia_package("simple_test") {
  testonly = true
  test_component =[ ":simple_test_modern" ]
  deps = [
    ":simple_test_legacy", # simple_test_legacy is no longer added as "test_component".


The legacy test is treated as one test case and run as such, so there is no concept of concurrency. If you want to control concurrency of test cases in your legacy test, pass the appropriate option as an argument.

For example to run your rust test with concurrency of 5 run:

fx test <test> -- --test-threads=5

Note: This test runner will ignore --parallel flag passed using this guide.


See passing arguments to learn more.


  • Cannot run legacy tests which execute in sys realm.
  • use declarations are not supported except for the following protocols: Log, LogSink, ArchiveAccessor



fx test legacy-test-runner-integration-test
fx test legacy-test-runner-integration-test

Source layout

The entry point is located in main.cc, the FIDL service implementation and all the test logic exists other source files. Integration tests are located in tests folder.