blob: 317eeda0d1d0234c1c1587ca77575b4d761aa24d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <lib/fit/thread_safety.h>
#include <mutex>
#include "bridge.h"
namespace fpromise {
// A sequencer imposes a first-in-first-out sequential execution order onto a
// sequence of promises. Each successively enqueued promise remains suspended
// until all previously enqueued promises complete or are abandoned.
// |fpromise::sequencer| is designed to be used either on its own or chained
// onto a promise using |fpromise::promise::wrap_with()|.
// // This wrapper type is intended to be applied to
// // a sequence of promises so we store it in a variable.
// fpromise::sequencer seq;
// // This task consists of some amount of work that must be
// // completed sequentially followed by other work that can
// // happen in any order. We use |wrap_with()| to wrap the
// // sequential work with the sequencer.
// fpromise::promise<> perform_complex_task() {
// return fpromise::make_promise([] { /* do sequential work */ })
// .then([] (fpromise::result<>& result) { /* this will also be wrapped */ })
// .wrap_with(seq)
// .then([] (fpromise::result<>& result) { /* do more work */ });
// }
class sequencer final {
// Returns a new promise which will invoke |promise| after all previously
// enqueued promises on this sequencer have completed or been abandoned.
// This method is thread-safe.
template <typename Promise>
decltype(auto) wrap(Promise promise) {
fpromise::bridge<> bridge;
fpromise::consumer<> prior = swap_prior(std::move(bridge.consumer));
return prior.promise_or(fpromise::ok()).then(
[promise = std::move(promise), completer = std::move(bridge.completer)](
fpromise::context& context, const fpromise::result<>&) mutable {
// This handler will run once the completer associated
// with the |prior| promise is abandoned. Once the promise
// has finished, both the promise and completer will be
// destroyed thereby causing the next promise chained onto
// the |bridge|'s associated consumer to become runnable.
return promise(context);
sequencer(const sequencer&) = delete;
sequencer(sequencer&&) = delete;
sequencer& operator=(const sequencer&) = delete;
sequencer& operator=(sequencer&&) = delete;
fpromise::consumer<> swap_prior(fpromise::consumer<> new_prior);
std::mutex mutex_;
// Holds the consumption capability of the most recently wrapped promise.
fpromise::consumer<> prior_ FIT_GUARDED(mutex_);
} // namespace fpromise