blob: df3ece4e75adda3e4000838a7a6d4b965e2f2c5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/variant.h>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace fpromise {
// Represents the intermediate state of a result that has not yet completed.
struct pending_result final {};
// Returns an value that represents a pending result.
constexpr inline pending_result pending() { return pending_result{}; }
// Represents the result of a successful task.
template <typename V = void>
struct ok_result final {
using value_type = V;
explicit constexpr ok_result(V value) : value(std::move(value)) {}
V value;
template <>
struct ok_result<void> {
using value_type = void;
// Wraps the result of a successful task as an |ok_result<T>|.
template <typename V>
constexpr inline ok_result<V> ok(V value) {
return ok_result<V>(std::move(value));
constexpr inline ok_result<> ok() { return ok_result<>{}; }
// Represents the result of a failed task.
template <typename E = void>
struct error_result final {
using error_type = E;
explicit constexpr error_result(E error) : error(std::move(error)) {}
E error;
template <>
struct error_result<void> {
using error_type = void;
// Wraps the result of a failed task as an |error_result<T>|.
template <typename E>
constexpr inline error_result<E> error(E error) {
return error_result<E>(std::move(error));
constexpr inline error_result<> error() { return error_result<>{}; }
// Describes the status of a task's result.
enum class result_state {
// The task is still in progress.
// The task completed successfully.
// The task failed.
// Represents the result of a task which may have succeeded, failed,
// or still be in progress.
// Use |fpromise::pending()|, |fpromise::ok<T>()|, or |fpromise::error<T>| to initialize
// the result.
// |V| is the type of value produced when the completes successfully.
// Defaults to |void|.
// |E| is the type of error produced when the completes with an error.
// Defaults to |void|.
// fpromise::result<int, std::string> divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
// if (divisor == 0)
// return fpromise::error<std::string>("divide by zero");
// return fpromise::ok(dividend / divisor);
// }
// int try_divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
// auto result = divide(dividend, divisor);
// if (result.is_ok()) {
// printf("%d / %d = %d\n", dividend, divisor, result.value());
// return result.value();
// }
// printf("%d / %d: ERROR %s\n", dividend, divisor, result.error().c_str());
// return -999;
// }
// fpromise::result<> open(std::string secret) {
// printf("guessing \"%s\"\n", secret.c_str());
// if (secret == "sesame") {
// return fpromise::ok();
// puts("yes!");
// }
// puts("no.");
// return fpromise::error();
// }
// bool guess_combination() {
// return open("friend") || open("sesame") || open("I give up");
// }
template <typename V = void, typename E = void>
class result final {
using value_type = V;
using error_type = E;
// Creates a pending result.
constexpr result() = default;
constexpr result(pending_result) {}
// Creates an ok result.
constexpr result(ok_result<V> result) : state_(cpp17::in_place_index<1>, std::move(result)) {}
template <typename OtherV, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<V, OtherV>::value>>
constexpr result(ok_result<OtherV> other)
: state_(cpp17::in_place_index<1>, fpromise::ok<V>(std::move(other.value))) {}
// Creates an error result.
constexpr result(error_result<E> result) : state_(cpp17::in_place_index<2>, std::move(result)) {}
template <typename OtherE, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<E, OtherE>::value>>
constexpr result(error_result<OtherE> other)
: state_(cpp17::in_place_index<2>, fpromise::error<E>(std::move(other.error))) {}
// Copies another result (if copyable).
result(const result& other) = default;
// Moves from another result, leaving the other one in a pending state.
result(result&& other) noexcept : state_(std::move(other.state_)) { other.reset(); }
~result() = default;
// Returns the state of the task's result: pending, ok, or error.
constexpr result_state state() const { return static_cast<result_state>(state_.index()); }
// Returns true if the result is not pending.
constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return !is_pending(); }
// Returns true if the task is still in progress.
constexpr bool is_pending() const { return state() == result_state::pending; }
// Returns true if the task succeeded.
constexpr bool is_ok() const { return state() == result_state::ok; }
// Returns true if the task failed.
constexpr bool is_error() const { return state() == result_state::error; }
// Gets the result's value.
// Asserts that the result's state is |fpromise::result_state::ok|.
template <typename R = V, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<R>::value>>
constexpr R& value() {
return cpp17::get<1>(state_).value;
template <typename R = V, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<R>::value>>
constexpr const R& value() const {
return cpp17::get<1>(state_).value;
// Takes the result's value, leaving it in a pending state.
// Asserts that the result's state is |fpromise::result_state::ok|.
template <typename R = V, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<R>::value>>
R take_value() {
auto value = std::move(cpp17::get<1>(state_).value);
return value;
ok_result<V> take_ok_result() {
auto result = std::move(cpp17::get<1>(state_));
return result;
// Gets a reference to the result's error.
// Asserts that the result's state is |fpromise::result_state::error|.
template <typename R = E, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<R>::value>>
constexpr R& error() {
return cpp17::get<2>(state_).error;
template <typename R = E, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<R>::value>>
constexpr const R& error() const {
return cpp17::get<2>(state_).error;
// Takes the result's error, leaving it in a pending state.
// Asserts that the result's state is |fpromise::result_state::error|.
template <typename R = E, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<R>::value>>
R take_error() {
auto error = std::move(cpp17::get<2>(state_).error);
return error;
error_result<E> take_error_result() {
auto result = std::move(cpp17::get<2>(state_));
return result;
// Assigns from another result (if copyable).
result& operator=(const result& other) = default;
// Moves from another result, leaving the other one in a pending state.
result& operator=(result&& other) {
state_ = std::move(other.state_);
return *this;
// Swaps results.
void swap(result& other) { state_.swap(other.state_); }
void reset() { state_.template emplace<0>(); }
cpp17::variant<cpp17::monostate, ok_result<V>, error_result<E>> state_;
template <typename V, typename E>
void swap(result<V, E>& a, result<V, E>& b) {
} // namespace fpromise